The Woke Olympics

You ain't first you're last.

I know this is probably in jest, but let's be clear, this is according to a literary character who was a complete buffoon.

Americans are so good at so many things and so we can afford to ignore the stuff we don't win at and just focus on the areas where we are #1. It's kind of a funny phenomena. Panama beat us out of the last world cup. We probably would have lost in the group stage and been mad and made fun of our team. Panamanians are crying tears of joy at hearing their national anthem for the first time ever at the world cup. They cheered like they won the whole thing when they scored their one and only goal, down 6-1.

A cynical USA fan might laugh at all that, but that person probably didn't do anything big in their life, like play in a world cup.
Team USA is in the gold medal game in hoops after trouncing Spain and Australia. Next is France, and they're guaranteed silver. Who's mad?

Team USA will have faced 18 NBA players in the 3 games of the knockout stage. In 1992, there were 21 total international players in the NBA. Shows you how much things have changed.
So because I dont think a bunchs of 3rd place. Medals is acceptable you assume ive never played

I think he means real competition. Like elite competition. Not just playing sports. Cool that your HS team won region and anything less was unacceptable to you, but we're talking about 3rd place in the world.
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Who quivering.....would you rather have an army of confused and mentally ill people or an army of disciplined people who have a singular focus on protection..

The fact that you even conjure that scenario to rationalize your disgust of trans people speaks volumes.

Ya might be in that "mentally ill" crowd there, bud. It's either that or the "quivering in fear" group. You pick.
The fact that you even conjure that scenario to rationalize your disgust of trans people speaks volumes.

Ya might be in that "mentally ill" crowd there, bud. It's either that or the "quivering in fear" group. You pick.
You didnt answer my question?? The fact your deflecting it says alot
Mediocrity = 3rd best at something in the whole world.

But hey, you won 3 state championships and peaked in high school. Lol.
Lol. Ask those athletes if they are happy with you would be...peaking in high school would mean not playing in college and further
FYI. 3 sports athele in HS with 3 baseball state championships, 2 sport in college...and further..but I digress...your obviously an athlete that accepts mediocrity

You merely played 2 sports in college with apparently no real success (or you would have been bragging about it) and you're saying 3rd in the world is unacceptable.

Nobody gives a **** about your state championships, dude. It doesn't validate your bad opinion or make you a winner.

I bet you can throw a pigskin over them mountains.
I wasn't responding to you, but feel free to share your greatest achievements in athletic competitions
You merely played 2 sports in college with apparently no real success (or you would have been bragging about it) and you're saying 3rd in the world is unacceptable.

Nobody gives a **** about your state championships, dude. It doesn't validate your bad opinion or make you a winner.

I bet you can throw a pigskin over them mountains.
I don't brag about playing further because i didn't make it...noone brags about playing in the minors...if proves nothing except you werent good enough to make to the why brag...thats loke celebrating a participation trophy...most here can only relate to high school sports so that's what o address
I know that I've never been particularly happy with placing 2nd in anything.
Neither are these highest level athletes. However I posted a response from one of the swimmers who felt proud of her silver. She also had other golds and knows how it feels to win.

Many of these athletes are world champs at some point, and are still the top 1 or 2 in the entire USA, in their career but are being called losers because of one race. I just don't understand it
Where and what did you play in college?

He would have said ACC or something at least, if it were more impressive. Troy St's bench warmer is here to tell us 3rd place in the world is dogshit.

And let me be clear, being Troy St's bench warmer is a great accomplishment. It probably means you are better than 98% of the world. Congrats on that. It just doesn't validate this bad take.
FYI. 3 sports athele in HS with 3 baseball state championships, 2 sport in college...and further..but I digress...your obviously an athlete that accepts mediocrity
How ashamed are you for not achieving more? I mean these olympians resume makes yours laughably stupid. What age did you realize you were accepting mediocrity in yourself? What social justice issue distracted you from competing at a world class level? Did your parents disown you for being such an abject failure? Also you sound like this idiot


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