"The Vols have to travel across the country" saying

Jet lag will only be an issue if players "think" it's an issue. Most likely effect would be of freshman or those who've never traveled a few time zones before. I traveled this country on business for 30 years and "Jet lag" is a non-issue in lower 48 states. Only when you go to Asia or Europe, then jet lag can be an issue.

Dude, your smoking so much pot, you don't know what time it is anyway.
Somewhere Crompdaddy is grinning..

There are a lot of "mis-informed" posters on here. They believe in a lot of stuff that didn't/ don't happen. Such as:

UT runs through the "T" to Rocky Top
UT would have beat Bama had Foster not fumbled in "05.
General Neyland loved Rocky Top, the song.

Feel free to add.
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I'm sorry, but I don't give a crap about a flight across the country. Football teams do it on a regular basis, and college-aged athletes shouldn't struggle. The early kickoff does nothing but help us (3:30 EST).

This game will be decided by talent and coaching. Argue that all you want, but I'm not going to cry mercy due to a luxury flight. It's not New Zealand for goodness sakes.
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This is what preseason is for.

Can you imagine the hype/ confidence we would have rolling into the Swamp if we were able to knock off the Ducks in Autzen?

Yeah. About as hyped / confident as last year meeting them at Neyland. Lulz.
Jet lag will only be an issue if players "think" it's an issue. Most likely effect would be of freshman or those who've never traveled a few time zones before. I traveled this country on business for 30 years and "Jet lag" is a non-issue in lower 48 states. Only when you go to Asia or Europe, then jet lag can be an issue.

Jet lag is not really an issue until the evening hours, at least going west. If it's 10pm on the west coast the east TN body feels 1am.

The good news about this is that the game is at 12:30pm. I think that's an advantage to us. If Oregon students are anything like every student I know, the are accustomed to waking up about that time!

Our guys "clocks" will be saying 3:30pm for kickoff. Game over by 7:30pm eastern. I think this is an advantage for us actually.
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Jet lag will only be an issue if players "think" it's an issue. Most likely effect would be of freshman or those who've never traveled a few time zones before. I traveled this country on business for 30 years and "Jet lag" is a non-issue in lower 48 states. Only when you go to Asia or Europe, then jet lag can be an issue.

I agree mate
4 hours travel time on a jet is a lot better than the hours they used to spend on buses driving across the country to play.

and since the game is a 12:30 kick off it shouldn't be a issue at all for us.

if we lose jet lag wont be an excuse.
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Pretty sure it didn't bother them when they came to Knoxville and beat the holy **** out of us.
Most studies show that traveling west to east yields the greatest effects of jet lag. It mostly has to deal with circadian rhythm and sleep cycles, but includes low humidity cabins and dehydration. The human body copes better to changes in it's sleep schedule when going forward on the clock rather than backward. So if your normal bedtime is 11pm and you go to bed at 2am you typically will have no problem. If your normal bedtime is 11pm and you try to go to bed at 8pm it confuses your internal clock. Someone traveling from east coast to west coast it simply extends their awake period which is more normal to the body than trying to go to bed 3 hours early. They shouldn't have trouble actually until they fly back.
Jet lag is not really an issue until the evening hours, at least going west. If it's 10pm on the west coast the east TN body feels 1am.

The good news about this is that the game is at 12:30pm. I think that's an advantage to us. If Oregon students are anything like every student I know, the are accustomed to waking up about that

Our guys "clocks" will be saying 3:30pm for kickoff. Game over by 7:30pm eastern. I think this is an advantage for us actually.

Yea, when I was in college, i had trouble staying up past 1am. Haha jk jk. Jet lag is not an issue here, just an excuse.
I agree that the media makes too big of a deal about the 'jet lag' thing. It's not like they are flying in two hours before the game.

That said, the whole 'Oregon has been running this offense for several years to the level of near perfection' should be a bigger issue. New coach may not be able to keep Oregon at level they have been for past few years, but doubt they will fall off overnight.

Meanwhile, as good as Butch Jones will hopefully be, it's still difficult to transition to an entirely new coaching staff and different approach in a few months.

I think Tennessee has a better chance to win than the media does, but it's not going to be easy. UT has to play a great game and Oregon probably has to make some mistakes / play sloppy.
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A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.

You can't really look at recruiting rankings over the last 4 years and draw a straight comparison.
So, let me get this straight....if someone says "we have a chance to beat Bama this year," they get laughed and scorned off the board because "Bama has had top 5 classes for the past 4-5yrs."

