Man, I could tell some stories. I've said before, they'd make Jerry Springer blush, and that's no exaggeration. Thankfully, her mom and dad changed with us. Her sister's, I just bite my tongue mostly. I don't speak with her brother in law who is a convicted child molester. Technically, he doesn't speak to me ever since I told him I'd kill him if he ever touched my kids. The lawyer brother in law (who defends sex offenders and brags about it)didn't speak to me either after I told him my opinion of him, but they're divorced now. I don't even have time to get into the type of things her sisters have done

. From calling me and Tiffany disguising their voices to try to convince Tiffany that I was cheating, to one grabbing me wanting me to sleep with her. I swear, you all wouldn't even believe most of it