The Walking Dead

Well, I can't watch Black Sails because everyone has perfect teeth. I guess it's all about how much BS you can tolerate.
agreed. by far the worst.


never forget.

What made it even worse was on The Talking Dead they showed how they did it and outright said "Yeah we know it defies physics."

I mean at least blame editing or something.
this place is crazy. finale episode was great. was literally on the edge of my seat for probably 80% of it.

only thing i can agree with is that what Reedus said made no sense, unless he was just effing with us.

Agreed! I think this was an awesome finale. I didn't lean too much on what Reedus said.

I don't get what the wolves are doing. Just collecting zombies? I guess they want to attack the town?

It was already foreshadowed in an earlier episode. The episode where Tyreese gets bitten by Noah's brother in the gated neighborhood. Rick looks over at a wall that's been busted in and you could see obvious tire tracks. They're smart enough to know not to bust in through the front door of a "compound" and then unload their zombies.

I thought it was a good thing. It added the element of suprise.

This! Glenn getting pinned down and then them changing scenes only to have him come back was great imo. They painted the perfect scenario for Nicholas to get attacked by a walker more than anything.

It would be one thing if it were just the one walker on Glenn, but there were 1 or 2 more about to jump on the pile, and he had no weapon.

He had a knife on him. He pulled the knife out from behind him when he heard the leaves rustle just before Nicholas shot him.

Easy work for Glenn to either dispatch 3 Walkers (likely on the ground) quickly and efficiently with his knife.) No way he followed Nicholas or left the compound without a blade... Not Glenn.

He had one, they even showed it on screen.
Can someone that reads the comic tell me who the Wolves are?
I know what all I've seen, but what is their story? I loved that trap. It shows how clever they are while still being a bit messed up.
Kinda disappointed my two least favorite characters were in the cross hairs this week but still didn't get what they deserve: Gabriel and Nicholas.
Can someone that reads the comic tell me who the Wolves are?
I know what all I've seen, but what is their story? I loved that trap. It shows how clever they are while still being a bit messed up.

They are not in the comics unless they turn out to be an adaptation of another group.
Kinda disappointed my two least favorite characters were in the cross hairs this week but still didn't get what they deserve: Gabriel and Nicholas.

They will further develop Gabriel's character, show him turning the corner to a much better place...then kill him off just as fans start to root for him.

Hopefully they will bring Nicholas up on charges, find him guilty of dereliction of duty. Imprison him, then find his empty cell as if he escaped...the search for him is fruitless.

Cut to scene where Carol wakes Nicholas is tied to a tree (far away from Alexandria). He is awoken by Carol tying wind chimes to a branch of the tree. She rings a cow bell to start the festivities. Nicholas panics and starts screaming for help which only hastens his demise.

As the camera shows Walkers approaching Nicholas, they cut to Carol and Maggie watching the action. (Carol could not move Nicholas solo).

Daryl led the search for Nicholas after the "escape". Interestingly, Daryl cannot find any trail that leads to him.

Cut back to Carol and Maggie, they dismember the Walkers that ate most of Nicholas. Carol carves a W in the forehead of each Walker while Maggie does the same to Nicholas.
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This was a great episode and a good season finale. Of course it was setting up the next season. Thats what nearly every finale has done thus far. Remember the shot of the Prison at the end of S2? The taking in of Woodbury refugees in S3 (the worst finale)? The arrival and capture at Terminus? Anyone who may have been disappointed at the lack of main character deaths shouldn't have been surprised. Outside of Andrea, who of significance has been killed in a season finale?

I was on the edge of my seat almost the whole episode. There was a ton of story and character development in this episode. My wife won't watch the show but she kept making me pause it to tell her what was going on. The realization by the Alexandrians that Rick is right. Morgan finally catching up with the group. The introductions of the Wolves. Meanwhile almost every character had a building moment (except Tara who woke up from her head injury). Abraham and Eugene making amends, Sasha's continued path to darkness. Gabriel's path to forgiveness from Maggie, Michonne telling Rick that something will happen but don't make something happen. Daryl and Aaron trapped in the car having a heart to heart. All of that was quality stuff.

As for Glenn, he got free. Its not the first time something like that has happened. Remember Tyrese getting over run fighting off a herd then suddenly appearing in the woods? Not a big deal. The characters have been through a lot. Knocking a couple walkers off, even with a bum shoulder, is nothing.
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I just don't see why it's such a big deal. They get pinned under walkers and get out all the time. Even Carl has done it.

He had a gun shot wound, a few walkers on top of him, the gun was there for Nicholas to pick up, yet somehow Glenn overcame all those odds only to enjoy the upper-hand vs Nick at the start of the very next scene. You might have enjoyed the city council scenes they showed instead, but I want to know WTF happened.

You're right. It's not that big of a deal, because it's just a TV show and we have lives, but for a professional writer, it's a really big deal. We're talking about a guy air-balling 2 FTs to lose the finals.
But not with a gunshot wound in the shoulder and after a brawl. Plus there were three of them on him. No way he makes it out without help.

