this place is crazy. finale episode was great. was literally on the edge of my seat for probably 80% of it.
only thing i can agree with is that what Reedus said made no sense, unless he was just effing with us.
I don't get what the wolves are doing. Just collecting zombies? I guess they want to attack the town?
I thought it was a good thing. It added the element of suprise.
It would be one thing if it were just the one walker on Glenn, but there were 1 or 2 more about to jump on the pile, and he had no weapon.
Easy work for Glenn to either dispatch 3 Walkers (likely on the ground) quickly and efficiently with his knife.) No way he followed Nicholas or left the compound without a blade... Not Glenn.
Kinda disappointed my two least favorite characters were in the cross hairs this week but still didn't get what they deserve: Gabriel and Nicholas.
I just don't see why it's such a big deal. They get pinned under walkers and get out all the time. Even Carl has done it.
But not with a gunshot wound in the shoulder and after a brawl. Plus there were three of them on him. No way he makes it out without help.
He had a gun shot wound, a few walkers on top of him, the gun was there for Nicholas to pick up, yet somehow Glenn overcame all those odds only to enjoy the upper-hand vs Nick at the start of the very next scene. You might have enjoyed the city council scenes they showed instead, but I want to know WTF happened.
You're right. It's not that big of a deal, because it's just a TV show and we have lives, but for a professional writer, it's a really big deal. We're talking about a guy air-balling 2 FTs to lose the finals.
Were you as bothered when Tyrese's was pinned in by 50 or so then appeared in the woods? Or when the Gov was overrun in that warehouse allowing Andrea to escape only to magically reappear just as she reached the Prison to kidnap her?
I'm sure there are more instances but those are two off the top of my head.
This was a great episode and a good season finale. Of course it was setting up the next season. Thats what nearly every finale has done thus far. Remember the shot of the Prison at the end of S2? The taking in of Woodbury refugees in S3 (the worst finale)? The arrival and capture at Terminus? Anyone who may have been disappointed at the lack of main character deaths shouldn't have been surprised. Outside of Andrea, who of significance has been killed in a season finale?
I was on the edge of my seat almost the whole episode. There was a ton of story and character development in this episode. My wife won't watch the show but she kept making me pause it to tell her what was going on. The realization by the Alexandrians that Rick is right. Morgan finally catching up with the group. The introductions of the Wolves. Meanwhile almost every character had a building moment (except Tara who woke up from her head injury). Abraham and Eugene making amends, Sasha's continued path to darkness. Gabriel's path to forgiveness from Maggie, Michonne telling Rick that something will happen but don't make something happen. Daryl and Aaron trapped in the car having a heart to heart. All of that was quality stuff.
As for Glenn, he got free. Its not the first time something like that has happened. Remember Tyrese getting over run fighting off a herd then suddenly appearing in the woods? Not a big deal. The characters have been through a lot. Knocking a couple walkers off, even with a bum shoulder, is nothing.
Were you as bothered when Tyrese's was pinned in by 50 or so then appeared in the woods? Or when the Gov was overrun in that warehouse allowing Andrea to escape only to magically reappear just as she reached the Prison to kidnap her?
I'm sure there are more instances but those are two off the top of my head.