This is the year

WOMEN!!! Mine relegated me to the family room for my battle with the trolls. I haven't been to sleep, but think that I am feeling it. Of course, I'll try to get some sleepin' lovin'. Ergo, if you see a domestic violence report in the paper tomorrow, note that it was the male being abused.

Yeah. But Shirley was smart. Got the cleaning done and I'm free the rest of the day to even go fishing if I want. Even, got done faster with only one body moving around and then caught a little shuteye without being asked to do anything else.

Ha ha, on the domestic thing. I wouldn't try it with my Shirley. She's one of those women who is a body builder but doesn't over do it. I'm sure I'd win a slug fest but I'd know I was in a fight afterward. She has taken out some guys who could keep their mouths shut or hands off her tall (taller than me actually), bronzed bod and Power Girl chest.
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An eight win season means we win every game we have a real chance at and we beat someone no one will give us a chance to. 8 wins is the peak for this team and if Butch somehow leads the Vols to 8 wins, I still say he deserves COY consideration.
Seconded. :salute:
The lack of faith some of you have in this team is disgusting. Not only that, but you take shots at players of this team who give there all for us. I'm talking to you GahLee or whatever your goofy coverup name is, Dools. If our depth isn't there, like you said it isn't, which I actually agree with, then why take shots at Worley. This guy, whether he makes it into the league or not, which probably won't, he decided to start his adulthood years at UT for this school, team, and Volnation. Give him support don't redicule him.

I see this team as a 6-8 win team. And I'm confident enough in this team, and coaches to offer you a ban bet. This team wins more than 5 and I stay. This team wins 5 or less and I'm gone. You seemed pretty "unconfident" about this team so I don't see this as a gamble for you.

We gone whip dey ass!!!
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Just several months ago we couldn't find a coach who wanted the job at UT, but now we found one and this is the year.......Probably Not! We are several years away from really competing in the tough SEC, let's face it fans. But we can indeed still dream of success and winning.
You're clever...I'll give you it early morning fatigue that led to you coming out of the closet as a troll...I've noticed your previous work on here and never got that least you're obvious unlike my buddy rcvol....of course from here on out your opinions will be disregarded as such...will your new screen name have a Gomer reference? we know it's you?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Not a troll attempt. Not in the least. UT isn't going to be good this year, that's my opinion. That opinion is based of our lack of a QB, complete inexperience at WR, lack of a TE, no depth on the OL, no depth on the DL, we've got one good LB, our best corner is coming off of ACL surgery.

Plus we've got a first year staff and we've got a brutal schedule.

This isn't doomsday prognosticating, it isn't trolling, it's my opinion based on what I just listed. None of which is reason for optimism.

I tell ya what man, them Vols are gonna give them boys Hell, cause their hungry and their ready to win. Woo!

Is that better? Am I doing it right?


Btw, I think you forgot to reply to my post. Unless you're scared of a ban that is. It's ok, I understand.
The lack of faith some of you have in this team is disgusting. Not only that, but you take shots at players of this team who give there all for us. I'm talking to you GahLee or whatever your goofy coverup name is, Dools. If our depth isn't there, like you said it isn't, which I actually agree with, then why take shots at Worley. This guy, whether he makes it into the league or not, which probably won't, he decided to start his adulthood years at UT for this school, team, and Volnation. Give him support don't redicule him.

I see this team as a 6-8 win team. And I'm confident enough in this team, and coaches to offer you a ban bet. This team wins more than 5 and I stay. This team wins 5 or less and I'm gone. You seemed pretty "unconfident" about this team so I don't see this as a gamble for you.

We gone whip dey ass!!!


So if UT wins more than 5, which I think they will either hit or exceed, you get to stay? If they win 5 or less, you have to leave?

You didn't think is whole ban bet idea through it seems.
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I tell ya what man, them Vols are gonna give them boys Hell, cause their hungry and their ready to win. Woo!

Is that better? Am I doing it right?

No because it's sarcasm. However, let me provide you with a link to who you should give your support, faked or otherwise to. Just click the icon:

View attachment 65584
One of the best things about college football is the difference one year can make for both the individual and the team. The suprises that happen when guys come out of nowhere to have a huge season or a team plays out of their mind for four quarters to shock the world make this game great.
I don't know what to expect this season. But I think Butch gets more from this talent than Dooley would have and certainly more than most analysts expect. Unfortunately, that may mean one extra win in a 6-6 or 7-5 season.

So if UT wins more than 5, which I think they will either hit or exceed, you get to stay? If they win 5 or less, you have to leave?

You didn't think is whole ban bet idea through it seems.

so now you say you think UT may win more than 5 games after saying we'd be lucky to win 5? Get your sh*t together. Changing your mind like a school girl.
so now you say you think UT may win more than 5 games after saying we'd be lucky to win 5? Get your sh*t together. Changing your mind like a school girl.

I'm not sure why I'm arguing with someone who's not even smart enough to execute a ban bet.

Go back and read your own post, you're silly little bet would have only implicated you from this site.
This is the year we bring pride back to the big orange. This is the year we give our ALL for Tennessee. This is the year we restore our relevance. This is the year to back a winning coach. This is OUR year. (not saying 14-0).

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