TN #3 on Rivals, Negavols on Suicide Watch!

I'm not interested in the Dooley discussion but that UK loss had nothing to do with their WR turned QB. Yeah UT sucked that day but every time I read "lost to a team with no QB" I wonder if that person really watched the game

How much blame for that loss lies at the feet of our defense's performance against their "QB" is certainly debatable, but its neither here nor there to me. An oddity like losing to a team without a QB is something that would only happen to Dooley, and sums up his tenure perfectly IMO. The guy just wasn't a winner.
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How much blame for that loss lies at the feet of our defense's performance against their "QB" is certainly debatable, but its neither here nor there to me. An oddity like losing to a team without a QB is something that would only happen to Dooley, and sums up his tenure perfectly IMO. The guy just wasn't a winner.

not really much debate. UK had 150yds total after their first drive. The offense is completely to blame and their QB really had very little to do with the win
Soooo? Joker out coached a lot less wordage.
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And ur pt?? They were pretty much getting pd the same amount. People expect miracles from a guy that was getting pd in the bottom part of the conference, and he was the coach at UT. And he had to deal with all the real mess and crap that came with it. Now a coach being pd way more than him, with a more stable program/AD, has less expectations on him??? Ridic.
And ur pt?? They were pretty much getting pd the same amount. People expect miracles from a guy that was getting pd in the bottom part of the conference, and he was the coach at UT. And he had to deal with all the real mess and crap that came with it. Now a coach being pd way more than him, with a more stable program/AD, has less expectations on him??? Ridic.

So beating a UK team no QB (or their full roster for that matter) is considered a "miracle" in your book? That seems like a bit of a reach.
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How so? We lost 7 games last year. We lost all the playmakers from the offense last year and return the worst defense in school history largely intact. Except for Miss. St, we play all the teams that beat us again this season, and we switch them out for Auburn, who based on recruiting rankings, is far more talented than that Miss. St. team. We also swap a gimmie win against an OOC opponent for what is essentially a gimmie loss at Oregon. I don't see how thinking we can easily lose 7 games is being all that pessimistic. We lost 7 last year and our team didn't get more talented this offseason, it got less talented.

To call 5 wins a likely outcome is realistic. To call 5 wins the "ceiling" is just pessimistic.

We have three gimmes, so you think out of these teams:


That the most wins we could possibly achieve is 2?
And ur pt?? They were pretty much getting pd the same amount. People expect miracles from a guy that was getting pd in the bottom part of the conference, and he was the coach at UT. And he had to deal with all the real mess and crap that came with it. Now a coach being pd way more than him, with a more stable program/AD, has less expectations on him??? Ridic.

After the Missouri game I stopped expecting anything from our former hindsight I held out too long...Dooley had nothing and it showed.
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After the Missouri game I stopped expecting anything from our former hindsight I held out too long...Dooley had nothing and it showed.
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You made it about a week longer than I did. After Troy came into "big/bad" Neyland Stadium and racked up 700 yards I pretty much gave up.

The Troy and Mizzou game were sad but entertaining.
And ur pt?? They were pretty much getting pd the same amount. People expect miracles from a guy that was getting pd in the bottom part of the conference, and he was the coach at UT. And he had to deal with all the real mess and crap that came with it. Now a coach being pd way more than him, with a more stable program/AD, has less expectations on him??? Ridic.

If your point is that Dooley couldn't be expected to beat Kentucky because he wasn't paid much more than its coach (and seriously, you're making that argument??!! And here I thought I had seen every excuse imaginable), then I guess I need to point out that Dooley made appr. $630,000 more than Phillips in 2011, and that his salary was closer to Steve Spurrier's than it was to Phillips'. Also in 2011, UT's coaching staff was paid 1.6 million more than UK's staff (and incidentally, $300K more than South Carolina's staff).
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If your point is that Dooley couldn't be expected to beat Kentucky because he wasn't paid much more than its coach (and seriously, you're making that argument??!! And here I thought I had seen every excuse imaginable), then I guess I need to point out that Dooley made appr. $630,000 more than Phillips in 2011, and that his salary was closer to Steve Spurrier's than it was to Phillips'. Also in 2011, UT's coaching staff was paid 1.6 million more than UK's staff (and incidentally, $300K more than South Carolina's staff).

