The Walking Dead

And god knows we have to make sure and be as realistic as possible in a show about zombies. Gotta make sure to dot every i and cross every t for sure----realism is of the utmost importance.

I don't think it's a realism thing for anyone complaining. It's a writing/entertainment thing.
I can't believe people give the Glenn scene a pass. LMAO

But not with a gunshot wound in the shoulder and after a brawl. Plus there were three of them on him. No way he makes it out without help.

I'm not sure why this bothers the two of you so much. I didn't think much about it because it was Glenn and he's no newb.

How did he catch the other guy as well?

Nicholas was panicked, it was dark, he just unsuccessfully tried to kill Glenn. He was weaponless and is deathly afraid of walkers. He figured both were after him now. He was assuredly disoriented as well.

When he first caught up to the guy, I thought he said you just killed me. So I thought he had been bitten, the voice in my head was laughing to loud for me to tell though. And I didn't care enough to rewind it.

He said, "you tried to kill me".

I watched again just to see and I think he said "you tried to kill me."

I agree.
To me there's a difference in the final shot of the prison, the arrival at Terminus, etc. and what happened at the end of this season. Of course the last episode sets up the next season but in the other examples, it was pretty much revealed in the last few minutes. With this episode it felt like the whole episode was one long drawn out setup just to have Morgan show up.

The comparison to Season 3 is actually good because that episode drew out Andrea dying the whole time, and it felt like the same with Morgan showing up.

I see your criticism but I also think there was a lot of closure to the current time season.
After he escaped that time while being tied to a chair at Woodbury, I believe he can escape just about anything.

This x1000.

Seems some have forgotten how resourceful Glenn is.
I don't think it's a realism thing for anyone complaining. It's a writing/entertainment thing.

I think it would have been bad writing to have Glenn go out because of a chump like Nicholas.
I think it would have been bad writing to have Glenn go out because of a chump like Nicholas.

No spoilers, but the biggest badass in TV history was killed by this kid. Sometimes it takes letting your guard down for the top dogs to get got.

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On the Glenn scene - I'm with the over-the-top crowd. I was literally yelling at the tv to get back to the Glenn story arc for solidarity.

I was convinced he was bitten, turned, and wandering back into Alexandria. I was expecting a Rick/Zombie Glenn showdown - it was going to happen. Then, it didn't.
No spoilers, but the biggest badass in TV history was killed by this kid. Sometimes it takes letting your guard down for the top dogs to get got.


If people were upset about the way Beth died, Twitter would have burned a few servers had Glenn died in that fashion.
And god knows we have to make sure and be as realistic as possible in a show about zombies. Gotta make sure to dot every i and cross every t for sure----realism is of the utmost importance.

This thread would be pretty boring if every body just gobbled the show constantly. If we can praise it for the good, we should be able to bash it for the dumb. The "its a zombie show" defense is kind of weak IMO Given all the critical acclaim it receives.

Actually "bash" is a little strong.
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I was on the edge of my seat almost the whole episode. There was a ton of story and character development in this episode. My wife won't watch the show but she kept making me pause it to tell her what was going on. The realization by the Alexandrians that Rick is right. Morgan finally catching up with the group. The introductions of the Wolves. Meanwhile almost every character had a building moment (except Tara who woke up from her head injury). Abraham and Eugene making amends, Sasha's continued path to darkness. Gabriel's path to forgiveness from Maggie, Michonne telling Rick that something will happen but don't make something happen. Daryl and Aaron trapped in the car having a heart to heart. All of that was quality stuff.

I totally agree with you on this, burnt. Great summary to the finale episode.

On the Glenn scene - I'm with the over-the-top crowd. I was literally yelling at the tv to get back to the Glenn story arc for solidarity.

I was convinced he was bitten, turned, and wandering back into Alexandria. I was expecting a Rick/Zombie Glenn showdown - it was going to happen. Then, it didn't.

It was a scene that we'd seen so many times that it wasn't worth showing. Except for a few in this thread we all knew Glenn wasn't going to die and most certainly not off screen. As for getting bit, Bob was the latest exception. Nobody cared about him so nobody was pissed.

And someone mentioned Gabrielle being redeemed and we'll end up liking him. There is no way in hell that tool is going to win me over as a fan. I will never forget the crap he's pulled since Rick's group found him.
This thread would be pretty boring if every body just gobbled the show constantly. If we can praise it for the good, we should be able to bash it for the dumb. The "its a zombie show" defense is kind of weak IMO Given all the critical acclaim it receives.

Actually "bash" is a little strong.

But it doesn't receive critical acclaim. It has millions of viewers, but not critical acclaim. It will never win an Emmy. Ever.
Has to be April fools. Lol.. "I've watched some of the waking dead" yeah.. Oh "season 2 was my favorite" says no one ever.

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