This is the year

We will have a completely recoached team, albeit better, but recoached on both sides of the ball nonetheless. We won't have near the fire power on offense and brand new players at the most important position, QB. The injury bug has hit the defense like crazy and has made certain key positions weak. 7-5 with a bowl game would be a hell of an accomplishment, while 6-6 is reality. Do I think this season is at all indictive of CBJ's future here? No. All of these positions just need time, coaching, and talented depth and all of these are being addressed right now.
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I can't pick the winner but I can tell you it won't be the Jaguars.
Yo, Hoss, track with me here. I was not talking to you. If you scroll back you will see that I had quoted and responded to the severely misnamed "Titans4Vols" who said that he could tell from fall camp, while PRACTICING against one another, that the Vols suck. Capish?
FAN board. Yup. Completely aware. Are you aware that you are prognosticating doom based on bullsh**?

Are you really trying to take a shot at me not being a "fan" of this team with that comment?

I'm only 24 years old, I really didn't even get to enjoy the the national championship the team won, was only just starting to get in to football at the time. Most of my memories as a Vol fan are of teams that were slightly above average or worse, yet I've stuck with, and will continue to stick with the Vols, even if they suck for the rest of my life. I'm pretty sure I can consider myself a fan.

I'm predicting a bad season based off what we did last year plus what the roster looks like right now. We're coming off a 5-7 season and we're losing an NFL caliber QB, 3 NFL Caliber WRs, and NFL caliber TE and an NFL caliber OT/OG. We went 5-7 with that much talent on offense(and the rest of the offensive line from last year is likely to make it to the NFL as well).

Sure, we've drastically improved our coaches..but when you lose that much talent on offense and your defense was one of the worst in the country..the outlook isn't good my friend, as much as it sucks to say.
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Yo, Hoss, track with me here. I was not talking to you. If you scroll back you will see that I had quoted and responded to the severely misnamed "Titans4Vols" who said that he could tell from fall camp, while PRACTICING against one another, that the Vols suck. Capish?

I know who you quoted dummy.

And Ronnie Milsap could see that this team is void of talent nearly across the board.

You really want to put your faith in Justin Worley, be my guest.
Does any of that talent play QB? Or CB? Or LB?

There is a difference between talent and experience...we have plenty of talent at all 3 of those. Whether they play to their capability remains to be seen. The defense will be above average. As players have said ad nauseum the scheme is easier to understand. Its what they know. They just line up and play.

For example: If youve done one job for 5 years and your boss tells u to learn another job you will start doing tomorrow and you have 30 instructions to do the job the correct way, and not only that, they are the most generic instructiobns possible. Are you going to take off and be a pro right away? No. Youll probably take twice as long as the last guy because everyone threw you into the into the fire with very little explanation of anything. And do you automatically forget how to do your previous job? Of course not. You would go right back to it without missing a beat.
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Why, yes...yes it does. BTW, does Jay Barker ring a bell? I know, how about T. Martin? As for the LB's and corners, I am not going to even grace that with a response.

We don't have a QB. Period.
We have all of one good LB.
and our best Cb is coming off of ACL surgery, the other is a true freshman.

You're an idiot.
An energy never felt at UT? You must be all of 18 years old.
Ha!! To think that I was thinking the same about you judging from your assured tone before a ball was snapped and an obvious disconnect with what a difference great leaders can make. I'm 47 and a freaking VFL
Ha!! To think that I was thinking the same about you judging from your assured tone before a ball was snapped and an obvious disconnect with what a difference great leaders can make. I'm 47 and a freaking VFL

I would have lied if I were you.
Not sure why this is so hard to understand. Given time I think Jones could do well here but he's got a long way to go with the roster that was left.
Maybe he should shoot for the number 1 class in the country. I know, a long shot with us sucking so bad and all, but one can dream. Per the talent on the roster, you either never played the game or were one of the one's that played.....but never really GOT it....or, you are a very longwinded troll.
Maybe he should shoot for the number 1 class in the country. I know, a long shot with us sucking so bad and all, but one can dream. Per the talent on the roster, you either never played the game or were one of the one's that played.....but never really GOT it....or, you are a very longwinded troll.

It's a great start but there is still a long way to go.
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Are you really trying to take a shot at me not being a "fan" of this team with that comment?