This post is money
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The past two years I've been lucky enough to score tickets to The Masters and from a fan standpoint the difference is night and day. Augusta National is the only place I've ever been where I was truly lucky just to be there, yet everyone is treated as their guest that they are happy to have.

I haven't made any definitive decisions yet, but I've honestly been considering whether I would rather take the $1000-1500 I spend each year on UT football and spend a day or two down at The Masters every year.

Seriously? I wouldn't go across town to watch golf.

Golf is men in ugly pants, walking.

Rosie O'Donnell
To call 5 wins a likely outcome is realistic. To call 5 wins the "ceiling" is just pessimistic.

We have three gimmes, so you think out of these teams:


That the most wins we could possibly achieve is 2?

I suppose ceiling might have been a poor choice of words. Of course some crazy things could happen and we might win more than 5 games. What I really meant is that people who are EXPECTING to win more than 5 games are expecting too much from this team. IMO, we are better than 5 teams on this year's schedule. I think we have the ability to beat both UK and Mizzou. I think beating Vandy or Auburn would mean we beat a team that was better than us.
Seriously? I wouldn't go across town to watch golf.


LOL. To me, even if you don't like golf, The Masters is an experience you shouldn't pass up if you ever get the opportunity. I can promise you that you can search, but you'll never be see a place more beautiful than Augusta National. The scenery, cheap food and beer are worth the trip alone.
I think beating Vandy or Auburn would mean we beat a team that was better than us.

This is where I don't get the logic. Vanderbilt is better in what way? They're better coached? If you look at recruiting rankings, they've averaged the 44th ranked class over the past 4 years. We have averaged the 15th ranked class. Even if you figure in our guys who left early and allow that more players have worked out for them, that's still a huge talent discrepancy. It can't just be explained away by "Oh, the experts are wrong sometimes." But, on the other hand, if your argument is "Well, they looked better on the field last year" (which to my mind comes down to coaching or rather, our lack thereof), then what logic are you using to determine that we shouldn't beat Auburn?
Seriously? I wouldn't go across town to watch golf.

Golf is men in ugly pants, walking.

Rosie O'Donnell

You quoted Rosie O'Donnell? WTF!!!!
You made it about a week longer than I did. After Troy came into "big/bad" Neyland Stadium and racked up 700 yards I pretty much gave up.

The Troy and Mizzou game were sad but entertaining.

Yeah I was still delusional after the Troy game...I believed if we turned it over to Conklin things might get in order..that's sad in retrospect
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Yeah I was still delusional after the Troy game...I believed if we turned it over to Conklin things might get in order..that's sad in retrospect
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Sadly, I was still delusional until the Vandy game.
Seriously? I wouldn't go across town to watch golf.

Golf is men in ugly pants, walking.

Rosie O'Donnell

You quoted Rosie O'Donnell? WTF!!!!

I think he meant Rosie O'Donnell is a man in ugly pants walking...
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The fact you just tried to justify a loss to Kentucky tells me all I need to know.

I was just as upset about it as anyone, so don't give me this "type of fan u r" BS. That's a weak minded pathetic argument. I do look at the whole picture and don't hold a grudge about things like many of yall do. So what its telling u is that I'm a reasonable person with my on pov. Like it or not I really don't give a s**t.
I was just as upset about it as anyone, so don't give me this "type of fan u r" BS. That's a weak minded pathetic argument. I do look at the whole picture and don't hold a grudge about things like many of yall do. So what its telling u is that I'm a reasonable person with my on pov. Like it or not I really don't give a s**t.

Sounds like it...DID YOU JUST SPIT ON ME?
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