"The Vols have to travel across the country" saying

The '10 class looks OK. Four of UT's starting OL's will come from that class plus Neal, Miller, Sapp, Propst, and J Smith on D. Three from that class are already playing for money.

Hood, King, and Walls remain from '09 as 5th year players. Those classes were augmented with JUCO's so the upperclassmen will contribute greatly.

The OL is solid, I agree. But the bolded part is what I'm talking about. UT isn't going to get any production from those players in 2013. That's why you have to re-calculate the classes based on the players available in 2013 not 2010.
Well, someone better call Virginia, and let them know they should expect a lackluster performance from Oregon since the Ducks have to travel cross country for the game.

And who knows...maybe after making the round trip, it takes Oregon's players a few days to recover,and their practices before the UT game won't be as crisp as usual. Unless of course, according to some on VN, these type of issues only affect Tennessee.

I'm not saying we will definitely win, but certainly not saying we won't. Hopefully the coaching staff is taking a different approach than many from VN, and not be convincing the team of all the reasons that they can't/won't win.
Ummmm......... I've got over a million miles of air travel in the lower 48 states over the last 30 years. I'm reasonably experienced dealing with the three hour time change.

A typical trip would be flying from Portland OR around noon to NYC arriving around 9:30 or 10 pm. Have 9 am, 11am 1 pm, 3 pm meetings the next day. Catch a 6pm flight back to Portland and be home around 10 pm. Also, did a bunch of multiple day trips east as well.

Jet lag is a joke in the domestic 48. Now going to Europe from Portland it takes a day or two to adjust.

I agree. Going east to west, you get a few extra hours. Going west to east, you lose those hours. Reminds me of losing the hour of sleep on Sunday after day light savings time. Adjusting to Pacific time from Eastern is not a problem.
The OL is solid, I agree. But the bolded part is what I'm talking about. UT isn't going to get any production from those players in 2013. That's why you have to re-calculate the classes based on the players available in 2013 not 2010.

Most programs with talent these days deal with the same problem. Every program deals with attrition though not as much if they do not have the turmoil UT has had recently.

To come to the conclusion I have, I have not really referenced recruiting class rankings and such. It is a matter of who you put on the field and their talent (partially reflected by ratings). Assuming J Smith and Vereen are back to play, six of the 8 in the DL two deep were 4* recruits out of HS. I believe Fulton is the only OL out of the top 7 that was not a 4*. The top two RB's were 4*. Two of the top 3 S's were 4* and the other one is the best of the trio. Coleman was a 4*. AJ and Maggitt were.

There are holes. There always are. I see your point about the class rankings but re-ranking doesn't help either. This Vol team has sufficient talent two deep for Jones to win 7-9 games. Six wins would be underperforming the talent level.
There are a lot of "mis-informed" posters on here. They believe in a lot of stuff that didn't/ don't happen. Such as:

UT runs through the "T" to Rocky Top
UT would have beat Bama had Foster not fumbled in "05.
General Neyland loved Rocky Top, the song.

Feel free to add.

Peyton QB'ed the 98' team.

Many young fans believe that.
A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.

B) While Jet lag can be a factor in many settings. Between the national audience they will be playing in front of, The intensity CBJ and staff bring to the table and the revenge factor.. I simply can not see this being a factor.

C) They no longer have the coach that got them national recognition. Even if Oregon's new coach is just as good as Kelly, It will still effect the team in a negative way.

UT comes out on top in this game....

:salute: This.
I'm sorry, but I don't give a crap about a flight across the country. Football teams do it on a regular basis, and college-aged athletes shouldn't struggle. The early kickoff does nothing but help us (3:30 EST).

This game will be decided by talent and coaching. Argue that all you want, but I'm not going to cry mercy due to a luxury flight. It's not New Zealand for goodness sakes.

Most programs with talent these days deal with the same problem. Every program deals with attrition though not as much if they do not have the turmoil UT has had recently.

To come to the conclusion I have, I have not really referenced recruiting class rankings and such. It is a matter of who you put on the field and their talent (partially reflected by ratings). Assuming J Smith and Vereen are back to play, six of the 8 in the DL two deep were 4* recruits out of HS. I believe Fulton is the only OL out of the top 7 that was not a 4*. The top two RB's were 4*. Two of the top 3 S's were 4* and the other one is the best of the trio. Coleman was a 4*. AJ and Maggitt were.

There are holes. There always are. I see your point about the class rankings but re-ranking doesn't help either. This Vol team has sufficient talent two deep for Jones to win 7-9 games. Six wins would be underperforming the talent level.

I certainly see your thinking and I agree with a lot of what you wrote. With * ranking being equal I would certainly feel better with a 4* Hunter at WR than a 4* Fresh/Soph at WR.

Peyton QB'ed the 98' team.

Many young fans believe that.

Very true! :good!:
I certainly see your thinking and I agree with a lot of what you wrote. With * ranking being equal I would certainly feel better with a 4* Hunter at WR than a 4* Fresh/Soph at WR.

Me too. But again drawing on the '10 parallel, I would rather have THIS OL, DL, LB corps, Safeties, RB's, QB's... and even CB where it is Coleman and Dallas/Jones/Jackson/Sutton vs Teague (as a Fr) and Waggner.

That team had better WR and A (one) better TE in Stocker.

As important as the WR position is, it is also one where Fr are frequently VERY productive. UT just has to find the right guys. I would rather be in Jones' shoes trying to fix that one problem and then one CB than in DD's having to fix pretty much everything, deal with the wake of Kiffin, and still be dealing with the discipline problems that plagued Fulmer's last few years.
Oh, and for the record, what Jones is doing IS winning me over. It is making me feel more confident that I will NOT be disappointed this fall in my expectation of at least 7 wins. I still want to see him coach and win... but my confidence in him and his staff is growing.
A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.

B) While Jet lag can be a factor in many settings. Between the national audience they will be playing in front of, The intensity CBJ and staff bring to the table and the revenge factor.. I simply can not see this being a factor.

C) They no longer have the coach that got them national recognition. Even if Oregon's new coach is just as good as Kelly, It will still effect the team in a negative way.

UT comes out on top in this game....

This made me laugh.
A) Oregon does not have superior talent, I don't understand why I have to point it out in almost every one of these threads, recruiting rankings are almost identical over the last 4 years.

B) While Jet lag can be a factor in many settings. Between the national audience they will be playing in front of, The intensity CBJ and staff bring to the table and the revenge factor.. I simply can not see this being a factor.

C) They no longer have the coach that got them national recognition. Even if Oregon's new coach is just as good as Kelly, It will still effect the team in a negative way.

UT comes out on top in this game....

Go see a doctor....You might have a brain tumor.
I weep for younger generations....you live in a pessimistic world. Negative thoughts breed negative outcomes. You reap what you sow.
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You obviously were napping while Oregon's speed guys have been leaving opponents in the dust the past several years. BTW, this is the same time period UT was chasing guys with average or above average speed, (but far less than Oregon's).

I woildn't say most sec teams have only average or above average speed, but their speed is a killer for sure.
the great debate will be settled in 2013.

does tennessee have a bunch of talent, but were losing because they were lead by an incompetent moron of the highest order?


was tennessee losing due to a combination of poor talent (at least in spots) lead by colossal ignorance and stupidity?

Why do I have to choose between these? I like both answers. I think we do have a ton of talent. I also think ESP in the d coaching there was colossal ignorance, and it wasn't much better at HC. I also think we lacked talent at spots that are tough to overcome, one of those spots was between the ears, behind the ball.
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