Time to Fire Up a Biden is a Liar Thread

Sadly, I think those days are behind us. In today's USA, there is simply no room for honest debate. It is "my way or the highway" and that's sad.
The only way is if the people change but they appear too ingrained in this nonsense.
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I promise you this: "I will be a President for all Americans ---- whether you voted for me or not".
That's a lie. He has become a "dictator" for all Americans by signing a record number of EOs on the 1st day to go into effect now. Joe Biden says he'll be 'President for all Americans' after winning election .... he hasn't worked with anybody across the aisle on compromise trying to get things done for "all Americans". He needs to work w/others cross the aisle to be getting things done in Washington the right way.... He's a big fat liar as always.
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The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, MarketWatch, Axios... on tv your best bet is probably ABC. There is something for everyone. I don't get the constant whining from the right about media bias. You have your "havens" if you want them. Trump actually accused Fox News of a left wing bias because they had the nerve to project Biden as the winner of Arizona on election night... it seems to matter little that Biden did in fact, win the state of Arizona and their 11 electoral college votes. Conservatives don't want impartiality. Trump didn't want impartiality from Fox. He wanted nothing but bias, and he felt betrayed when they stuck to their data.

Fox News is horrible, but in actuality Fox News not much worse than MSNBC aka MSDNC, the favorite channel of the back-to-brunch liberals because the station hates both the right and the left. (When I say 'left' I mean the actual left, not Democrats. Brian Stelter recently included MSNBC (and Vox) in his piece on "progressive media" and I almost laughed my ass off.) I still recall MSNBC's multiple anti-Semitic smears of Bernie Sanders during the primary, most notably from Joy Reid and her "body language expert" and Chris Wallace comparing Bernie winning Nevada to the Nazis overtaking France -- which is a double whammy given most of Bernie's father's family died in the Holocaust. Then there's the complete blackout they put on Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard during the primary, as well. So while I agree most conservatives don't want impartiality, that's not a problem that's unique to them. Liberals are really no better in trying to seek out unbiased news. Conservatives are uniquely whiney about perceived media bias, though. I'll give you that. There really is something out there for everyone, so I never understand conservatives whining over 'media bias', either. It's also amazing that Trump turned on Fox so quickly given that 95% of their coverage during his Presidency was them kissing his feet as much as possible, but narcissists demand 100% loyalty. Not to mention, it's not like Fox was incorrect about the call and had to make a reversal. They weren't. Biden won Arizona.

I think, generally speaking, network news is the least biased as they stay stick more to hard news vs. opinion (which is basically all cable news is now), but 'unbiased' news doesn't exist, because all humans have bias.
Baffles me why one would volunteer the fact they don’t understand how counting works. Tough concept to grasp, that pesky counting.

It's not the counting that's the problem. It's the garbage in, and the repeats of garbage in. But it baffles me why others would volunteer their lack of understanding about data quality and integrity and pretend that counting is the hard part.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying but he is still too over the top with a lot of his actions.

Trump was too over the top with his mouth. An occupational hazard for marketing types. Marketing lies are only superseded by political whoppers. During election silly season there's no difference between marketing and politicking. Honest people are too blasé to be elected.
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The incessant whining about the media is weak. Complaining about "a lack of support from Congress" is ignorant. Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress during Trump's first two years in office, and they held the Senate for all 4 years. This was after Trump had campaigned on being a great negotiator and deal maker throughout 2016.

Wow, really! Did you ever notice that once politicians of both parties become insiders that they are all intolerant of outsiders. Insiders know where the skeletons are and aren't threatening. Keep electing presidential outsiders and you'll see more congressional rats scurry away, but you fools elected an insider with the same hidden agendas and baggage as the rest of the unelevated congressional rats. You have heard the one about repeating an action and expecting a different result???
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The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, MarketWatch, Axios... on tv your best bet is probably ABC. There is something for everyone. I don't get the constant whining from the right about media bias. You have your "havens" if you want them. Trump actually accused Fox News of a left wing bias because they had the nerve to project Biden as the winner of Arizona on election night... it seems to matter little that Biden did in fact, win the state of Arizona and their 11 electoral college votes. Conservatives don't want impartiality. Trump didn't want impartiality from Fox. He wanted nothing but bias, and he felt betrayed when they stuck to their data.

ABC may appear less biased because they just don't cover many things. Scan pages of headlines and then watch ABC and see how many things, especially how many things unfavorable to dims, aren't covered.
I promise you this: "I will be a President for all Americans ---- whether you voted for me or not".
That's a lie. He has become a "dictator" for all Americans by signing a record number of EOs on the 1st day to go into effect now. Joe Biden says he'll be 'President for all Americans' after winning election .... he hasn't worked with anybody across the aisle on compromise trying to get things done for "all Americans". He needs to work w/others cross the aisle to be getting things done in Washington the right way.... He's a big fat liar as always.

Ah, but you forgot politicians and definitions. You read "for" as representing all Americans. Joe used it a bit differently - more like "As president, I will dictate to American citizens/subjects ... and they will like it."
BS. That is ridiculous and laughable. If you want biased, right wing press coverage and commentary (as most conservatives do), you have it readily available in large quantities across every medium. Fox News, NewsMax, Breitbart, The Washington Times, The New York Post, The Daily Caller, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sinclair Broadcasting's control of local affiliates.. etc. It goes on and on.
I'm sick of media both right and left. I want unbiased factual reporting rather than constant political spins.
Dang, you hit the motherload!

Gonna try again Thursday. Right now at my local store they get trucks in Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday but some guys in line said they got one in yesterday as well. Last Thursday there was close to 100 people in line and I only got 60 rounds of 5.56. A buddy went with me today and we were about 15th in line. Only 3 boxes total per customer though. I would’ve got 3 of the big boxes if it wasn’t steel case but I probably should’ve anyway.
Gonna try again Thursday. Right now at my local store they get trucks in Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday but some guys in line said they got one in yesterday as well. Last Thursday there was close to 100 people in line and I only got 60 rounds of 5.56. A buddy went with me today and we were about 15th in line. Only 3 boxes total per customer though. I would’ve got 3 of the big boxes if it wasn’t steel case but I probably should’ve anyway.
Who would have ever thought that you would have to stand in line to buy ammo in this country? These liberals don't know what apple they're biting.
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