So I started working out about 2 months ago, for really the first time in my life, I always found it extremely boring. I've always been pretty naturally cut, because of sports but old age is finally catching up to me. I researched a lot, and the first couple weeks was I just concentrated on my form and finding exercises I felt were helping me. I found a routine that really seems to be working, but I have a question...I basically want to know if I'm doing too much. It seems everything I read says something different. And I've gotten to love working out, especially since I'm seeing pretty good gains. Fwiw not trying to get huge, genetics wouldn't let me anyway, just a little bigger and cut.
Day 1: biceps, triceps, and traps, lighter weight with more reps. 4×12
Day 2: back, chest, and shoulders, lighter weight and more reps. 4×12
Day 3: legs
Day 4: biceps, triceps, and traps, heavier weight lower reps. 4×4-6
Day 5: back, chest, shoulders, heavier weight lower reps. 4×4-6
Day 6: rest
I do cardio and abs before work and workout after. I can see gains already, and physically feel a lot better. Just curious what you all think, thanks.