They’re Banning FJB and Let’s Go Brandon

Except that last election proves that is a lie. You guys still think the most vocal group wins.

Your side was the most vocal and you won.

From taking over city blocks in Portland to burning down multiple east coast cities your side was everywhere being as vocal as possible as the media called it mostly peaceful.

You then talked your way into mail in ballots and now here we are…with a totally gone President and a country in a death spiral.

And no….I do not believe mail in ballots are a good idea. If you can’t even get your crap together enough to have a state ID then I don’t want you choosing the leader because you will simply vote for whomever promises the most free stuff.
That may be the case if they keeping trotting out leftists. What makes Biden more dangerous is his lack of mental faculties.

On one hand you feign concern about his "mental faculties" and on the other you and your ilk grouse about him not really running things anyway.

Seems a lot like you guys simply want to bitch and moan.

None of this addresses that you willfully whistled past the graveyard while the squirrel haired imbecile drug his ass across the Oval office carpet for the last four years.

Sorry, but no one is taking your concern about a mentally fit president seriously... Not now.
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On one hand you feign concern about his "mental faculties" and on the other you and your ilk grouse about him not really running things anyway.

Seems a lot like you guys simply want to bitch and moan.

None of this addresses that you willfully whistled past the graveyard while the squirrel haired imbecile drug his ass across the Oval office carpet for the last four years.

Sorry, but no one is taking your concern about a mentally fit president seriously... Not now.

Oh please...get off your high horse.
And heck yea...people are upset as our nation goes down the gutter with a Radical agenda.
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On one hand you feign concern about his "mental faculties" and on the other you and your ilk grouse about him not really running things anyway.

Seems a lot like you guys simply want to bitch and moan.

None of this addresses that you willfully whistled past the graveyard while the squirrel haired imbecile drug his ass across the Oval office carpet for the last four years.

Sorry, but no one is taking your concern about a mentally fit president seriously... Not now.
Trump did some great things while in office, name one thing Biden has done so far that has helped the country?

You can't because everything he has touched or more like ignored has turned to 💩!
On one hand you feign concern about his "mental faculties" and on the other you and your ilk grouse about him not really running things anyway.

Seems a lot like you guys simply want to bitch and moan.

None of this addresses that you willfully whistled past the graveyard while the squirrel haired imbecile drug his ass across the Oval office carpet for the last four years.

Sorry, but no one is taking your concern about a mentally fit president seriously... Not now.
Trump did some great things while in office, name one thing Biden has done so far that has helped the country?

You can't because everything he has touched or more like ignored has turned to 💩!

Thanks for making points to an argument that isn't being had.

It really bothers you yahoos that people can think Biden is **** AND ALSO think Trump is **** too.

It simply must be one or the other with you guys, reconciling anything else requires effort you aren't willing to put forth.
Oh please...get off your high horse.

Translation: you're right but i don't want to admit you're right.

And heck yea...people are upset as our nation goes down the gutter with a Radical agenda.

Imagine being so oblivious as to not realize why there was a record turn out to vote against the guy who flushed the commode while he was still on it.
Thanks for making points to an argument that isn't being had.

It really bothers you yahoos that people can think Biden is **** AND ALSO think Trump is **** too.

It simply must be one or the other with you guys, reconciling anything else requires effort you aren't willing to put forth.

Sep can you see the problem with voting for Biden though? We are rolling in a Little Rascals firetruck going down the hill. His policies are wrecking the country. They signed over 30 executive orders day 1 to begin undoing everything Trump did. It has turned up bad like the border issue. These fools got steel beams rusting on the border and had to pay the contractors anyway.
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Translation: you're right but i don't want to admit you're right.

Imagine being so oblivious as to not realize why there was a record turn out to vote against the guy who flushed the commode while he was still on it.

It is amazing watching you come to your own self conclusion of righteousness and truth, as you always do...take it and sleep better tonight
Sep can you see the problem with voting for Biden though? We are rolling in a Little Rascals firetruck going down the hill. His policies are wrecking the country. They signed over 30 executive orders day 1 and to start undoing everything Trump did. It has turned up bad like the border issue. These fools got steel beans rusting on the border and had to pay the contractors anyway.
Steel beans? Are we booby-trapping the border?
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Thanks for making points to an argument that isn't being had.

It really bothers you yahoos that people can think Biden is **** AND ALSO think Trump is **** too.

It simply must be one or the other with you guys, reconciling anything else requires effort you aren't willing to put forth.

I kinda disagree.

I think both are crap but am perplexed by how anyone can think Biden is less crappy.

That’s why I am amazed.
I think both are crap but am perplexed by how anyone can think Biden is less crappy.

Hasn't/isn't violating the emoluments clause, hasn't appointed family to cabinet positions, hasn't gone through then attempted to publicly shame multiple staff and cabinet members.

But that's about it. Everything else is a bloody mess.

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