But wait, there's more........Change of plans, they can't get her worked in today. They're sending the orders to her Dr to have the tests done in Georgia.
Thank you for the opportunity to pray specifically. Love y'all.I'll share this, she doesn't want to on Facebook right now, but said I could here. I think I'd mentioned that her urologist was going to di a test here, it would determine if there's some kind of blockage causing everything, or if it's just from using her colon to make the conduit. That's actually one of the tests they want done at vandy. The Dr told us she'd be brutally honest. If it's caused by something they can see, like scar tissue, etc, there's a chance they can do surgery and help. If it's just from the colon, there's not much to be done except antibiotics, which isn't killing it off. Pretty sure her Dr here said the same thing. She's pretty upset, worried it's not a blockage, we both are. She broke down on the way home, she's generally strong, but just wants some normal
Absolutely....she needs some normal...its time for just...some normal <3....I am praying for that for her.I'll share this, she doesn't want to on Facebook right now, but said I could here. I think I'd mentioned that her urologist was going to di a test here, it would determine if there's some kind of blockage causing everything, or if it's just from using her colon to make the conduit. That's actually one of the tests they want done at vandy. The Dr told us she'd be brutally honest. If it's caused by something they can see, like scar tissue, etc, there's a chance they can do surgery and help. If it's just from the colon, there's not much to be done except antibiotics, which isn't killing it off. Pretty sure her Dr here said the same thing. She's pretty upset, worried it's not a blockage, we both are. She broke down on the way home, she's generally strong, but just wants some normal
Yall wanna stay with us?But wait, there's more........
They actually called us on the way home, and asked if we'd be willing to come back for them to do the tests. The Dr there's wants Vanderbilt to do them, so we're going back in 2 weeks. We'll go Monday morning when I get off, and come home Tuesday afternoon.
Understood. If yall get tired of hotel rooms we have a room or two with private bath. McRib would make sure you're well fed, too. Offer is always on the table for yall.Party! I appreciate the offer! She'll probably want to stay near the hospital, cause she's afraid of missing the appointment. Maybe one of these trips we could grab a bite to eat on our way through, would enjoy meeting you.
Good. I have more faith in Vandy (the healthcare side, that is)But wait, there's more........
They actually called us on the way home, and asked if we'd be willing to come back for them to do the tests. The Dr there's wants Vanderbilt to do them, so we're going back in 2 weeks. We'll go Monday morning when I get off, and come home Tuesday afternoon.
I didn't do nuttin! I ordered a taco, when I went to get it she said she was hoping whoever had ordered it had left, because she was hungry. Then she said she was willing to let me help her eat it, and complimented my shirt. Tiffany heard it, and when I went to give her a bite she said "you sure you don't want to share it with taco girl ". Taco lady was just messing around, but I kept telling Tiffany I was going back for another tacoI'll bite. What did you do the Taco Lady?
We appreciate it@joevol33 i haven’t paid attention to this thread like I should, but I haven’t stopped praying even though I’m not around as much