Tiffany's Thread (updates and prayers, and a place where she can smack Joe in public when he needs it :)

It's a red letter, kjv Scofield my dad got me years ago. I have better study Bibles, but I just know that one, have notes,etc. I may not remember where what chapter/verse I'm looking for, but I know what side of the page it's on. I have a brand new, large print Thomson chain (I like those for study), just gotta break it in.
See, I knew there was a reason I asked about it.

I hated the Thompson Chain reference I had a couple of years ago but only because I didn't take time to learn how to use it. I'm going to get another one and learn to use it... I think I'd really like it.

16 year old shots? Patron?
Honestly, I have no clue😅. But apparently, there's some vaccine you get at 16, not sure if it's just girls? She has an appointment with her Dr for Friday, but she'd have to miss an hour of school, and she won't. We're at the health department, and there's a ton of people here with their k8ds getting whatever it is. It may not mean anything, but all I see is teenage girls.
Honestly, I have no clue😅. But apparently, there's some vaccine you get at 16, not sure if it's just girls? She has an appointment with her Dr for Friday, but she'd have to miss an hour of school, and she won't. We're at the health department, and there's a ton of people here with their k8ds getting whatever it is. It may not mean anything, but all I see is teenage girls.
It's probably that one for meningitis, sometimes a MMR booster.
We have some friends in Washington state, they moved there several years ago for him to pastor a church. His wife works for some non profit medical charity company, I don't know what it is, but it's all over the country. Anyway, it's nothing income related, they just help people who have constant medical issues, hospital stays, etc. She called this morning, told Tiffany to send her pictures of our receipts from everything. Gas, airline, hotel, car rental, hotel, even food. Tiffany told her no, but she insisted, so she finally did. We didn't really save food receipts, except what we used our card for, but they're sending reimbursement for everything we had. She also told her to save every receipt for the next times we go. Not a brag post for us, just sharing to brag about the blessing from God, because that's what it is.
We have some friends in Washington state, they moved there several years ago for him to pastor a church. His wife works for some non profit medical charity company, I don't know what it is, but it's all over the country. Anyway, it's nothing income related, they just help people who have constant medical issues, hospital stays, etc. She called this morning, told Tiffany to send her pictures of our receipts from everything. Gas, airline, hotel, car rental, hotel, even food. Tiffany told her no, but she insisted, so she finally did. We didn't really save food receipts, except what we used our card for, but they're sending reimbursement for everything we had. She also told her to save every receipt for the next times we go. Not a brag post for us, just sharing to brag about the blessing from God, because that's what it is.
As much as I love this, and love the people running the charity that is giving back to y'all (cause Lord knows Tiffany and you give more than almost anybody I know shining Jesus' light for the world), it makes me want to yank a knot in the tail of the doc who started all this! I will never not be emotional and mad at his incompetence. Tiffany shouldn't ever have to look at a bank account, and you shouldn't have to work.
As much as I love this, and love the people running the charity that is giving back to y'all (cause Lord knows Tiffany and you give more than almost anybody I know shining Jesus' light for the world), it makes me want to yank a knot in the tail of the doc who started all this! I will never not be emotional and mad at his incompetence. Tiffany shouldn't ever have to look at a bank account, and you shouldn't have to work.
I completely understand that, and absolutely agree for her, they should have to pay. We'd actually been involved with a lawyer but come to find out, it all went back to blaming the mesh she had years ago, and there was a statute of limitations. All that aside, God has blessed us through people through all of this. I just want her better, at least have a better quality of life, and be around a long time. It does tick me off that they can screw you up (cause it was more than mesh, that Dr screwed up), and them say "yeah, you're screwed for life, but you didn't get a lawyer in time ". Either way, God has been good, even when it's been bad. I'll add this, when they looked at her and the test results, the Dr asked, "did you have this done here?". She said no, and he replied, "thank God, cause I'd be upset if our Dr's were this incompetent ". That said a lot to me.
Cool story bro time, it is to me anyway. I got a phone call earlier, from an old preacher that I don't even know. He just so happened to be visiting a church a few counties away last Sunday, where some friends of ours live now. My friend was requesting prayer for Tiffany, and us, for everything going on, and asked my friend for my number. He called and explained that what hus ministry is, is helping churches out west now, there's like 48 that he goes to helping their pastors. He just wanted to tell me that he's contacting all of them, and that they'll be praying for Tiffany, and our family. He also wanted to send us a devotional, based around encouragement, for us to read together. Idk, maybe silly to most, but just awesome to me to have more people praying.

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