This is the year

I think it's great you have a positive outlook for the season. I surely hope that's the way it works out. However, like your opinion is that we should have a solid season, my opinion is that it is we likely will not.

However, attacking the opinion that the team will be bad based on what we've stated is hypocritical considering you have an opinion of how the season will turn out too. If your thought process was "I have no opinion of how this season will turn out and simply waiting for the season to start" would be one thing, but this is another.

No one knows for sure how it will turn out. No reason to attack anyone's opinion, whether it's us going winless or us going undefeated.
Life lesson #1 youngun': If none of us know then WHY ere on the side of negativity? Expect greatness, but be real. I am not attacking a differing opinion of THIS team and THIS season. I am attacking the ill conceived notion that we are not ONLY not better than a crap product put on the field by a crap leadership team, I am attacking the notion that you contend that with who we lost we will be worse. I disagree from the depths of my acquired knowledge of the game, but more importantly, from life experience. State away. Nobody will stop you, but to thing that I am obliged to sit and read tripe and act as though I didn't is utterly asinine and immature. This reminds me of the freaking Muslim Brotherhood. You want to state opinions about MY Vols that are ill conceived and ungrounded, lace it in a total lack of life experience about team chemistry and great leadership (that reaches far past the gridiron and into every facet of being a man as it pertains to military, business and raising a proper family) and then ***** when I disagree like you are persecuted or something. I truly don't have any expectation that you will grasp this point, but would be remiss not to say it,
Life lesson #1 youngun': If none of us know then WHY ere on the side of negativity? Expect greatness, but be real. I am not attacking a differing opinion of THIS team and THIS season. I am attacking the ill conceived notion that we are not ONLY not better than a crap product put on the field by a crap leadership team, I am attacking the notion that you contend that with who we lost we will be worse. I disagree from the depths of my acquired knowledge of the game, but more importantly, from life experience. State away. Nobody will stop you, but to thing that I am obliged to sit and read tripe and act as though I didn't is utterly asinine and immature. This reminds me of the freaking Muslim Brotherhood. You want to state opinions about MY Vols that are ill conceived and ungrounded, lace it in a total lack of life experience about team chemistry and great leadership (that reaches far past the gridiron and into every facet of being a man as it pertains to military, business and raising a proper family) and then ***** when I disagree like you are persecuted or something. I truly don't have any expectation that you will grasp this point, but would be remiss not to say it,

Climb down off that cross dude, nobody cares that you're up there in the first place.
You're a riot.

Oregon will win by 30 plus. General Neyland couldn't lead this group to a win in Eugene.

It will be a 10 pt game either way. Oregon is like the damn holy grail on this board lol. Its hilarious.

For the record, in my "official" predictions I said we lose 24-21

I know, I know....theyre whole team can circle the earth 3 times in 4.4 seconds but just watch

Ill give myself a little lee way and say if we lose by more than 14 ill start a thread for everyone to mock me in
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It will be a 10 pt game either way. Oregon is like the damn holy grail on this board lol. Its hilarious.

For the record, in my "official" predictions I said we lose 24-21

I know, I know....theyre whole team can circle the earth 3 times in 4.4 seconds but just watch

Ill give myself a little lee way and say if we lose by more than 14 ill start a thread for everyone to mock me in

That thread will get buried amongst all the "what the hell is Worley doing?"" threads.

I'd be shocked if they weren't up by 4 Td's at halftime.
Climb down off that cross dude, nobody cares that you're up there in the first place.
Now I'm having as much trouble tracking as when a little foreign language threw you for such a loop that you missed the fact that I was saying that if we did get beat by O, it would be used as a builder and not a tuck tail as in the recent past.
It will be a 10 pt game either way. Oregon is like the damn holy grail on this board lol. Its hilarious.

For the record, in my "official" predictions I said we lose 24-21

I know, I know....theyre whole team can circle the earth 3 times in 4.4 seconds but just watch

Ill give myself a little lee way and say if we lose by more than 14 ill start a thread for everyone to mock me in
LOVE it!!
That thread will get buried amongst all the "what the hell is Worley doing?"" threads.

I'd be shocked if they weren't up by 4 Td's at halftime.

Smack yourself on both cheeks if you have to because this is becoming redundant.....TRACK WITH ME HERE....
Even if your troll butt is right you are missing the point. IF we loose to them (seriously dude, let me just copy the previous post that you could not grasp. Maybe it was the insertion of a foreign language phrase that got you all discombobulated)....
Originally Posted by GahLee
After Oregon beats our brains in, maybe you'll see what we are trying to beat in to your brain.
Volbreaker then said:
Au contraire mon fraire, the OLD Vols maybe, but this is at the root of our disagreement and how I now know for certain that you never played, were in a battle or have been in any situation, other than vicariously, that lends you the ability to see the difference between how a team with good leadership would use that to improve and grow.....not fold and whimper as you suggest! Yup. This single comment efficates everything that I thought about you
New coaching staff, horrible collection of QB's and we are going to trot out a number of familiar faces from the worst defense in school history.

