The Woke Olympics

What is being whined about? The fact that you're using personal opinion to subvert quantifiable metrics and how you're screeching about how you aren't biased in your claim?

Go through these below and discredit study after study that demonstrates where America isn't the "best" at any of them or "across the board." Keep in mind none of them are libtard hating rags that are out to stick it to you or your sensibilities.

Be sure to show your work when you discredit or brush away the findings below.

Alternatively, perhaps you could share some meaningful metrics on areas that make the U.S. "da best" without it being subjective to your personal bias? Or feel free to capitulate that while America is a great place to live in broad terms, there's really nothing exceptional enough to be thumping your chest or making the claims you're making that aren't personal feelz.

Economic Freedom Ranking: 20

Personal, Civil, and Economic freedom: 17
This sixth annual index uses 76 distinct indicators of personal and economic freedom in the following areas:
  • Rule of Law
  • Security and Safety
  • Movement
  • Religion
  • Association, Assembly, and Civil Society
  • Expression and Information
  • Identity and Relationships
  • Size of Government
  • Legal System and Property Rights
  • Access to Sound Money
  • Freedom to Trade Internationally
  • Regulation of Credit, Labor, and Business

U.S. News 2021 Best Countries: 6
(The Methodology)

Healthcare: 37

Crime: 48th Percentile

Diversity: ~25th Percentile

Justice: 11

Rule of Law: 21

Life expectancy: 46

Infant Mortality Rate: 51

Happiness Index: ? >20

Hong Kong ranks higher that us in Personal, Economic and Civil Freedom? Seen what's going on in Australia right now and they rank higher than us?
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Hong Kong ranks higher that us in Personal, Economic and Civil Freedom? Seen what's going on in Australia right now and they rank higher than us?

Yes, plucking a sensational headline out of the news and applying that against a host of of other metrics is lazy. I'm sure they are looking at the headlines in American media scratching their head as well.
Hong Kong ranks higher that us in Personal, Economic and Civil Freedom? Seen what's going on in Australia right now and they rank higher than us?
That’s why these studies are always bullsh*t. They rank things like prenatal care morbidity without accounting for things like US rate of people choosing to abuse narcotics and the fact that we have 100 times the amount of people and a much more diverse background. You mean our healthcare outcomes and crime in Chicago or LA are worse than Sweden with a few million rich white people? I’m shocked. It’s like saying Rhode Island is a better state than Texas because their towns of 1000 old white peoples are “statistically” better and safer than Houston or El Paso
I would like to see us get out of the top ten rankings of percentage of population incarcerated. That would be a nice start.
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I would like to see us get out of the top ten rankings of percentage of population incarcerated. That would be a nice start.

100% agree with this. Our criminal justice system is, well criminal and needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt.
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When the .gov can legally arrest you and disappear you for opposing it you have NO personal freedoms.

OK, so it's a 2018 report. You seem to be hung up on Hong Kong and despite the recent protests against China's dictatorial like rule - please, take them out of the mix. This despite the bill to allow for the extradition being overwhelmingly crushed.

Only 16 more to go.
Trying to defend a study saying Hong Kong ranks higher than us in personal freedom is idiotic.

Locking up countless people for victimless crimes puts us towards the top in the world in that awful category of liberty violation. It's enough to put us behind a lot of countries in terms of ranking freedom overall. It's great that we can bear arms, but we can't decide what we put in our own bodies (which seems like an even more basic right than arming yourself) with the consequence being as much as life in prison?

Our incarceration rate is off the charts. The war on drugs in and of itself is a violation of freedom, and it's carried out in such a way that it creates our biggest criminal justice failures.
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I'm not so sure we can tout having the most freedom anymore.

Incarceration rates alone have to rank us closer to rock bottom.

100% agree that our justice system is beyond broke. But still they can't come and take you and hold you without trial for protesting the .gov.
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nunt uh.... he has the "all knowing" think tank backing him up. Never knew septic was a fan of the Koch bro's.

The studies cited aren't political and they aren't meant to offend. If one doesn't like what they say or disagrees, they're free to point out where the study got it wrong otherwise it's just feelz.
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D3 can't give athletic scholarships. Not even partial

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100% agree that our justice system is beyond broke. But still they can't come and take you and hold you without trial for protesting the .gov.

Does it even matter if said trials are shams?

They're all too often just conveyor belts to prison.
I must have missed the part where I was the intellectual gnat making limp dicked criticisms of someone being third best in the world at a sport.
if your going to critize and say someone peaked, you should probably able at a least say you went further in said sports..other wise it comes across as someone who couldnt play and is extremely jealous....i got paid to play at one time...have you??
As everyone knows, there's waaaaay too much money to be made in incarnation. Incarnations will not go down until the US collapses and/or lawyers are eliminated.

On the flip side, do the crime, do the time. Look at San Francisco. No charges up to $950.
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