Those calling for an upset in Orgeon

THINK boys and girls. What coach in ALL THE WORLD knows Oregon's game more than Chip Kelley? Here's another one... What coach in all of college football has something to prove more than all the others? (careful, that's a trick question). Now here's a third one. What team is ;bigger, younger, faster, has more stamina? I'll give you a clue on that last ain't Oregon.

Younger is a plus?!?! :crazy:
Now, Tennessee has a faster team than Oregon?


Why don't you just go to a UF board and talk down your team for awhile?

UT's linemen are faster and more athletic than Oregon's.

Neal, while not having played like a top shelf RB, is as fast as anyone Oregon has. UT's WR's though unproven and raw are very likely faster than Oregon's as a group.

No one I don't think said UT was a better team. Not sure how many are seriously predicting UT to win. But if you go position by position... MOST if not ALL SEC teams not named Mizzou are probably faster on the whole than Oregon.

They have relatively small, very fast guys at RB. Their QB is fast as well. They play assignment D with lesser talent. Their WR's are not known as blazers who constantly break off big plays. They're a big play run team and THAT is where their speed is.
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Why don't you just go to a UF board and talk down your team for awhile?

UT's linemen are faster and more athletic than Oregon's.

Neal, while not having played like a top shelf RB, is as fast as anyone Oregon has. UT's WR's though unproven and raw are very likely faster than Oregon's as a group.

No one I don't think said UT was a better team. Not sure how many are seriously predicting UT to win. But if you go position by position... MOST if not ALL SEC teams not named Mizzou are probably faster on the whole than Oregon.

They have relatively small, very fast guys at RB. Their QB is fast as well. They play assignment D with lesser talent. Their WR's are not known as blazers who constantly break off big plays. They're a big play run team and THAT is where their speed is.

I have this sneaky suspicion that our D line is gonna be relatively decent this year. For one I like the d line coach, but we've got a lot of bodies we can throw at you. And I think a few are pretty darn talented. I think the d line had more to do with the QB struggles in the O/W game than some may think. They were getting some pressure. I'm just saying...IMO, I could realistically see a scenario where our offensive and defensive lines are the two best units on the team. And if that were the case I can see giving Oregon a good game..being that every time they lose they get whipped in the trenches.
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I have this sneaky suspicion that our D line is gonna be relatively decent this year. For one I like the d line coach, but we've got a lot of bodies we can throw at you. And I think a few are pretty darn talented. I think the d line had more to do with the QB struggles in the O/W game than some may think. They were getting some pressure. I'm just saying...IMO, I could realistically see a scenario where our offensive and defensive lines are the two best units on the team. And if that were the case I can see giving Oregon a good game..being that every time they lose they get whipped in the trenches.

I agree 100%

what I saw when watching the O&W game was a defense that was very much improved and disrupting the offense. I saw a defense that was swarming to the ball and not missing many assignments.

I think that the offensive troubles where mainly due to the defense so I am not too worried about our offense atm.

I am surprised that so many of our fans seemed to have missed this and think that our offense is just bad.
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I agree 100%

what I saw when watching the O&W game was a defense that was very much improved and disrupting the offense. I saw a defense that was swarming to the ball and not missing many assignments.

I think that the offensive troubles where mainly due to the defense so I am not too worried about our offense atm.

I am surprised that so many of our fans seemed to have missed this and think that our offense is just bad.

Probably because of how bad the D was last year against other teams. They definitely looked improved, or the offense looked god awful. It's hard to tell since its not a real game, starters were out across the board, and it's UT vs UT. Oregon will be the game we find out though, that's for sure..
Why don't you just go to a UF board and talk down your team for awhile?

UT's linemen are faster and more athletic than Oregon's.

Neal, while not having played like a top shelf RB, is as fast as anyone Oregon has. UT's WR's though unproven and raw are very likely faster than Oregon's as a group.

No one I don't think said UT was a better team. Not sure how many are seriously predicting UT to win. But if you go position by position... MOST if not ALL SEC teams not named Mizzou are probably faster on the whole than Oregon.

They have relatively small, very fast guys at RB. Their QB is fast as well. They play assignment D with lesser talent. Their WR's are not known as blazers who constantly break off big plays. They're a big play run team and THAT is where their speed is.

i'm not trying to run down anybody or anything. i'm calling something for what it is. the lack of team speed has been noticeable for awhile.

you just had a pro day where two defensive backs who got heavy playing time and started had 40 times in the 4.7+ range.

i believe lathers ran a 4.69.

one of the things that shocks me when we have these discussions is that you see tennessee play, you have memories of tennessee teams past, you watch other teams play, and you don't notice this stuff.


look at this clip at the 15 second mark and 1:08 mark.

the second clip is the akron td run.

the first clip is byron moore having a gift wrapped pick six and he barely gets up the field after the interception. pause the clip at the moment he catches the ball. then, play it.
i'm not trying to run down anybody or anything. i'm calling something for what it is. the lack of team speed has been noticeable for awhile.

you just had a pro day where two defensive backs who got heavy playing time and started had 40 times in the 4.7+ range.

i believe lathers ran a 4.69.

one of the things that shocks me when we have these discussions is that you see tennessee play, you have memories of tennessee teams past, you watch other teams play, and you don't notice this stuff.


look at this clip at the 15 second mark and 1:08 mark.

the second clip is the akron td run.

the first clip is byron moore having a gift wrapped pick six and he barely gets up the field after the interception. pause the clip at the moment he catches the ball. then, play it.

