The Virginia Gov race

If they were true Trumpists, they would be calling their defeat a sham, insisting that the election was rigged against them, filing frivolous law suits and using anomalies as undeniable proof that widespread voter fraud had occurred.

Yeah! What a bunch of fuggin posers!
Likewise it would help if the religious right portion of the GOP to fade away and be replaced by a sane Centrist party

I'd argue that we don't need the citizens that lean extreme left or right to fade; we just need for politicians to stop catering to them and focus on the vast middle. The wide diversity among the electorate is not the problem other than the current system favors politicians that serve the extremes.
I'd argue that we don't need the citizens that lean extreme left or right to fade; we just need for politicians to stop catering to them and focus on the vast middle. The wide diversity among the electorate is not the problem other than the current system favors politicians that serve the extremes.
Very astute, and well-said.
Nothing like losing an election and calling the 51% a disease. I think a disease has to be less an 50% by definition.

But good look with that.
Again, with that lack of self-awareness.... Trump did the exact same thing.... except it was 52%.
I'd argue that we don't need the citizens that lean extreme left or right to fade; we just need for politicians to stop catering to them and focus on the vast middle. The wide diversity among the electorate is not the problem other than the current system favors politicians that serve the extremes.

I would agree. Unfortunately, the loons on each side are the loudest.
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A sane party exists?
a(sorry, just realized that I replied to the wrong message, I meant to reply to the message that prompted Pepperjax’s reply)
The “religious right”? Oh, you mean mainline Protestant and Catholic voters who have formed the backbone of America for 200 years? THOSE people?
You do realize Christians who try to follow scripture have not changed their beliefs at all right? The Democrat party simply abandoned them. I watched it happen day by day as I stated attending Church regularly in the 1970s. Almost everyone in my small East Tennessee Union coal mining town was a Democrat and Jimmy Carter was “one of us”. But with each passing election the needle moved slowly to the Republicans until if irrevocably flipped in the 1990s. Uncompromising support for abortion on demand and demand for the legal approval of behavior deemed sinful throughout Church history made the Democrats cross the Rubicon as far as Biblical Christianity was concerned.
So when you refer to the “religious right”, remember that you are talking about a group that has always been there but that simply got DISCARDED by an increasingly radicalized left that no longer needed or wanted them.
The “religious right”? Oh, you mean mainline Protestant and Catholic voters who have formed the backbone of America for 200 years? THOSE people?
You do realize Christians who try to follow scripture have not changed their beliefs at all right? The Democrat party simply abandoned them. I watched it happen day by day as I stated attending Church regularly in the 1970s. Almost everyone in my small East Tennessee Union coal mining town was a Democrat and Jimmy Carter was “one of us”. But with each passing election the needle moved slowly to the Republicans until if irrevocably flipped in the 1990s. Uncompromising support for abortion on demand and demand for the legal approval of behavior deemed sinful throughout Church history made the Democrats cross the Rubicon as far as Biblical Christianity was concerned.
So when you refer to the “religious right”, remember that you are talking about a group that has always been there but that simply got DISCARDED by an increasingly radicalized left that no longer needed or wanted them.

You quoted the wrong poster. I never referred to anyone as the "religious right." I simply asked if a sane party exists.
a(sorry, just realized that I replied to the wrong message, I meant to reply to the message that prompted Pepperjax’s reply)
The “religious right”? Oh, you mean mainline Protestant and Catholic voters who have formed the backbone of America for 200 years? THOSE people?
You do realize Christians who try to follow scripture have not changed their beliefs at all right? The Democrat party simply abandoned them. I watched it happen day by day as I stated attending Church regularly in the 1970s. Almost everyone in my small East Tennessee Union coal mining town was a Democrat and Jimmy Carter was “one of us”. But with each passing election the needle moved slowly to the Republicans until if irrevocably flipped in the 1990s. Uncompromising support for abortion on demand and demand for the legal approval of behavior deemed sinful throughout Church history made the Democrats cross the Rubicon as far as Biblical Christianity was concerned.
So when you refer to the “religious right”, remember that you are talking about a group that has always been there but that simply got DISCARDED by an increasingly radicalized left that no longer needed or wanted them.
It’s because the left didn’t think they needed them anymore because 1) they don’t believe or like religion and 2) they thought Roe vs Wade meant that they could sucker emotional women into voting for them in large swaths.
Dems only win with division of groups and focusing on emotional and irrational arguments and fanning up over dramatic “issues” like racism, sexism, homophobia or whatever they think the splintered groups want to hear

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