The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

I'm thinking 2nd round to the Cowboys. Him and Dooley meet again

I don't think so much a renewal with Dooley, but I think he is another Romo. Big arm and tools but no big game. I have been comparing him to Romo for two years. I think he is a reach before the 4th round.
Lightning-quick release, ability to make every throw on the field, excellent pocket awareness--all things that can't be taught.

He lacks in some intangilbe areas but the kid has absolute, serious talent throwing the football. Needs an attitude adjustment and some motivation.

I hope the right/best situation finds him and he makes ample use of the opportunity.

I say 2nd-3rd round.
I think he moves up to the middle of the 2nd round. A good team with not a lot of holes would be dumb to pass on his arm then. Remember, Bray had an opportunity to be an early 1st rounder if he stayed. Scouts can see the potential.

It takes a lot more than an arm to find success in the NFL. Bray is a long shot for anyone who gambles on him. Unless his mental abilities catch up to his cannon, I doubt you'll see him on Sunday.
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I hope Bray has a great career and shuts all of your dumb asses up.

Foster will never make it in the league either.
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Dude, no way Bray goes anywhere the first day. Most of his stats are padded because he has HAD 3 first day receivers to throw to. Da'Rick will go in the first 2 rounds as will CP and Hunter. I hope he succeeds but I just do not think he will. Truth be told here he only has a big arm and isn't smart with the ball when it matters most.
I've never "liked" a post and never said where he'd go. But I do feel bad for him and all the other players who had to endure your hero as their head coach.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I feel bad for any kid who is/was blessed enough to have the chance to get education while playing in the SEC. Poor things. How do they ever survive?

Who is my "hero"???
I can't think of a better situation for Bray than to get drafted by New England and get his head straightened out by Belichick while backing up Brady for a few years. Otherwise, I don't expect him to have anything near a long career in the NFL. But yes, he will get drafted because the NFL is starved for QBs and his size and arm strength are very similar to Joe Flacco.
Late 2nd to 3rd. They were talking the other day on Sirius NFL about the possiblity of Ryan Mallet being traded and that New England could be a spot for him.
I would like to see the Titans draft him with one of the supposed 3rd Rd compensatory picks, we have. Or trade for Mallet. They are very similar and would be great insurance in case Locker proves to be a bust. In my mind, Locker is a bust at this point, and should be viewed as such by the Titans' staff, until he proves otherwise. I understand you have Hasselbeck, but he is no longer starting material.

I think Dallas would also be a great option for Bray. Let him be groomed behind Romo and viewed as a prospective successor, if Romo doesn't step up his game this year.
QBs always go higher than they should, and with Brays arm and gawdy stats will overshadow his undeveloped leadership skills and winning percentage. i say 2 or 3rd round. great potential if he finds the right fit
He'll win a free trip to Disneyland for being the last guy drafted, LOL.

Realistically he should go in the 5th round.

Fact is somebody will think they can get his head on straight and stop him from throwing beer bottles at cars so I expect him to go late 3rd or early 4th round like others believe.


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