Time to Fire Up a Biden is a Liar Thread

What a denier. According to WaPo metrics we could find 30K over 47 years. No effin problem.

No the 30,000 plus is a reference to the number of Trump lies during his 4 year term as Predident not the number of lies he has told in his lifetime

So reply to the post please

1. What lie has Biden told so far in his Presidency

2. Let us know when the number of lies told exceeds 30,000
He shut down the pipeline. Agreed.

He said he wouldn’t ban fracking. Does that pipeline shut down ban fracking across the board? . I didn’t think it did but honestly I’m not 100% certain. Give me the facts if I’m wrong
He shut down the pipeline. Agreed.

He said he wouldn’t ban fracking. Does that pipeline shut down ban fracking across the board? . I didn’t think it did but honestly I’m not 100% certain. Give me the facts if I’m wrong
I’m sure you afforded Trump’s supposed lies the same level of scrutiny, right? What’s that? You didn’t? I’m shocked.
I’m sure you afforded Trump’s supposed lies the same level of scrutiny, right? What’s that? You didn’t? I’m shocked.

One of first and major lies of Trump. We will have the best health insurance plan immediately. We will repeal Obama care

Obama care not repealed No replacement plAn ever submitted over 4 years
How foolish you r. What’s the name of the Trump health care legislation that repealed and replaced Obama care again? LOL
What the Sam hell are you even talking about? You were making excuses for Biden lies and analyzing anything someone posted as a lie with great scrutiny. I called you out on it and asked if you did the same for Trump. You then pivot to some stupid post about healthcare that had nothing to do with what I posted. Yeah, I’m the fool between the two of us.

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