I'm only 24 years old, I really didn't even get to enjoy the the national championship the team won, was only just starting to get in to football at the time. Most of my memories as a Vol fan are of teams that were slightly above average or worse, yet I've stuck with, and will continue to stick with the Vols, even if they suck for the rest of my life. I'm pretty sure I can consider myself a fan.

I'm predicting a bad season based off what we did last year plus what the roster looks like right now. We're coming off a 5-7 season and we're losing an NFL caliber QB, 3 NFL Caliber WRs, and NFL caliber TE and an NFL caliber OT/OG. We went 5-7 with that much talent on offense(and the rest of the offensive line from last year is likely to make it to the NFL as well).

Sure, we've drastically improved our coaches..but when you lose that much talent on offense and your defense was one of the worst in the country..the outlook isn't good my friend, as much as it sucks to say.
Yes, we lost some talent. We also lost a whole lot of "me's" and infectiously poor leadership on the field and on the sidelines that created an underpinning of failure. GOOD RIDANCE. Look, if you don't see I do. Do I think that a bowl game and a win in said bowl game is a solid season....yep. However, I have already said this. Now, do I think that the talent, coaching, chemistry and intangibles are in place to make this season a surprisingly pleasant shocker. DAMN SKIPPY. So, let's chat in a few weeks.
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After Oregon beats our brains in, maybe you'll see what we are trying to beat in to your brain.
Yes, we lost some talent. We also lost a whole lot of "me's" and infectiously poor leadership on the field and on the sidelines that created an underpinning of failure. GOOD RIDANCE. Look, if you don't see I do. Do I think that a bowl game and a win in said bowl game is a solid season....yep. However, I have already said this. Now, do I think that the talent, coaching, chemistry and intangibles are in place to make this season a surprisingly pleasant shocker. DAMN SKIPPY. So, let's chat in a few weeks.

I think it's great you have a positive outlook for the season. I surely hope that's the way it works out. However, like your opinion is that we should have a solid season, my opinion is that it is we likely will not.

However, attacking the opinion that the team will be bad based on what we've stated is hypocritical considering you have an opinion of how the season will turn out too. If your thought process was "I have no opinion of how this season will turn out and simply waiting for the season to start" would be one thing, but this is another.

No one knows for sure how it will turn out. No reason to attack anyone's opinion, whether it's us going winless or us going undefeated.
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After Oregon beats our brains in, maybe you'll see what we are trying to beat in to your brain.
au contraire mon fraire, the OLD Vols maybe, but this is at the root of our disagreement and how I now know for certain that you never played, were in a battle or have been in any situation other than vicariously that lends you the ability to see the difference between how a team with good leadership would use that to improve and grow.....not fold and whimper as you suggest! Yup. This single comment efficates everything that I thought about you.
au contraire mon fraire, the OLD Vols maybe, but this is at the root of our disagreement and how I now know for certain that you never played, were in a battle or have been in any situation other than vicariously that lends you the ability to see the difference between how a team with good leadership would use that to improve and grow.....not fold and whimper as you suggest! Yup. This single comment efficates everything that I thought about you.

You're a riot.

Oregon will win by 30 plus. General Neyland couldn't lead this group to a win in Eugene.
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I just wouldn't admit to being a guy near 50 with such a lack of intelligence. I would have given you a pass if you were 18.
Please Missa Gahlee, gives me one mo chance at a pass....oh PLEASE. Everbody know how smart you be.....gots dat pulse a dem Vols dowm PAT, YESSIR!! I be recantin' right now. We do's suck and prolly shouldn't even take dat field ginst them mo talented squads. We should just take our lickins' at best!! We da hind tit runt dat's what we is. No bidness on dat field whatsoeva!!! Suck we place fo usins'.......suck, suck, suck what we does
Please Missa Gahlee, gives me one mo chance at a pass....oh PLEASE. Everbody know how smart you be.....gots dat pulse a dem Vols dowm PAT, YESSIR!! I be recantin' right now. We do's suck and prolly shouldn't even take dat field ginst them mo talented squads. We should just take our lickins' at best!! We da hind tit runt dat's what we is. No bidness on dat field whatsoeva!!! Suck we place fo usins'.......suck, suck, suck what we does

Racist IMO.
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No one argues we have some talent and better coaching. We just have very little depth and almost no experience other than the OL. Also, injuries will happen. They do to every team, but with us it will be worse due to the depth problem. We will see a lot of ups and downs this year.

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