Very very correct. Eric Berry would've taken that to the house all day every day.
I really can't see how anyone rationalizes an upset against Oregon next year. Aside from Bama, they stand to be our toughest competition next year. They arguably should have been in the national championship against Bama last year, and who knows how that could've turned out. We're coming off of 3 losing seasons and lost the majority of our offensive production.

I definitely can't wait to see how we stack up against these guys now that we have Butch at the helm, and I expect our guys to compete; but I think we have a 10-15% chance of winning this one. Autzen stadium is said to be one of, if not the loudest stadiums out there.

Bama would have blasted them. Anything can happen with the ducks vs UT game...imo GBO!
I am not putting any money on the Vols for that game, but that doesnt mean they dont stand a chance.
Oregon lost not only the HC but the play caller - he called all oregons offensive plays
I like the match up of our oline versus their dline
Our Dline is senior laden and might turnout to be pretty good.
So if they can get an over confident team that will turn the ball over think the Vols have a chance. Again I wouldnt take the bet.
Why don't you just go to a UF board and talk down your team for awhile?
First, sjt18, I too am not a fan of people who advocate another team camping out at opponents'
boards. Visiting, lurking maybe but injecting themselves wantonly, no. Though Gator99 for the most part exhibits decency. I still think he should go to his own. But I don't run this board, so. . . .

UT's linemen are faster and more athletic than Oregon's.

I HATE saying it, but I have to disagree. Oregon's overall team speed including their defense is shockingly fast. Even their new defensive coach who came in from the pros (Cardinals, I think) expressed shock (he didn't say "surprise") at their speed. No surprise as Oregon recruits with speed being a priority. The advantage we should have is that our players are stronger. If CBJ also builds their stamina as it seems he is, they will be a hellish bunch to play against. Tennessee teams since post Kiffin haven't been fast teams. Anyone watching us play can see that. We're not bad as Mack trucks but unfit as Porsche roadsters.

Neal, while not having played like a top shelf RB, is as fast as anyone Oregon has. UT's WR's though unproven and raw are very likely faster than Oregon's as a group.
It's my belief that Neal is underrated. He hasn't looked especially good to date because our OL has not gotten him into open space very much. I think this year that changes. We will see that he has decent speed and is also tough to haul down. Oregon backs are just like F-22 Raptors flying against P47 Thunderbolts. We don't anything or anyone that remotely resembles that kind of speed. CP is gone.

As a matter of fact, I did my occasional peek but don't comment visit to their website and got some insights on them. In their spring game, their offense ran roughshod on the defense. It was as if the offense was in mid-season form. As usual the RBs and QB just blew by people. The WRs were surprisingly effective.

No one I don't think said UT was a better team. Not sure how many are seriously predicting UT to win. But if you go position by position... MOST if not ALL SEC teams not named Mizzou are probably faster on the whole than Oregon.
I dare say that the only teams that match or supersede Oregon speed wise are LSU, TAMU, UF,
UGA, and maybe USCe. UT simply doesn't however hard it may be for you or me to swallow that pill.

They have relatively small, very fast guys at RB. Their QB is fast as well. They play assignment D with lesser talent. Their WR's are not known as blazers who constantly break off big plays. They're a big play run team and THAT is where their speed is.

Yep, Oregon comparatively is small and fast. Remember such a team whipped our behinds in 2010.
Their WRs aren't all that good to begin with. They are adequate but not what you'd call game changers. They're more like Zach and Jacob in that you can easily overlook them but when they do produce, they can hurt you with big yardage or TDs. Sort of like the NCST WRs as well. Our WRs while big, haven't proven anything on the field as yet. But I do know if they can catch, speed or not, they will over-match Oregon's DBs, CBs, Ss. If they can catch.

I'm in your corner but the truth is what it is and often it hurts. That being said, it looks like we will lose this game. But if our OL can push them around, all bets are off. The bad thing about that is if Neal, Devrin, Howard, or Lane(?) get in open space and start scoring, the Oregon offense can and will respond. So a grind it out ball control game is our best bet. Just eat clock and lots of it.
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i'm not trying to run down anybody or anything. i'm calling something for what it is. the lack of team speed has been noticeable for awhile.

you just had a pro day where two defensive backs who got heavy playing time and started had 40 times in the 4.7+ range.

i believe lathers ran a 4.69.

one of the things that shocks me when we have these discussions is that you see tennessee play, you have memories of tennessee teams past, you watch other teams play, and you don't notice this stuff.


look at this clip at the 15 second mark and 1:08 mark.

the second clip is the akron td run.

the first clip is byron moore having a gift wrapped pick six and he barely gets up the field after the interception. pause the clip at the moment he catches the ball. then, play it.

