This is not normal: Trump's tweet storm

Not your every day run of the mill narcissist but he suffers from full blown narcissistic personality disorder.....i.e..... (cray cray)
Throw in the antisocial personality disorder and you have quite the toxic mix which renders one beyond incapable of functioning as POTUS.

Idk how serious I can take a person who doesn’t believe transgenderism is a real mental health issue, but believes narcissism is
He's asking federal agencies to look into a comedy show for making fun of the president.

Also, what grown man with a kinda important job tweets 29 times in a night?

If he really wanted to ask them to do that, he could, agreed? So I don’t take that tweet very serious
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The question a Republican should ask themselves: If a Democratic president acted exactly like Trump would you be concerned? Also, Kelly is George's wife. Do they talk among themselves and say "he is cray cray" and then she plays innocent for the public and lets him do the dirty work? How does that marriage work?
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George Conway is a joke. This 25th amendment nonsense is a Democrat power grab because they lost an election.

The 25th in no way would transfer any power to the Democrats. It just means we'd have another loon as President. A different kind of loon, but a loon nonetheless.
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What’s your evidence
His tweets provide a fairly strong foundation.
The comments from everyone who has escaped his inner circle.
The whole humping the flag moment would be enough to commit.
It was pretty obvious on day one when he sent Spicer out to claim "alternative facts" about the inaugural crowd size that we weren't dealing with a sane individual.
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His tweets provide a fairly strong foundation.
The comments from everyone who has escaped his inner circle.
The whole humping the flag moment would be enough to commit.
It was pretty obvious on day one when he sent Spicer out to claim "alternative facts" about the inaugural crowd size that we weren't dealing with a sane individual.

Which tweet
The 25th in no way would transfer any power to the Democrats. It just means we'd have another loon as President. A different kind of loon, but a loon nonetheless.

The idea that the other side can declare the president crazy because they don’t like his tweets is an actual threat to our democracy. Not trumps tweets
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The question a Republican should ask themselves: If a Democratic president acted exactly like Trump would you be concerned. Also, Kelly is George's wife. Does they talk among themselves and say "he is cray cray" and then she plays innocent for the public and lets him do the dirty work? How does that marriage work?

The Conways are trying to be the next Carville and Matalin. Following the same script.
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No he couldn't.

The leader of the free world is crying about being picked on by those mean little comedians. But I'm sure he'll be tough when it counts

He couldn’t? For one, I didn’t actually see any claim that he wanted an agency to look into this in tweet.

But 2, wouldn’t the agencies of interest fall under the executive branch?
His tweets provide a fairly strong foundation.
The comments from everyone who has escaped his inner circle.
The whole humping the flag moment would be enough to commit.
It was pretty obvious on day one when he sent Spicer out to claim "alternative facts" about the inaugural crowd size that we weren't dealing with a sane individual.
You talking about the anonymous ones or the ones on the record?
Ummm so he’s narcissistic? Lol that’s real news.
Also most everyone in charge, in an elected position, or has run for an elected position is a narcissist. They think they’re the most qualified person for the job. To run for president you have to be the ultimate narcissist. If this is a mental disorder we’re going to need a lot of funny farms.
The idea that the other side can declare the president crazy because they don’t like his tweets is an actual threat to our democracy. Not trumps tweets
The fact that we have 36% of our populace that will continue to support a president who is obviously and dangerously mentally ill is the actual threat to our democracy.
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He couldn’t? For one, I didn’t actually see any claim that he wanted an agency to look into this in tweet.

But 2, wouldn’t the agencies of interest fall under the executive branch?
What is there to investigate? What's the crime? When did comedians making fun of potus become an investigation? Is he that big of a wuss? There is nothing he could do to SNL besides tweet paranoid little threats
The fact that we have 36% of our populace that will continue to support a president who is obviously and dangerously mentally ill is the actual threat to our democracy.

I don’t support him actually. But the idea you should remove a president because you don’t like his tweets is insane. What’s your evidence?

Point me to the best examples of how he is insane?
The fact that we have 36% of our populace that will continue to support a president who is obviously and dangerously mentally ill is the actual threat to our democracy.

Careful, you're going to get called out for making an inaccurate post.

Edit: never mind I didn't see it was you Luther. You're good.

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