The Virginia Gov race

25% in

Youngkin 52
McAuliffe 47
Got to look at what counties are coming in first. They're already saying Fairfax (blue) is going to be delayed, so that's going to be where they fire up the old machine.

The hope is some red areas do the right thing and just hold their reporting until "delayed" counties come in.
Got to look at what counties are coming in first. They're already saying Fairfax (blue) is going to be delayed, so that's going to be where they fire up the old machine.

The hope is some red areas do the right thing and just hold their reporting until "delayed" counties come in.

Brilliant...Mexican standoff
I've seen this song and dance before. They're just going to come up with the votes to make up the difference.
They've already laid the groundwork. Saying any "votes" that come in before Friday can be counted, counties having "delays". It's the same story. This time I think people are ready.
Those results will change drastically at about....oh....3am in the morning when the trucks run.
Must have people watching this stuff and sitting along side, inside and out watching this stuff to be counted everywhere, every second, and every minute no matter how long it takes.
Must have people watching this stuff and sitting along side, inside and out watching this stuff to be counted everywhere, every second, and every minute no matter how long it takes.
Do you not remember the multiple states where observers were removed and counting continued with only one party present?
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They've already laid the groundwork. Saying any "votes" that come in before Friday can be counted, counties having "delays". It's the same story. This time I think people are ready.
The courts laid the groundwork for these kinds of shenanigans before the Presidential election last year.

I expect a similar outcome to 2020 in this election.

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