Meh... There are times that I think they struggle too much with one then fight off six or seven single handedly.

I may have to watch it again but it looked to me like one was on him. Then the showed from his POV one more coming down with a third still standing right behind before it cut away. After call we've seen on the show, It's not unreasonable that Glenn pulled his knife and killed the 1st just as the second was coming down. Then pushed it off knocking the 2nd back into the 3rd providing just enough time to stab both.

If I were really going to nitpick I would complain about the dozens of times they have been in similar situations but never get scratched. Yet when the story dictates the walkers tear into live flesh with their bear hands like it's paper.
He had a gun shot wound, a few walkers on top of him, the gun was there for Nicholas to pick up, yet somehow Glenn overcame all those odds only to enjoy the upper-hand vs Nick at the start of the very next scene. You might have enjoyed the city council scenes they showed instead, but I want to know WTF happened.

You're right. It's not that big of a deal, because it's just a TV show and we have lives, but for a professional writer, it's a really big deal. We're talking about a guy air-balling 2 FTs to lose the finals.

Were you as bothered when Tyrese's was pinned in by 50 or so then appeared in the woods? Or when the Gov was overrun in that warehouse allowing Andrea to escape only to magically reappear just as she reached the Prison to kidnap her?

I'm sure there are more instances but those are two off the top of my head.
Were you as bothered when Tyrese's was pinned in by 50 or so then appeared in the woods? Or when the Gov was overrun in that warehouse allowing Andrea to escape only to magically reappear just as she reached the Prison to kidnap her?

I'm sure there are more instances but those are two off the top of my head.

I don't remember exactly how those things went down, honestly. If they are 1:1 comparisons, then yes it would bother me.

Half the time I watch WD I don't pay full attention, so sometimes I miss some of the stupid ish they do. Maybe I do that because they show city council scenes instead of action scenes, like you seem to be saying they do on the reg.
This was a great episode and a good season finale. Of course it was setting up the next season. Thats what nearly every finale has done thus far. Remember the shot of the Prison at the end of S2? The taking in of Woodbury refugees in S3 (the worst finale)? The arrival and capture at Terminus? Anyone who may have been disappointed at the lack of main character deaths shouldn't have been surprised. Outside of Andrea, who of significance has been killed in a season finale?

I was on the edge of my seat almost the whole episode. There was a ton of story and character development in this episode. My wife won't watch the show but she kept making me pause it to tell her what was going on. The realization by the Alexandrians that Rick is right. Morgan finally catching up with the group. The introductions of the Wolves. Meanwhile almost every character had a building moment (except Tara who woke up from her head injury). Abraham and Eugene making amends, Sasha's continued path to darkness. Gabriel's path to forgiveness from Maggie, Michonne telling Rick that something will happen but don't make something happen. Daryl and Aaron trapped in the car having a heart to heart. All of that was quality stuff.

As for Glenn, he got free. Its not the first time something like that has happened. Remember Tyrese getting over run fighting off a herd then suddenly appearing in the woods? Not a big deal. The characters have been through a lot. Knocking a couple walkers off, even with a bum shoulder, is nothing.

To me there's a difference in the final shot of the prison, the arrival at Terminus, etc. and what happened at the end of this season. Of course the last episode sets up the next season but in the other examples, it was pretty much revealed in the last few minutes. With this episode it felt like the whole episode was one long drawn out setup just to have Morgan show up.

The comparison to Season 3 is actually good because that episode drew out Andrea dying the whole time, and it felt like the same with Morgan showing up.
Were you as bothered when Tyrese's was pinned in by 50 or so then appeared in the woods? Or when the Gov was overrun in that warehouse allowing Andrea to escape only to magically reappear just as she reached the Prison to kidnap her?

I'm sure there are more instances but those are two off the top of my head.

The Glenn scene was dumb but the Ty scene was 15 times dumber considering he was completely surrounded by a herd.
It is funny when everybody gets their panties in a huff when people are critical of the show. Like it shouldn't ever be criticized.
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To me, not showing how Glen got out of that kind of hints at him perhaps being bitten.

When he first caught up to the guy, I thought he said you just killed me. So I thought he had been bitten, the voice in my head was laughing to loud for me to tell though. And I didn't care enough to rewind it.
I just watched a few parts again and I keep thinking something. Literally a few minutes before Morgan sees Rick kill Pete it shows Morgan say all life is precious. It seemed like an easy to over look bit of foreshadowing possibly. Perhaps Morgan isn't going to like what he saw at all. Of course they can always explain well the guy just slit this guys throat.
When he first caught up to the guy, I thought he said you just killed me. So I thought he had been bitten, the voice in my head was laughing to loud for me to tell though. And I didn't care enough to rewind it.

I watched again just to see and I think he said "you tried to kill me."

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