They’re Banning FJB and Let’s Go Brandon

Hasn't/isn't violating the emoluments clause, hasn't appointed family to cabinet positions, hasn't gone through then attempted to publicly shame multiple staff and cabinet members.

But that's about it. Everything else is a bloody mess.

No he hasn’t.

But he has gotten a ton of money for his son various nefarious dealings and has told other countries to back off of Hunter or else.
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No he hasn’t.

But he has gotten a ton of money for his son various nefarious dealings and has told other countries to back off of Hunter or else.

Yeah, that falls under the bloody mess part for me.

I'm wondering if we'll ever have a presidential candidate worth voting for ever again.
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Hasn't/isn't violating the emoluments clause, hasn't appointed family to cabinet positions, hasn't gone through then attempted to publicly shame multiple staff and cabinet members.

But that's about it. Everything else is a bloody mess.

Trump didn’t appoint any family to cabinet positions or violate the emoluments clause either.
Yeah, that falls under the bloody mess part for me.

I'm wondering if we'll ever have a presidential candidate worth voting for ever again.

I don’t think so but I don’t think we have had an actual real leader who could work with both sides since Clinton.

I would take his 8 years back in a heart beat and just leave the dude alone for his personal life. Him and Newt were a very good team and we haven’t had that since.
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Sep can you see the problem with voting for Biden though? We are rolling in a Little Rascals firetruck going down the hill. His policies are wrecking the country. They signed over 30 executive orders day 1 to begin undoing everything Trump did. It has turned up bad like the border issue. These fools got steel beams rusting on the border and had to pay the contractors anyway.

No I get it, you think one is worse than the other. I believe they are both terrible in different ways. I can't argue against what you subjectively believe are policy's that are "wrecking" the country but I can point out is the hypocrisy of folks like you clutching your peals over Biden's lack of "mental faculties" while pretending that Trump was a member of Mensa.

Grouse about his policy's all you want and in large part I agree - the Biden admin has been a disaster, thus far. But you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing mental faculties, trump was unfiltered and imbecilic, which in my opinion is why so many American's turned out to vote him out.
No I get it, you think one is worse than the other. I believe they are both terrible in different ways. I can't argue against what you subjectively believe are policy's that are "wrecking" the country but I can point out is the hypocrisy of folks like you clutching your peals over Biden's lack of "mental faculties" while pretending that Trump was a member of Mensa.

Grouse about his policy's all you want and in large part I agree - the Biden admin has been a disaster, thus far. But you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing mental faculties, trump was unfiltered and imbecilic, which in my opinion is why so many American's turned out to vote him out.
It is one thing to be an arrogant, loud-mouthed azzhole that Trump was/is. It is entirely different to be in severe mental decline as Biden is experiencing. You can’t say Trump wasn’t making his own decisions- good and bad. Do you really believe Biden is making decisions?
I kinda disagree.

I think both are crap but am perplexed by how anyone can think Biden is less crappy.

That’s why I am amazed.

I'm certainly not trying to measure them at this point, we're less than a year into the current admin.

I find it ironic that one would put either one on pedestals. It's like trying to discern if a Rottweilers sh*t smells worse than Chihuahuas. And frankly anyone who is trying to prop up their turd over being the least stinky fails to realize that they are still touting dog sh*t.
It is one thing to be an arrogant, loud-mouthed azzhole that Trump was/is. It is entirely different to be in severe mental decline as Biden is experiencing. You can’t say Trump wasn’t making his own decisions- good and bad. Do you really believe Biden is making decisions?

No, trump was a loud mouthed azzhole - but he was also an idiot.

You guys need to stop trying to make this a choice. They both suck, for different reasons and a lot of the same.

I get it, it's hard to criticize Trump for many of you, but the reality of my words aren't lessened because it's inconvenient to ones feelz.
It is amazing watching you come to your own self conclusion of righteousness and truth, as you always do...take it and sleep better tonight

It's not amazing watching you flounder when it comes to responses, in fact it's expected. Instead of pointing out where I'm wrong about the hypocrisy you displayed, you attack me.

Good job.
No, trump was a loud mouthed azzhole - but he was also an idiot.

You guys need to stop trying to make this a choice. They both suck, for different reasons and a lot of the same.

I get it, it's hard to criticize Trump for many of you, but the reality of my words aren't lessened because it's inconvenient to ones feelz.
I think you need to read my post again. Not sure how much more you need me to criticize someone other than calling them an arrogant, loud-mouthed azzhole.
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I think you need to read my post again. Not sure how much more you need me to criticize someone other than calling them an arrogant, loud-mouthed azzhole.

The argument isn't about his personality, and you really aren't providing a revelation that he wasn't anything but a loud mouth azzhole. It's a universal truth, a known quantity, like water being wet and death being inevitable.

The discussion was about mental faculties. So conceding that Trump is a tool isn't a capitulation or even relevant to the argument at hand.

Now, if you'd like to be the first to admit that trump is an imbecile - then we'd be on the same wavelength. Somehow I don't think you or any of the other trumpers would roll over on that like I am with both men. Therein lies the difference.
The argument isn't about his personality, and you really aren't providing a revelation that he wasn't anything but a loud mouth azzhole. It's a universal truth, a known quantity, like water being wet and death being inevitable.

