This Isn’t Working Out (Allen West Statement)

It never has needed to be. It's up to individuals to not buy into such a false dichotomy. It's not real. People are all over a continuum and mostly want the same things.

Step 1 is cognizance and awareness. Remember we are the same. We don't need a political party to remind us of this.

20 percent will agree.

There is 20 percent on each side that literally wants the other side dead at this point.

The remaining 40 percent is just on the sidelines trying to survive.
It never has needed to be. It's up to individuals to not buy into such a false dichotomy. It's not real. People are all over a continuum and mostly want the same things.

Step 1 is cognizance and awareness. Remember we are the same. We don't need a political party to remind us of this.
No we don’t. I don’t want single payer health care. I don’t want wokeness in our education system. I don’t want and won’t pay for endless entitlements. I don’t want more stupid gun control laws we’ve shown this year guns aren’t the problem. I don’t want to erase inconvenient history I want it visible and taught so we know not to repeat it. There is absolutely nothing on the Democrat platform that I want. And I’m not really interested in talking with them in the topics anymore.
Hunters who are patriotic... interesting correlation. To your latter point- would you advocate then for a parliamentary system?

Something modified like it but not to that extent. Maybe a more modern version but I like it more than our system. I want groups of power coming and going and never having any footing.

It's on the other side of Pensacola. Not as green as destin but less crowded and doesny seem to get June grass.

I prefer watercolor and seaside but my wife prefers destin as she loves crowds. More crowded the better. I just want a beach chair, a nice book, and something strong.
I know where Orange Beach is. I was talking about Oklahoma, not Alabama. I quit going to Destin about 30 years ago because of the crowds.
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No we don’t. I don’t want single payer health care. I don’t want wokeness in our education system. I don’t want and won’t pay for endless entitlements. I don’t want more stupid gun control laws we’ve shown this year guns aren’t the problem. I don’t want to erase inconvenient history I want it visible and taught so we know not to repeat it. There is absolutely nothing on the Democrat platform that I want. And I’m not really interested in talking with them in the topics anymore.
Think broader. I'm talking ends. Not means to ends. People will always disagree on how to accomplish the end goals. Those are not reasons to demonize others. We all want peace, justice, etc.
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Maybe I should have said, "we all want the same things". We may be different, but we all have far more in common than difference.

I'd still disagree. See ND40's comment a few posts back; he says it very well. There's a great divide, and I don't see agreement anywhere. It's not this simple but a good starting point would be that some of us want the America that used to be and some want something like a new socialized European country with a lot of US history erased. That's a big difference.
Think broader. I'm talking ends. Not means to ends. People will always disagree on how to accomplish the end goals. Those are not reasons to demonize others. We all want peace, justice, etc.
The means are in the way and preventing the ends then. Frankly no I disagree with the premise at this point. I have no desire to live in a community where all of those points are in the majority local government. I have no desire to work with anyone in attaining those societal attributes.

And now maybe you’re starting to see perhaps why that statement was written and this whole orchestrated thing was set in motion (in my opinion). We’re not really the same anymore. And it looks to me like we’re moving farther apart.
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I'd still disagree. See ND40's comment a few posts back; he says it very well. There's a great divide, and I don't see agreement anywhere. It's not this simple but a good starting point would be that some of us want the America that used to be and some want something like a new socialized European country with a lot of US history erased. That's a big difference.
Yep. I’m not interested in becoming more Eurotrash. We were fundamentally fine in how we were formed.
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Thanks for bringing up another topic I disagree with the assholes on.
Then, how about a compromise on sanctuary cities that instead of turning them over to ICE, we let the criminals out of jail and give them a 48 hour head start before we start looking for them, and maybe give them a $2 co-pay, instead of free medical care? How about letting illegals only bring 14 family members in the country legally to join them? How about giving up half of your guns and 3/4 of your ammunition? I mean this is the way to compromise. And, how about we start legalizing sex between adults and let's say 15-1/2 year olds, and maybe dropping the age to 14, if it is with a trusted teacher. Maybe even 13 if it's a man/boy type of thing.
Hunters who are patriotic... interesting correlation. To your latter point- would you advocate then for a parliamentary system?
The issue isn’t our government organization in fact I like our system organization. The problem is the assholes divided up in dodgeball teams playing us off each other. Instead of reorganizing the government work instead to bust up the teams

Ranked choice voting
Attack party funding of candidates
Attack lobbyist funding of candidates

More along those lines.
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