"The Vols have to travel across the country" saying

In before some hilarious witty original person says "I'll have some of what you're smoking!"

(That saying has always pissed me off for some reason)

....... but seriously........ take the orange glasses off for a minute. You said the recruiting rankings have been the same in the last 4 years, they played us 3 years ago.... and they destroyed us.

Not to the second half, we did NOT have depth....
3 10 14 21---48
6 7. 0. 0 13
AND Matt sims was the QB.... Come on, we had D. Moore, D. And Z. Rodgers, J. Hunter, stocker and Poole but we had Matt Sims as QB .......:whistling:
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Jet lag does make a difference and Eugene is a lot further from Knoxville than Gainesville.

The 12:30 local time start helps negate the jet lag a little bit though since it's 3:30 eastern. Better than a local start at 7 which would be 10 pm to our players.

There is a huge difference between a two and four flight. Not to mention the 3 hour time difference.

Pretty much.
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Just so you know going from east to west the jet lag is not even a problem. the problem is west to east that jet lag sucks. I do it every year and west to east is terrible.
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A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.


Are you simply looking at the final "SUBJECTIVE" rankings of when these kids were 17-18 years old?

How does UT's 2010 class look now with Bray, Hunter, Rogers and Rivera gone? Open your eyes! Oregon is more talented.
A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.

B) While Jet lag can be a factor in many settings. Between the national audience they will be playing in front of, The intensity CBJ and staff bring to the table and the revenge factor.. I simply can not see this being a factor.

C) They no longer have the coach that got them national recognition. Even if Oregon's new coach is just as good as Kelly, It will still effect the team in a negative way.

UT comes out on top in this game....

Could it be because you are failing to take into account critical factors such as attrition? LWS ran the numbers for you. Take a look, we've lost nearly twice as many players as Oregon from those recruiting classes. http://www.volnation.com/forum/tennessee-vols-football/198925-our-chances-oregon-3.html#post8971656
A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.

You can't really look at recruiting rankings over the last 4 years and draw a straight comparison.

One of those classes would include Kiffin's of which 3 are left on the team. Basically, an entire year lost. Not sure how you are accounting for that

Sorry VDinVA: meant for op; replied to your post
I know when our high school traveled for a good distance, 3-4 hrs, our old coach would break up the long bus ride by stopping at a college or high school and having a brief walk through. So the travel time is a big deal and being on a plane is even worse, but there are things that they can do to help with that. I don't believe there Oregon has superior talent, but they have been together longer under the same system with the confidence that they can play with anyone in the country. We hope we have a coach that can get us on that path. Having said that, I will not concede this game to Oregon, this would be a great place to turn team on the right path. If Butch Jones can't convince our players that they can win, then he is not the right coach.
Jet lag? they arent going to China.... I just doubt you would have much jet lag if at all to be a factor in a game just from going from Eastern to Pacific...

You would be surprised how much traveling from the East to the great Northwest can effect you. I travel on a weekly basis for my job and did two construction jobs last year out there and it will cause some physical lag. Dehydration is the main concern, so they will need to drink lots of water. It would be best for them to go out in Thursday and have a walkthrough on Friday to be at their best come Saturday.
If their is hardly a time difference why are such flights called "catching the red eye" (?). :question:
I know when our high school traveled for a good distance, 3-4 hrs, our old coach would break up the long bus ride by stopping at a college or high school and having a brief walk through. So the travel time is a big deal and being on a plane is even worse, but there are things that they can do to help with that. I don't believe there Oregon has superior talent, but they have been together longer under the same system with the confidence that they can play with anyone in the country. We hope we have a coach that can get us on that path. Having said that, I will not concede this game to Oregon, this would be a great place to turn team on the right path. If Butch Jones can't convince our players that they can win, then he is not the right coach.

They aren't flying in on Sat and going straight to the stadium. They'll most likely get there Thurs or early Fri to adjust.
There's also a huge difference between a championship caliber team and a team that didn't go to bowl game last year. We will almost certainly lose. It won't be because of jet lag.

Just don't get boat raced.

Yes- this is where we are right now.

We will get boat raced.
A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.

You can't really look at recruiting rankings over the last 4 years and draw a straight comparison.

Oregon has far superior talent top to bottom
Down by seven with under 2 minutes left and no timeouts, 4th and 2 on the Oregon 43, Dools would've punted to play field position.
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A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.

B) While Jet lag can be a factor in many settings. Between the national audience they will be playing in front of, The intensity CBJ and staff bring to the table and the revenge factor.. I simply can not see this being a factor.

C) They no longer have the coach that got them national recognition. Even if Oregon's new coach is just as good as Kelly, It will still effect the team in a negative way.

UT comes out on top in this game....

A) Recruiting rankings are similar. But if this rankings are so similar, why have we been so bad and they remain a top 10 team? Player development

The beast that you are completely ignoring. Basically a 4 star at Oregon going into his 2nd or 3rd year is much closer to reaching their potential than some of our guys. CBJ needs more than 1 offseason to start laying the wood in teams like Oregon. But don't get me wrong, I fully expect us to upset a BCS title contender.

B) I agree.

C) Disagree. They didn't bring in some new guy from another conference, the players know this guy and his way of doing things. That's like saying us having CBJ is negative bc we fired Dooley. He won't affect Oregon's players per se IMO, I think his play calling will be the deciding factor. Will he be more conservative than Kelly? Can he manage a game? Who knows.
Jet lag? they arent going to China.... I just doubt you would have much jet lag if at all to be a factor in a game just from going from Eastern to Pacific...

I've read studies before that it takes your body 1 day to adjust to each hour in time change. So a 3 hour change can make a difference, of course not as big as flying overseas.

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