They Don’t Pay Their Fair Share

I was showing that your statement in the OP was wrong. Pure and simple.

Okay so your point, according to you, is that I’m wrong regarding how progressive our tax system is. And you proved that by showing me that Sweden has a less progressive system?

How did your “data and Sweden” do anything other than strengthen my argument?
What am I not being consistent on?

And you’re still ignoring the question. Why are they not paying enough?
You said the top 1% pays 40% of all income taxes.
you later said 1% pays almost all of income taxes.
Unless you are claiming that 40% is almost all then you are being grossly inconsistent.

It's actually humorous to see someone be so consistently wrong.
You said the top 1% pays 40% of all income taxes.
you later said 1% pays almost all of income taxes.
Unless you are claiming that 40% is almost all then you are being grossly inconsistent.

There’s a remaining 60% divided by 99% of the population.

Woudl you prefer I say they pay a plurality?
The true solution is to make deficit spending only allowable if it passes by the same requirements of amending the constitution. I am not saying we should never deficit spend. But it should take both the Feds and States being on board. Pipe dream I know.
What would you think of a federal consumption tax (flat for all) that kicked in any time the federal deficit exceeded a specific % of GDP?

Might cause the citizenry to take more notice of how we are allocating tax receipts.
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Okay so your point, according to you, is that I’m wrong regarding how progressive our tax system is. And you proved that by showing me that Sweden has a less progressive system?

How did your “data and Sweden” do anything other than strengthen my argument?
My data wasn't just about Sweden.
You didn't say America has one of the most progressive tax systems, you said America has the most progressive tax system.
You said the top 1% pays 40% of all income taxes.
you later said 1% pays almost all of income taxes.
Unless you are claiming that 40% is almost all then you are being grossly inconsistent.

It's actually humorous to see someone be so consistently wrong.
Luther, that was an honest mistake on his part in that one single post. You know that, but you’re being an a$$ about it. His post should have said the top 1% pay 40% of all taxes or the Top 50% pays almost all income taxes. Move on so you can continue to dodge other direct questions or provide nebulous, non-commital answers.
There’s a remaining 60% divided by 99% of the population.

Woudl you prefer I say they pay a plurality?
That would at least be more accurate and consistent.
If you want to poke fun of people who misspeak, it's best to not be one of the most guilty.
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What would you think of a federal consumption tax (flat for all) that kicked in any time the federal deficit exceeded a specific % of GDP?

Might cause the citizenry to take more notice of how we are allocating tax receipts.
I am a massive fan of the Fair Tax. Ignore the name it's pandering. But it's great policy IMO

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My data wasn't just about Sweden.
You didn't say America has one of the most progressive tax systems, you said America has the most progressive tax system.

I didn’t go out of my way to quote a portion about Sweden nor to include a link about how high their taxes were. That was you. Own the fact that you were wrong twice (1. They have more progressive taxes, 2. They have less income inequality) about Sweden.

All your data was, was a list of places with high taxes. Sweden has high taxes. It had 0 to do with progressive taxes.
Luther, that was an honest mistake on his part in that one single post. You know that, but you’re being an a$$ about it. His post should have said the top 1% pay 40% of all taxes or the Top 50% pays almost all income taxes. Move on so you can continue to dodge other direct questions or provide nebulous, non-commital answers.
Give me a break.
He wants to claim in a post that everything I say is wrong, and then you want me to let his mistakes go unnoticed.
That would at least be more accurate and consistent.
If you want to poke fun of people who misspeak, it's best to not be one of the most guilty.
The ones most consistently misspeaking, are those claiming, the wealthy aren't paying taxes. Who are dumb enough, to perpetuate the idea, that Warren and Mittens Secretary pay more in taxes Or that Amazon pays none. It's truly deceitful dangerous, nonsense that if you had morals, you would shout down. It's dangerous. And it's on purpose.
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Give me a break.
He wants to claim in a post that everything I say is wrong, and then you want me to let his mistakes go unnoticed.

The difference here is simple. I owned up to it. I should’ve said they pay a plurality or that the top 50% pay the vast majority.

When do you plan on manning up? Or are you going to continue lying about Sweden
No. I believe in property tax.

That is a third tax. (1) taxes on income, (2) taxes on wealth, and (3) taxes on property. Do you believe in taxing the real estate asset or the wealth in the RE after backing out the mortgages?

BTW, (4) taxes (and “fees”) on transactions/sales. It’s NEVER enough for the bloated government.
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Give me a break.
He wants to claim in a post that everything I say is wrong, and then you want me to let his mistakes go unnoticed.

If there is no God nor any higher call to help your fellow man then why should a single person making over 500k have any such thing as a fair share and pay more in taxes simply to stop someone else from starving?

Fair share dictates a morality clause.
Maybe I lost track, but we don't have a federal wealth tax other than a graduated income tax scale of which no rich asshat pays. People that are middle to upper "middle class" are the ones that get F'd every year. The really rich like some pilots on here get away with paying little to no taxes.
I WISH that was true.
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I'm saying what I've always said. That the wealth inequality in our country is obscene and the wealthiest need to shoulder their FAIR SHARE of the burden.
And what is that 'fair share'. And don't start with your 'whatever society determines' horseshit. They already shoulder 40% of the burden, how much more is 'fair'?
The difference here is simple. I owned up to it. I should’ve said they pay a plurality or that the top 50% pay the vast majority.

When do you plan on manning up? Or are you going to continue lying about Sweden
What mistake did I not own up to?
I said they should have a more graduated scale. (The article I linked said many considered them to have the most progressive tax structure)
I said I posted the wrong top ten list and then quickly posted the correct list (from the same link).
If there is no God nor any higher call to help your fellow man then why should a single person making over 500k have any such thing as a fair share and pay more in taxes simply to stop someone else from starving?

Fair share dictates a morality clause.
Human decency.

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