The WRASSLIN’ Thread

The in ring part won't be a problem for her, I don't think. I have very little read on her as far as mic skills though. I've really only heard her that one time before Forbidden Door. So we'll just have to see I guess.

As for TNA that brings up something I've been thinking on. The new partnership with WWE certainly seems to be benefiting TNA. But I think it will change who they can/want to sign in the future. They have always signed ex-WWE folks. Legends, Cast offs, ect. I don't know how appealing going their will be to those folks now that the main draw to the promotion is that they are a pipeline into WWE. It's not going to be as conducive to reinventing yourself and why would TNA want to sign them when they are going to get a stream of crossovers anyway?

Good point. I forgot about the crossover TNA has going with NXT despite watching it last night. My bad lol... I've noticed with the open challenge to Jordynne Grace, nobody of name value has challenged her yet,and I get it. You don't want anyone that's booked well for NXT going over to TNA and taking the loss. I noticed Charlie Dempsey beating Zach Wentz which doesn't really hurt Wentz.

I think Hendry is winning the TNA title at Slammiversary in the 6 man match. He's mega over right now, and it's carried over to NXT. It's time to strike while the Iron is hot.
Good point. I forgot about the crossover TNA has going with NXT despite watching it last night. My bad lol... I've noticed with the open challenge to Jordynne Grace, nobody of name value has challenged her yet,and I get it. You don't want anyone that's booked well for NXT going over to TNA and taking the loss. I noticed Charlie Dempsey beating Zach Wentz which doesn't really hurt Wentz.

I think Hendry is winning the TNA title at Slammiversary in the 6 man match. He's mega over right now, and it's carried over to NXT. It's time to strike while the Iron is hot.
If there's anybody that has "it" on the mic it's Hendry. I'd love to see him feud with Ethan Page. The promo work would be sick.

I'm hoping some WWE guys will show up at Slammiversary and Bound for Glory. AJ and Bobby Roode, both belong in the TNA HOF.
So Rampage and Collison both had some good matches. The fourway, HoB, and Main event were all good on Rampage. The Nu Dynamite Kid and Takeshita had decent match. Im a huge fan of Dalton Castle. STP vs Top flight was good as was the Main Event.

But I feel the same way about both shows. Despite some good in ring work, there just isn't any "sauce".

AEW has got to find a way to build some of these guys. The Don Callis family, The Patriachy, The Kingdom, HoB, BBG and Shane Taylor Promotions, are all great heel groups. I think trying to make HoB into faces is a mistake. But there needs to be some Faces built up to feud them with the heels. And there has got to be some work put into the stories. They just aren't there outside Dynamite.

Kingston and Switch are hurt. Joe is gonna be gone to film Twisted Metal until Fall. FTR and Orange are about the only guys that are showing up on either show that are really over. They need to push Chicken, Dalton, and Top Flight IMO. If Ricochet is coming in maybe pair him with a mouth piece and feature him? Or pick someone else. Lance Acher or Brian Cage?

AEW has got to pick a couple of major titles to feature on those shows and get some good feuds going, The Trios titles aren't enough. The TNT needs to be defended there regularly and then either the International or Continental belt. The Tag Team TItles aren't being defended anywhere.

Right now both shows just feel listless regardless of how good a night they have between the ropes.
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So Rampage and Collison both had some good matches. The fourway, HoB, and Main event were all good on Rampage. The Nu Dynamite Kid and Takeshita had decent match. Im a huge fan of Dalton Castle. STP vs Top flight was good as was the Main Event.

But I feel the same way about both shows. Despite some good in ring work, there just isn't any "sauce".

AEW has got to find a way to build some of these guys. The Don Callis family, The Patriachy, The Kingdom, HoB, BBG and Shane Taylor Promotions, are all great heel groups. I think trying to make HoB into faces is a mistake. But there needs to be some Faces built up to feud them with the heels. And there has got to be some work put into the stories. They just aren't there outside Dynamite.

Kingston and Switch are hurt. Joe is gonna be gone to film Twisted Metal until Fall. FTR and Orange are about the only guys that are showing up on either show that are really over. They need to push Chicken, Dalton, and Top Flight IMO. If Ricochet is coming in maybe pair him with a mouth piece and feature him? Or pick someone else. Lance Acher or Brian Cage?

AEW has got to pick a couple of major titles to feature on those shows and get some good feuds going, The Trios titles aren't enough. The TNT needs to be defended there regularly and then either the International or Continental belt. The Tag Team TItles aren't being defended anywhere.

Right now both shows just feel listless regardless of how good a night they have between the ropes.

I don't know if not being made to defend their titles is part of the Elite storyline,but the Bucks haven't defended their belts once in at least 3 or 4 months that I can count. Okada hasn't with the Contiential belt. I agree about building up some of the mid-card. A criticism of AEW is (while the matches are usually great) putting on matches,their storylines will take a back seat. This leads me to beleive that Tony gets overwhelmed with the booking occasionally and books solid matches over anything of depth with storyline.

Right now,the women's titles stories seem to be the only thing that have any depth behind them.
I don't know if not being made to defend their titles is part of the Elite storyline,but the Bucks haven't defended their belts once in at least 3 or 4 months that I can count. Okada hasn't with the Contiential belt. I agree about building up some of the mid-card. A criticism of AEW is (while the matches are usually great) putting on matches,their storylines will take a back seat. This leads me to beleive that Tony gets overwhelmed with the booking occasionally and books solid matches over anything of depth with storyline.

Right now,the women's titles stories seem to be the only thing that have any depth behind them.
The women's division is healthier than I've ever seen it. AEW has really done a good job turning it around. Britt is back. Hayter hopefully will be soon. Willow won the CMLL belt this weekend too. So that division is fine.

But Tony is gonna have to let someone take some more control booking the B and C shows.
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So MJF and Ospreay are putting on what is probably the best "free tv" match of the year.

I haven't seen it yet,but it's another long match that MJF has been apart of. The Iron Man with Danielson a while back was a banger of a match. It's a good time to have a match like that on an anniversary show. Pulling out all the stops.

I'm looking forward to Slammiversary Saturday. I'm interested to see what's in store. Not crazy about the PCO match ,but outside of that, it's a solid card.

@UTK Hope you have a great time. I can't wait to go to the next live wrestling event. I'm going to have to find something close, and coming up.
So Collison felt a bit better this week. I think the smaller venue works for that show. Great opening match between Darby and Black Taurus Beast Mortos. Seems like they might plan to feature Darby on Collision now that he's back. That would be welcome. Also, Mortos is great in ring and they really need to capitalize on it.

There was a Lance Archer sighting. Maybe they'll actually use him this time.

Hope Skye is OK.
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