Time to do something about schedules

It would be interesting to see what some would say if those players got pissed and purposefully hurt Nico last night.
They removed Nico with 7 minutes to go in the 2nd quarter. You miserable ass people will always find some bs to harp on. You are an outlier, sometimes you gotta look in the mirror and ask is it them or me ? Lol
I love scheduling these "cup cakes" for a few reasons.
It helps build team chemistry and cohesiveness in a game time situation.
It gives the opportunity to put into play things you work on in practice, such as onside kicks.
It gives the 2nd and 3rd string guys snaps in a real game situation which builds for the future.
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I did turn it off before half time but I don’t blame either school for scheduling it for reasons already listed. We will now be getting some tough opponents.
If there’s only 1 permanent, it won’t be Bama. It will be Vandy. Bama will get Auburn.

The 9 game/3 permanent opponents setup makes the most sense because it allows every team to play every other team home and away during a 4 year span. For Tennessee, it would be Vandy, Bama, and probably Kentucky.
Honestly, it probably needs to have balance to it…Tennessee should probably have to replace one out of Vanderbilt or Kentucky with Florida (or if you want…someone like Texas).
The announcers talked about it last night. Kent State's budget is about 13 million. They received 1.3 million last night and will get about the same next week against PSU. They need that cash to keep operating. Do you not remember UGA struggling a bit against them several years ago? UT plays a MAC team and an instate team every year. Those teams need the payday. Plus it gives their players a chance to play in Neyland stadium. Which is a big deal for the instate teams they play. Most of them grew up UT fans.
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Something has to change imo. Beating the brakes off these small teams and giving them checks just doesnt fly anymore. Fans pay too much money to go to a game that is just a scrimmage. Fans all over college football are leaving at halftime of these games. The TV networks have to be pissed about paying so much for the rights to broadcast and then struggling to keep viewers for more than a quarter.
Well before Heupel this would have been a win but more like 38-24
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Honestly, it probably needs to have balance to it…Tennessee should probably have to replace one out of Vanderbilt or Kentucky with Florida (or if you want…someone like Texas).
Florida isn’t a longstanding rivalry with history. It only came about because of the creation of divisions. They’re not even border states. Divisions are gone now. Hell, I preferred the Auburn rivalry, which divisions killed.

It’s either a 7/1 model or a 6/3 model. 2 permanent opponents doesn’t work, math-wise, for a 4-year rotation of playing everyone home and home. And since 3 is preferable, Bama, Kentucky, and Vandy make the most sense. Remember, the SEC won’t just be considering this from Tennessee’s standpoint. Who will each program consider their top conference rival? For Bama, it will be Auburn, with Tennessee being #2. For Tennessee, it’s Bama. For Kentucky, it’s Tennessee. And for Vandy, its Tennessee. For Florida, it’s Georgia and vice-versa.
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We played our 5th string QB for gosh sakes. As far as the OS kick....it gives OU something else to work on. Besides if the Kent St player had fielded it like he should have they would have had their best field position all game.
As others have said this is a critical part of the schedule. We are able to get young talent into game situations and get them experience. This also allows coaches to evaluate younger players and see how they are progressing. Kids, like walk ons, that would not typically see the field get rewarded for all the work they put in with little chance for reward.

At the end of the day you need games to tighten things up, get reps for lower depth chart players and rest starters, if able.

Something has to change imo. Beating the brakes off these small teams and giving them checks just doesnt fly anymore. Fans pay too much money to go to a game that is just a scrimmage. Fans all over college football are leaving at halftime of these games. The TV networks have to be pissed about paying so much for the rights to broadcast and then struggling to keep viewers for more than a quarter.
Agreed I gave my tickets away yesterday because I didn‘t want to go watch a scrimmage.
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Something has to change imo. Beating the brakes off these small teams and giving them checks just doesnt fly anymore. Fans pay too much money to go to a game that is just a scrimmage. Fans all over college football are leaving at halftime of these games. The TV networks have to be pissed about paying so much for the rights to broadcast and then struggling to keep viewers for more than a quarter.
This is crazy.
Would be interesting to know where Kent State and UTEP were rated when the contracts were signed, need to play at least one instate school pre SEC season for all the right reasons and generate some excess cash to share with other state schools also supported by the state taxpayers, creates more opportunities for instate kids that want to play football.

We do the same thing in basketball and baseball, during the mid week schedules.
Kent State had played in the MAC championship game a few weeks before we signed the contracts with them. They've never beaten an SEC team but in 2022 gave UGA a relatively close game.
I think the problem may be that when UT scheduled Kent State, they had some semblance of a football team, but then fell off a cliff. Our opponents need to be better than the scout squad for the game to be useful to the team.

This is my concern. Our schedule is starting to look problematic. Oklahoma may not be what they have been and Arkansas, Florida, UK, Miss State, and Vandy look like jokes. This may put us in a spot where we need to beat 1 of Alabama or Georgia and go 11-1 to be sure we are in playoffs.
Fine, but the rule about having to schedule an OOC power opponent should be dropped if the 9th SEC game is added. The SEC schedule as it is is hard enough on every team.
Then you’ve just kept the same number of cupcakes. The subject of this thread was about reducing them.

We shouldn’t be afraid to schedule a Syracuse or Georgia Tech or NC State. Especially with a 12 team playoff.
Honestly, it probably needs to have balance to it…Tennessee should probably have to replace one out of Vanderbilt or Kentucky with Florida (or if you want…someone like Texas).

Kentucky has been better than Florida lately. UK-Tennessee is one of the longest running series in CFB history. TN has played UK more than any other team.

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