Tiffany's Thread (updates and prayers, and a place where she can smack Joe in public when he needs it :)

In the ‘70s, the Belle Meade area was neglected, with grand old homes a bit run down. Some had been broken into apartments. A few folks were buying them for less than $30k and fixing them up. Now, it’s back to being a very expensive address. Very expensive.
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It was fun today, just watching her enjoy herself, taking pictures of everything. She's nervous about tomorrow, don't want to get her hopes up she said, because nothing else has helped. I've just wanted some time to try to get her to have fun,and she has. She wanted cheddars tonight, so we ate there, went for ice cream, and just relaxing now. 1000000449.jpg
We're eating lunch, waiting on insurance stuff. They want two tests done here, downtown at the hospital, just gotta wait on them to get her in. They gotta get insurance approved (shouldn't be an issue), and working her in today since we're from out of town. She brought in another Dr, called another, and didn't want us going home without a plan, or them doing these tests here. She said we'd get the test results, and go from there.

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