High Reps and low weight is the way to go. That is basically all I do anymore. Don't ever think less of yourself for doing so either. I hardly ever max out on anything anymore. The day before I left my old gym, I surprised everyone by telling them I was going to max out on bench. They didn't think I would be able to do much, because they make fun of my workout and the light weight I rep out. I got 400lbs, and they all shut up. I'm also only 180lbs.
Very nice! For me, it's mostly about form and endurance. A typical workout would include:
squats (76 reps plus pulsing) 8lb dumbbells
lunges (front/back, 94 total plus pulsing) 8lb dumbbells
chest presses (64 plus pulsing) 10lb dumbbells
bent leg deadlifts/deadrows - MY FAVORITE!! (30 deadlifts, 54 rows plus pulsing) 10lb dumbbells
pushups/rotator cuff (45 pushups, 32 rotator cuff) 5lb dumbbells and 5 regular pushups then sissy pushups
tricep dips/french press (24 dips, 56 french press) 8lb dumbbells
bicep/hammer curls (46 curls plus pulsing, 36 hammer curls) 10lb dumbbells
one leg squats/wide squats (44 one leg plus pulsing, 38 wide plus pulsing) 10lb dumbbells
overhead press/lateral raise (34 overheads, 28 lateral)
Plus ab work.
Another workout does skull crushers after the tricep dips and I cuss like a sailor but I LOVE them!
It feels good to hurt the next day. lol