But as soon as someone uses the same standard, to make the case that we are NOT over-matched by Oregon, in terms of talent.....well, uuummmm, it really doesn't matter? :loco:Huh? :crazy: Which is it? Either the recruiting rankings point to the fact that a team has brought in a lot of talent, or it doesn't. Some of you are trying to have it both ways. You refer to recruiting rankings to support your argument, when it benefits you. But the moment it doesn't......it's not relevant. good grief. :blink:
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Just so you know going from east to west the jet lag is not even a problem. the problem is west to east that jet lag sucks. I do it every year and west to east is terrible.

I never understood this for trans-state flights. It never bothered me when I frequently made such flights. If anything, I seem to arrive on west to east flights with more energy. I used to pretend it was due to the tail wind you got from the jetstream making the flight time shorter. Now, trans-Atlantic and Trans-pacific flights were another matter either way.
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So, let me get this straight....if someone says "we have a chance to beat Bama this year," they get laughed and scorned off the board because "Bama has had top 5 classes for the past 4-5yrs."

But as soon as someone uses the same standard, to make the case that we are NOT over-matched by Oregon, in terms of talent.....well, uuummmm, it really doesn't matter? :loco:Huh? :crazy: Which is it? Either the recruiting rankings point to the fact that a team has brought in a lot of talent, or it doesn't. Some of you are trying to have it both ways. You refer to recruiting rankings to support your argument, when it benefits you. But the moment it doesn't......it's not relevant. good grief. :blink:

I think it has something to do with getting production out of those classes and that's due to coaching.

Where would you rank UT's 2009 and 2010 classes right now? Forget where they were ranked then because it doesn't matter.
I live in Washington and make flights to Tn once or twice a year. It the flight to Tn that is more tiring. I am sure Butch is well aware on how to keep the team prepared for the time difference and flight time. We are going down on Friday and would love the meet the team and any fans that are there. We want to show our Vol spirit. Go Vols!
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Jet lag does make a difference and Eugene is a lot further from Knoxville than Gainesville.

The 12:30 local time start helps negate the jet lag a little bit though since it's 3:30 eastern. Better than a local start at 7 which would be 10 pm to our players.

This is the only bright side to this game. I thought for sure it was going to be a 8 o'clock ESPN/ABC game and that would have absolutely killed them IMO.
I really think win or lose we are going to have really good tape to teach leverage from, because of O speed this will be a critical issue to hold leverage and not tackle AIR.
Dude, your smoking so much pot, you don't know what time it is anyway.

Ummmm......... I've got over a million miles of air travel in the lower 48 states over the last 30 years. I'm reasonably experienced dealing with the three hour time change.

A typical trip would be flying from Portland OR around noon to NYC arriving around 9:30 or 10 pm. Have 9 am, 11am 1 pm, 3 pm meetings the next day. Catch a 6pm flight back to Portland and be home around 10 pm. Also, did a bunch of multiple day trips east as well.

Jet lag is a joke in the domestic 48. Now going to Europe from Portland it takes a day or two to adjust.
In regards the Oregon game, I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen people write us off not just because of Oregon's superior talent and home field advantage, but because the "Vols also have to travel across the country."

Why is this such a point of emphasis? Flight time to Oregon is roughly a 4-5 hour flight... What about this trip, and a longer flight is a reason for it to be brought up in every single article I've read in regards to UT's game against Oregon?

Is there really that much of a difference in sitting in a flight to Gainesville and a flight to Eugene except for couple more hours sitting in a plane?

Edit: Here's just the latest quote of many I've seen with Adams saying our most likely upset being Georgia and eliminating Oregon.. "It’s probably safe to eliminate Oregon. Not only will the third-ranked Ducks have the home-field advantage, the Vols will have to fly all the way across the country."

Just something else to manage. It isn't the big hairy deal some make it out to be but it does take extra time and preparation.

Alot of this is a function of having underperformed or been down for the past several years. UT has not performed at its talent level since '07 so the media naturally does not expect them to have talent. They cannot or do not take the time to do deeper research. MANY times teams get disrespect or respect this time of the year based on what happened the year before with a different roster. If Jones is the coach we hope he is then UT will be labeled a "surprise" team this fall.
I think it has something to do with getting production out of those classes and that's due to coaching.

Where would you rank UT's 2009 and 2010 classes right now? Forget where they were ranked then because it doesn't matter.

The '10 class looks OK. Four of UT's starting OL's will come from that class plus Neal, Miller, Sapp, Propst, and J Smith on D. Three from that class are already playing for money.

Hood, King, and Walls remain from '09 as 5th year players. Those classes were augmented with JUCO's so the upperclassmen will contribute greatly.

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