Plenty of reasons for optimism.

A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.--Patricia Neal--

Try it, sonny.
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Like I said, just watch and see.

Oregon isnt a god team like everyone thinks

Oh, I don't know....I've been told that they will "beat our brains in" 'cuz we suck and have no QB's, LB's, Corner', what else was there Mr. Gahlee? Oh, and once they did it would "beat it into my brain" how bad we suck. That's it, right, Gahlee?? I don't want to misquote, but I think that at that point he insinuated that we'd fold tent for the season and take our rightful place in the football subdivision or something to that effect.....CUZ WE SUCK!! Right, Gahlee?
A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.--Patricia Neal--

Try it, sonny.

Shweew, I was beginning to think that I was the only insomniac tonight and was on the island of misfit football "FANS". That was beautifully stated.
Oh, I agree.

What I meant was I feel it's a possibility we don't even win 5 games. 4-8 is a possibility.

Save yourself the pain...dig in with the rugby team ..we'll give you casualty updates
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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That thread will get buried amongst all the "what the hell is Worley doing?"" threads.

I'd be shocked if they weren't up by 4 Td's at halftime.

You're clever...I'll give you it early morning fatigue that led to you coming out of the closet as a troll...I've noticed your previous work on here and never got that least you're obvious unlike my buddy rcvol....of course from here on out your opinions will be disregarded as such...will your new screen name have a Gomer reference? we know it's you?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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Shweew, I was beginning to think that I was the only insomniac tonight and was on the island of misfit football "FANS". That was beautifully stated.

Thanks. I went to bed at 8PM. Just suddenly got extremely sleepy and felt like everything moved in slow motion. Woke up at 1:45AM too much energy to go back to sleep. So Shirley has told me from 4AM - 6AM, she wants half the house cleaned. So will sign off soon and attack the bathrooms and living room. Blasted gal can sleep through a training coming through the house. How I envy her.
Thanks. I went to bed at 8PM. Just suddenly got extremely sleepy and felt like everything moved in slow motion. Woke up at 1:45AM too much energy to go back to sleep. So Shirley has told me from 4AM - 6AM, she wants half the house cleaned. So will sign off soon and attack the bathrooms and living room. Blasted gal can sleep through a training coming through the house. How I envy her.
WOMEN!!! Mine relegated me to the family room for my battle with the trolls. I haven't been to sleep, but think that I am feeling it. Of course, I'll try to get some sleepin' lovin'. Ergo, if you see a domestic violence report in the paper tomorrow, note that it was the male being abused.
Climb down off that cross dude, nobody cares that you're up there in the first place.
Aw, Gahlee, you don't mean that! I mean , you guys were having quite the "burn 'em at the stake" party and all I did was exhibit bawlz and astute observation. If I am on a cross then it is the Vol you Judas Iscariots cast lots to see how bad my beloved and RIGHTED team will perform this season. Poor, tortured's time for ya'll to flip to Vandyland now. However, make nice around there because they don't tolerate for as long as I did. Save your character expose until AFTER you are firmly entrenched.....I'd suggest the end of the season after we demolish them. Then you'll have company!! The last thing that we want is your vitriol back over here. Capish?
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Aw, Gahlee, you don't mean that! I mean , you guys were having quite the "burn 'em at the stake" party and all I did was exhibit bawlz and astute observation. If I am on a cross then it is the Vol you Judas Iscariots cast lots to see how bad my beloved and RIGHTED team will perform this season. Poor, tortured's time for ya'll to flip to Vandyland now. However, make nice around there because they don't tolerate for as long as I did. Save your character expose until AFTER you are firmly entrenched.....I'd suggest the end of the season after we demolish them. Then you'll have company!! The last thing that we want is your vitriol back over here. Capish?

mate just put him on ignore and please please stop quoting him. His hate for our Vols is clear to most of us. He is a fan from another team just trolling here is all.
An eight win season means we win every game we have a real chance at and we beat someone no one will give us a chance to. 8 wins is the peak for this team and if Butch somehow leads the Vols to 8 wins, I still say he deserves COY consideration.
An eight win season means we win every game we have a real chance at and we beat someone no one will give us a chance to. 8 wins is the peak for this team and if Butch somehow leads the Vols to 8 wins, I still say he deserves COY consideration.

If we beat oregon and/or fl this post will change drastically.
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