The Virginia Gov race

The Democrats got what they deserved. Their agenda is too radical, and middle America is making them pay for forgetting them.
MSNBC finally accidentally stumbled upon a way to increase viewership last night. The number of Republicans who tuned in just to watch in total Schadenfreude at the liberal sadness was probably some sort of record. It was my FAVORITE channel to watch last night 😂😂😂😂
They are still at it this morning. Everyone’s fault except the Democratic ideas and candidates. Hilarious
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I get the feeling the democrat party still won't understand after this defeat. They will double down on stupid. I was flipping the channels this morning to collect some tears and Julian Castro was on. The epitome of progressive stupid. He said democrats need to point out the extra $300 child care money Americans are getting, and pass both spending bills. This will help everything.
They are still at it this morning. Everyone’s fault except the Democratic ideas and candidates. Hilarious
Every day they cling to this delusional take, the better for America. I hope they keep it up. There are no more Bill Clinton’s left in their party who have the wisdom to say “uhhhh, maybe we went just a WEEEE bit to far?” Ideology pursued with a religious zeal blinds one to pragmatism and logic.
Every day they cling to this delusional take, the better for America. I hope they keep it up. There are no more Bill Clinton’s left in their party who have the wisdom to say “uhhhh, maybe we went just a WEEEE bit to far?” Ideology pursued with a religious zeal blinds one to pragmatism and logic.
There is no middle ground with them any more, and that’s part of what makes this so dangerous. They want to impose their will no matter what, which paints everyone else into a corner with the only options being to surrender or to fight back. They are pushing to destroy this country.
The biggest worry for Democrats this morning should be, the Republicans seem to have found a path for turning the page on Trump WITHOUT driving away the Trump voter. From a purely objective point of view, combined with the slight but significant changes in minorities voting Republican, potentially spells disaster for the left in 2022 and 2024.
It likely won’t. But that being so is an indictment on us all. It shows how un discerning most voters are. It’s a sad reality. The fact that charisma is such a deciding factor is how we end up with idiots like Bush, Obama and that senile tyrant we currently have.
Point of clarification .... Bush and Biden have little to no was the total lack of charisma of their opponents....
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Those 4 clowns with tiki torches can't sign 98k ballots before it's called. Too many.
Those 4 clowns are really closet converts.... you know like the uncle who always dressed as a woman for Halloween....

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