The Virginia Gov race

Will encourage GOPers across the country.

Dems need to revamp their message and get away from career politicians.

The divide deepens.
The Democrat problem isn’t “career politicians”. The problem is their platform. It ain’t the messenger, it is is the message. But keep living in denial, it makes our job SO MUCH EASIER.
The Democrat problem isn’t “career politicians”. The problem is their platform. It ain’t the messenger, it is is the message. But keep living in denial, it makes our job SO MUCH EASIER.
Again, when your "moderates" are outright claiming the state owns the rights to children and their education, you've got big problems.
Rand Paul has all the charisma of a common house plant. That’s never going to happen.
It likely won’t. But that being so is an indictment on us all. It shows how un discerning most voters are. It’s a sad reality. The fact that charisma is such a deciding factor is how we end up with idiots like Bush, Obama and that senile tyrant we currently have.
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Does this mean the Lee statue is coming back?
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Will encourage GOPers across the country.

Dems need to revamp their message and get away from career politicians.

The divide deepens.

I'd argue the divide is lessened - clearly we are seeing people that voted Dem switching to what they see as better candidates. That indicates they are voting issues rather than party.

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