You make it sound so easy, as if just recruiting faster guys in the secondary solves the problem.

That's not all there is too it.

If the front 7 are getting more pressure, the QB has to get rid of it quicker. In that case the DB's should be within range of the receiver and able to make a play. In addition, you have to always assume wide receivers are going to be more talented than your corners (otherwise the corners would be playing wide receiver) (and yes there are some exceptions like Deion) so your safetys have to be ready and in position to make a play.

You pull out the Akron clip but I can make a point out of that - Do you really think Akron was as talented as Tennessee? No way! They were better coached than Tennessee, that is evident by their performance. I've said it 100 times, Football isn't just about talent, it's about playing as a team and knowing your assignments. Yes at the top level the NFL the talent is so elite that it makes a difference.

But there are over 10,000 scholarship football payers in D1, there are 1,700 active roster NFL guys. In college it's not just talent, game plan and execution will win games more often than not.
You make it sound so easy, as if just recruiting faster guys in the secondary solves the problem.

That's not all there is too it.

If the front 7 are getting more pressure, the QB has to get rid of it quicker. In that case the DB's should be within range of the receiver and able to make a play. In addition, you have to always assume wide receivers are going to be more talented than your corners (otherwise the corners would be playing wide receiver) (and yes there are some exceptions like Deion) so your safetys have to be ready and in position to make a play.

You pull out the Akron clip but I can make a point out of that - Do you really think Akron was as talented as Tennessee? No way! They were better coached than Tennessee, that is evident by their performance. I've said it 100 times, Football isn't just about talent, it's about playing as a team and knowing your assignments. Yes at the top level the NFL the talent is so elite that it makes a difference.

But there are over 10,000 scholarship football payers in D1, there are 1,700 active roster NFL guys. In college it's not just talent, game plan and execution will win games more often than not.

The * gazers will have a field day with this.
You make it sound so easy, as if just recruiting faster guys in the secondary solves the problem.

That's not all there is too it.

If the front 7 are getting more pressure, the QB has to get rid of it quicker. In that case the DB's should be within range of the receiver and able to make a play. In addition, you have to always assume wide receivers are going to be more talented than your corners (otherwise the corners would be playing wide receiver) (and yes there are some exceptions like Deion) so your safetys have to be ready and in position to make a play.

You pull out the Akron clip but I can make a point out of that - Do you really think Akron was as talented as Tennessee? No way! They were better coached than Tennessee, that is evident by their performance. I've said it 100 times, Football isn't just about talent, it's about playing as a team and knowing your assignments. Yes at the top level the NFL the talent is so elite that it makes a difference.

But there are over 10,000 scholarship football payers in D1, there are 1,700 active roster NFL guys. In college it's not just talent, game plan and execution will win games more often than not.

l understand all that, but let me use an obvious example here.

trey burton's 80 yard td run. was that coaching? to a certain point in that play, maybe it is.

but, at the point where it's trey burton and marsalis teague, it wasn't about coaching.

it was about a player being so pitiful, not only did he not make the tackle, the runner didn't break stride. the defensive player had the sideline, he had the angle, and he wasn't bringing down earl campbell.

that player was a senior. that player had been coached by 3 defensive coordinators and who knows how many position coaches. so, don't tell me he wasn't coached. he had the opportunity to make as easy a tackle as he would ever get an opportunity to make and the runner never even slowed down going by him.

now, i am not going to go through the whole roster and i am not going to provide examples from throughout the season.

however, there are numerous examples where players have to go make a play. they have to use their speed, their brain, and whatever other abilities they have to make a play. and many times the players failed having nothing to do with coaching.

that byron moore interception clip is a perfect example. tennessee blitzed. it worked. the qb was pressured and made a poor decision. it resulted in an easy pick. the player who caught it had nothing but green grass in front of him. and he got cut off by an offensive lineman with relative ease.

so, yes coaching and playing as a unit, etc, etc, etc, all are important.

but, you can still see when individuals lack certain abilities despite what everyone else is doing.
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Neal is not as fast as anyone Oregon has. Oregon has Deanthony Thomas and incoming freshman Thomas Tyner who will be the two fastest people on the field (by a good margin). As for those that are looking at the Auburn National title game as reason for why Oregon can be stopped...Oregon also held Auburn well below their average and won on a last second field goal after a fluky play by Dyer. That Auburn team also went undefeated in the SEC so I'm not exactly sure why that is proof that Oregon cannot match up against the SEC. Also some have said that Stanford has walloped Oregon in the past, but if you look at the last five years I believe Oregon has won three and has scored on pace with their season average (except for last year).
UT simply doesn't have the horses to keep pace with Oregon. I think it will get out of hand after halftime.

look at this clip at the 15 second mark and 1:08 mark.

the second clip is the akron td run.

the first clip is byron moore having a gift wrapped pick six and he barely gets up the field after the interception. pause the clip at the moment he catches the ball. then, play it.
Are you seriously saying Twitter4L Moore is SEC-slow?
My God, man, what large bools you have! :p

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