Actually I bet it is easily 75%. Think about it: the South is primarily religious, heavily so actually. There were more churches in my town than anything else growing up. This environment leads me to one conclusion: homosexuality will never be accepted in the South for religious reasons. Of course, there were religious excuses, straight from the Bible, made up during slavery and segregation to justify those actions, but you cannot escape what the Bible ultimately states about homosexuals. That's why ultimately I feel like the South has become one of the more racially tolerant areas in America (*uck Jon Stewart) because they were convinced religiously, through individuals like MLK and Ralph Abernathy, that there hatred was miss placed. In the end, from my knowledge on the subject, homosexuality is difficult if not impossible to justify using the ENTIRE Bible, not just the New Testament. That's important because I think most Chiristians in the South do not adhere to this new theology of the "Old Testament doesn't matter cuz Jesus" that has become very mainstream in the mega churches.