The Virginia Gov race

That NJ race turning out to be a lot more interesting than expected...
Mail in vote dump gonna push the Dems over most likely. But that might be more of an eye opener than VA. Many Dems recognized losing in VA was a possibility at the end of last week. No one expected to still be uncalled by this morning in NJ.
This should serve as a flashing red light alert to Biden and the Democrats... The '22 mid-terms are going to be a blood bath on par with 2010 for them, if they don't start getting some legislation passed and demonstrating some competent form of governance. Their base is angry and exasperated. It may already be too late.
This should serve as a flashing red light alert to Biden and the Democrats... The '22 mid-terms are going to be a blood bath on par with 2010 for them, if they don't start getting some legislation passed and demonstrating some competent form of governance. Their base is angry and exasperated. It may already be too late.
I hope it is too late. I would be fine if nothing passed and the government had to shut down for the next year. Maybe, just maybe they would go back to passing multiple single issue bills instead of the mega spending bills. They won’t though as they have to have so much in these bills so people can’t see who the bribes and payoffs go to.
This should serve as a flashing red light alert to Biden and the Democrats... The '22 mid-terms are going to be a blood bath on par with 2010 for them, if they don't start getting some legislation passed and demonstrating some competent form of governance. Their base is angry and exasperated. It may already be too late.

Lol. Any inflation they want to pass won’t help them.
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I hope it is too late. I would be fine if nothing passed and the government had to shut down for the next year. Maybe, just maybe they would go back to passing multiple single issue bills instead of the mega spending bills. They won’t though as they have to have so much in these bills so people can’t see who the bribes and payoffs go to.
Okay ... but just curious :

Did you object to the pork-laden, mega-spending bills that Trump signed?
Okay ... but just curious :

Did you object to the pork-laden, mega-spending bills that Trump signed?
Absolutely. I have been complaining about spending since the so called Peace dividend was wasted in the late 80’s- early 90’s. We went from some debt to win the Cold War to seemingly doubling our debt every year to buy votes. It is idiotic.
There is but one fiscal conservative left in Washington: Rand Paul. But the Dems are far far worse. Their spending bills are far bigger
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Lol. Any inflation they want to pass won’t help them.
There is absolutely ZERO self-awareness among some of you. I guess Trump and Republicans were fiscally responsible when they controlled both chambers of Congress during his first two years in office? Of all the false narratives that Republicans advance, blaming Joe Biden for inflation is easily the most ignorant and blatantly partisan.

You probably believe that we wouldn't be experiencing inflation right now, if Trump was still in office, don't you? LOL! UNREAL.

Thanks to Republicans, we have learned two things :

1) The United States system of elections is only vulnerable to widespread fraud when Democrats win.

2) Fiscal irresponsibility only leads to inflation when the President is a Democrat.

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