The Virginia Gov race

Guess Atlanta didn't need that Allstar Game afterall...

I’m still waiting on the alert from Apple news to my phone. I get one from them for most major sporting events, and pretty sure I remember getting it when the dodgers won last year.

Did I just miss it?
My 10yr. partner is a Peruvian black/HispLat naturalized citizen; I hate 'em so much I just wanted her close enough to hate one 24x7.
Well, you're clearly racist, just like the rest of us that want the government to just keep their hands out of our wallets and stay out of our way.
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If you’re Terry…why would you pull Biden in to campaign for you? Even more perplexing was having Randi Weingarten come in to campaign for him. It was a big FU to parents of Virginia.

Cause Joe is “crushing it” did you not get the memo ?
Well, you're clearly racist, just like the rest of us that want the government to just keep their hands out of our wallets and stay out of our way.

Wish I had four more like her so I could quintuple my hatred.
A harem of hatred....God! a supremacist can only dream!
If you’re Terry…why would you pull Biden in to campaign for you? Even more perplexing was having Randi Weingarten come in to campaign for him. It was a big FU to parents of Virginia.

I think McAuliffe was a Repub Manchurian candidate. I mean, how else to explain?
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I would like to congratulate VA on getting some pride, wisdom and respect back. Hopefully Jersey can say the same soon, good to see they’re trying anyway.
Apparently not all of Minneapolis has lost its mind yet either. Hell, maybe there is future hope for Minnesota.

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