The discussion was about mental faculties. So conceding that Trump is a tool isn't a capitulation or even relevant to the argument at hand.

Now, if you'd like to be the first to admit that trump is an imbecile - then we'd be on the same wavelength. Somehow I don't think you or any of the other trumpers would roll over on that like I am with both men. Therein lies the difference.

Trump was smart enough to use his tv personality to get the highest office in the land. Biden had to be hid in a basement in order to keep people from finding out how much he had mentally declined. You are comparing apples and oranges.
Trump was smart enough to use his tv personality to get the highest office in the land. Biden had to be hid in a basement in order to keep people from finding out how much he had mentally declined. You are comparing apples and oranges.

You're deflecting from what was really the only point, mental faculties and the lack thereof.

If you want devolve the conversation into pot shots at whatfors, I'd point out that Trump also lost the presidency to a dementia patient BECAUSE of his personality. Let that sink in.
You're deflecting from what was really the only point, mental faculties and the lack thereof.

If you want devolve the conversation into pot shots at whatfors, I'd point out that Trump also lost the presidency to a dementia patient BECAUSE of his personality. Let that sink in.

If you are trying to say that Trump was not in control of his metal faculties, you are incorrect. You may not like what thoughts went from his brain to his mouth but he was not senile or mentally compromised. The same can’t be said for Biden
If you are trying to say that Trump was not in control of his metal faculties, you are incorrect. You may not like what thoughts went from his brain to his mouth but he was not senile or mentally compromised. The same can’t be said for Biden

I wasn't saying trump isn't in control of his mental faculties, I just think he's an idiot. Truthfully, I don't find much comfort in the distinction between having a president with dementia and one that is simply dumb.

Again, you're trying to tell me your turd doesn't stink as bad. I'm still trying to wake you up to the fact that it still smells like sh*t. You can pour all the sugar on it you want, I'm still not taking a bite.
No, trump was a loud mouthed azzhole - but he was also an idiot.

You guys need to stop trying to make this a choice. They both suck, for different reasons and a lot of the same.

I get it, it's hard to criticize Trump for many of you, but the reality of my words aren't lessened because it's inconvenient to ones feelz.
I wasn't saying trump isn't in control of his mental faculties, I just think he's an idiot. Truthfully, I don't find much comfort in the distinction between having a president with dementia and one that is simply dumb.

Again, you're trying to tell me your turd doesn't stink as bad. I'm still trying to wake you up to the fact that it still smells like sh*t. You can pour all the sugar on it you want, I'm still not taking a bite.
Yeah you keep repeating the same thing, but provide no opinion as to why you believe Trump was an idiot. I can probably come up with half a dozen GREAT policy decisions he came up with and you focus on the personality. I can only think of one thing Biden has done and he has 'done' that by not changing a Trump policy.

I get it. You hated Trump. But like everyone else that hated the man, you let that cloud your judgement of what he was actually doing.
Yeah you keep repeating the same thing, but provide no opinion as to why you believe Trump was an idiot. I can probably come up with half a dozen GREAT policy decisions he came up with and you focus on the personality. I can only think of one thing Biden has done and he has 'done' that by not changing a Trump policy.

I get it. You hated Trump. But like everyone else that hated the man, you let that cloud your judgement of what he was actually doing.

Since you engaged... I actually agreed with much of his domestic and foreign policy on its face, his economic policy - not so much as he spent far too much money. It's my opinion however that being president is about much more that partisan agenda and requires at least a modicum of character and something that passes for dignity. Donny took pride is his low rent divisiveness and has never revealed an ounce of observable integrity. Much of this could have been forgiven if he didn't revel in appealing to the lowest common denominator - he requires total loyalty and yet never reciprocated when push came to shove. He was a piece of human trash before he was elected and unsurprisingly never changed.

I take a lot of pride in my TDS.
If you are trying to say that Trump was not in control of his metal faculties, you are incorrect. You may not like what thoughts went from his brain to his mouth but he was not senile or mentally compromised. The same can’t be said for Biden
Plus Trump never **** himself in public repeatedly, something we can't say about Joe Biden or, for that matter, Hot Sauce Hilldawg.
Since you engaged... I actually agreed with much of his domestic and foreign policy on its face, his economic policy - not so much as he spent far too much money. It's my opinion however that being president is about much more that partisan agenda and requires at least a modicum of character and something that passes for dignity. Donny took pride is his low rent divisiveness and has never revealed an ounce of observable integrity. Much of this could have been forgiven if he didn't revel in appealing to the lowest common denominator - he requires total loyalty and yet never reciprocated when push came to shove. He was a piece of human trash before he was elected and unsurprisingly never changed.

I take a lot of pride in my TDS.
I agree with much of what you say. I only disagree with you when you say Trump was an idiot. I think he was severely emotionally immature, but I don't believe you could call him an idiot.
If you want devolve the conversation into pot shots at whatfors, I'd point out that Trump also lost the presidency to a dementia patient BECAUSE of his personality. Let that sink in.

You and I do not agree on a number of things, but yeah, this is true.

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