The Virginia Gov race


What does Jon Voight have to do with this?
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It likely won’t. But that being so is an indictment on us all. It shows how un discerning most voters are. It’s a sad reality. The fact that charisma is such a deciding factor is how we end up with idiots like Bush, Obama and that senile tyrant we currently have.
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"MSNBC is currently going through the 7 stages of grief on an endless loop in real time," radio host Buck Sexton tweeted. "It’s great, highly recommend."

"If you want to give yourself a treat, turn on MSNBC," Ann Coulter tweeted as results began to favor Republicans in key races.

National Review critic Kyle Smith declared, "Every conservative I know is watching MSNBC."

Pundit Stephen L. Miller joked, "It's early yet but MSNBC is pulling a bit ahead in the election meltdown. Still waiting for returns from some of CNN's more loyal viewers and the late night returns but Joy Reid looks to be pulling away early. Still too close to call though."

Meghan McCain added, "MSNBC is on nothing short of an emotional journey to Narnia tonight."

Twitter roasts MSNBC for Election Night meltdown
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Never underestimate the dems ability to manufacture votes. Bunch of mail in votes still unaccounted for.

If the Ds win VA, then yeah, its a fraud. A guy isn't going to perform over the baseline needed to win in over 95% of the precincts to date and then vastly underperform the last 5%.

This isn't like GA where Biden slightly outperformed the baseline needed to win all night and finally pulled ahead once ATL got counted.

You will likely see the same in NJ. The R has outperformed but is still slightly under the baseline needed to win. Once the rest of the NJ urban voters come in, Murphy will likely win in a close race
Rand Paul has all the charisma of a common house plant. That’s never going to happen.
If we can't elect someone interested in fiscal responsibility we are doomed anyway. Doomed in 30 years instead of 10 depending on the choice but things cannot continue the way they have under the last 3 presidents.
If we can't elect someone interested in fiscal responsibility we are doomed anyway. Doomed in 30 years instead of 10 depending on the choice but things cannot continue the way they have under the last 3 presidents.
The last quality candidate the Republicans have nominated for president was George Herbert Walker Bush. George H. W. Bush screwed up with his “Read my lips” quote, but he was the last really intelligent, exceptionally qualified candidate the Republicans have nominated. We’ve had nothing but dumbasses, arrogant assholes (with quality policies but zero bedside manner), RINO’s or political lightweights since then.
…with a capital “C”? I’m missing your point apparently.
Personally, I don't care about charisma. But I've began to warm to the idea that culture drives politics and not the other way around. Part of that means having charismatic candidates, I suppose. I just think issues should be driving people, not charisma.
Never underestimate the dems ability to manufacture votes. Bunch of mail in votes still unaccounted for.

Depending on who got those mail-in ballots and whether or not they gave surrogates info on returns then you never know. Dem's are currently in charge of the state.
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