Tiffany's Thread (updates and prayers, and a place where she can smack Joe in public when he needs it :)

Friend of mine, electrician, came today to change my bathroom lights (fixtures), and swap out bedroom light to a fan/light combo. I've known him for years, trust him completely to do whatever, and not try to rip me off. He got finished, and wouldn't take a penny, actually ran out to avoid the money I was trying to give him. He said the only thing he wanted was for Tiffany to get better, and use that money for our trip. She's saved the money some anonymous person sent a while back, and that all covers our hotel. Just another moment that makes me feel like as bad as things feel, God uses people to bless us and remind me that he's still got this.
Friend of mine, electrician, came today to change my bathroom lights (fixtures), and swap out bedroom light to a fan/light combo. I've known him for years, trust him completely to do whatever, and not try to rip me off. He got finished, and wouldn't take a penny, actually ran out to avoid the money I was trying to give him. He said the only thing he wanted was for Tiffany to get better, and use that money for our trip. She's saved the money some anonymous person sent a while back, and that all covers our hotel. Just another moment that makes me feel like as bad as things feel, God uses people to bless us and remind me that he's still got this.
Please check Google maps or Waze as you get closer to your destination in middle Tennessee. You just never know about wrecks, construction or just strange traffic around here.
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Please check Google maps or Waze as you get closer to your destination in middle Tennessee. You just never know about wrecks, construction or just strange traffic around here.
Would it be easier to access Vanderbilt via 1-40 straight thru or the bypass?
Please check Google maps or Waze as you get closer to your destination in middle Tennessee. You just never know about wrecks, construction or just strange traffic around here.
Will do
O Lord, through the passion of the most sacred heart of Jesus, I beseech Thee to heal Tiffany. We thank you for giving her and her family the courage to face the situations so that others may see your perpetual light shining through them, a beacon of strength that overcomes setbacks, and reaffirms your precious love for all. In the name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, please hear and bless this prayer O Heavenly Father. Amen
What time is the appointment tomorrow?
It's actually Tuesday. I had extra time to take from when her mom passed away, and my boss said it was mine to use however within a few months. I told her about this appointment, and asked if she cared if I took tonight off, and just came up here early. She had no problem with it, and I just wanted to have a day me and her could just be together by ourselves. We haven't had a chance to do anything in forever, and she's still struggling over her mom, so I figured we could have a day to relax, and enjoy each other. She passed out soon as we walked in, so I've let her nap. Ready to wake her up to go eat though 👀🤣
Oh, and @vollygirl , you know I love you right? Can you please clear up Chattanooga traffic before Tuesday afternoon 🤣. It wasn't bad until we got on this side of the lookout mountain exit,then it got ugly for a while.
Yeah, afternoon ain't the time to go through. Or morning. It times between 5am and 4:30am.

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