The Virginia Gov race

A minute too early. The post above yours talks about their midnight strategy...

Could be - will be hard with 19% to go in Fairfax and need 200k extra votes. It takes time to manufacture completed ballots, which is why its usually done ahead of time. Problem is when you didn't create enough. Mind you, its not something you can do broad barrel, you need to figure out who would not have otherwise voted (dead, moved, inactive, etc) so that there are no (or but few) challenges.

I don't think so though. This isn't the same team that did 2020. Too sloppy on messaging, etc. Can't have all polling show McAullife down or people wont accept manipulated results. 2020 crew was funded per Molly Hemingway by about $500M from the Zuck. That kind of team will have sharp, very savvy people who would have done better.
Think the margin will be north of 5% only blue county left counting is Fairfax and they are at 87% so about 50k more votes there
We'll see how quickly that gets fixed, or not. May find it's not a partisan issue after all.
NO politician will even scratch the surface of solving this problem. It extends WAY, WAY further than the issues at the ports. Biden showed how stupid he was by saying he would fix the problem.
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On the GOP side in the "professional political class", I think you will hear a lot of calls for Trumpism without the extra divisiveness of Trump himself and will use the big win in VA as evidence of Trump principles without Trump personality.

This is correct. Republicans win in a landslide if Trump doesn’t run.
This is correct. Republicans win in a landslide if Trump doesn’t run.

Problem is that there are no candidates I can think of that have Trump's hutzpah or his excellent read of the public mood. Joe sixpack sees them all as swamp creatures. DeSantis is probably the most likely to be able to capture Trump's voters and excitement if Trump for some reason doesnt run.

One thing is certain - the spending bill is DOA. No way that Joe Machin signs anything right now.
Much of it is. Anti fossil fuels, prolonged govt assistance, etc contributing to the issues.
These are big issues, but they don’t even scratch the surface of the supply chain problems. The issues at the ports are important, but the supply chain was a disaster for many months before the issues at the ports really started to ratchet up.
I’m wondering if the Dems just fixed the election results for Knoxville’s city council race. 6 districts and the incumbents (all progressives) all won by nearly identical margins.
Problem is that there are no candidates I can think of that have Trump's hutzpah or his excellent read of the public mood. Joe sixpack sees them all as swamp creatures. DeSantis is probably the most likely to be able to capture Trump's voters and excitement if Trump for some reason doesnt run.

One thing is certain - the spending bill is DOA. No way that Joe Machin signs anything right now.
Republicans don’t need Trump in 2024. The threat of another 4 years of this socialist nightmare will drive Republicans and Independents to the polls in droves to elect the Republican presidential candidate.
I’m wondering if the Dems just fixed the election results for Knoxville’s city council race. 6 districts and the incumbents (all progressives) all won by nearly identical margins.

That's just the reality of Knoxville I'm afraid.
"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."


Always remember that it's the person, not the party.
"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."


Always remember that it's the person, not the party.
Used to be that way. Now one party is possessed by pure unadulterated evil. (A party I have voted for in the past by the way)
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