TN #3 on Rivals, Negavols on Suicide Watch!

CBJ is doing GREAT so far, but let's not get crazy. Gruden would have put UT on top of recruiting immediately just b/c of his name and TV personna

It takes more than just a big name to get top notch recruits. You have to be able to strategize and develop relationships, something that's often overlooked in recruiting. I'm not saying that gruden wouldn't know how, but it does help that Butch has been a head coach and knows the recruiting game, as oppose to a coach that hasn't been involved with college football since the early 90's.
At this stage I don't think there are anymore Negavols. Butch has done everything right up to this point. Scratch that, he's exceeded what I was hoping for in a coach thus far. With his history of winning ball games, I'm expecting us to see 9 & 10 win seasons again in a few short years!
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I'm generally a rivals guy

I think Rivals is the most accurate overall. They are ranking Hurd #2 RB in the country and #15 overall prospect. The first 14 prospects are 5-star. By signing day last year they had upgraded 33 prospects to 5-star.

Hurd is going to be a 5-star on signing day.
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It takes more than just a big name to get top notch recruits. You have to be able to strategize and develop relationships, something that's often overlooked in recruiting. I'm not saying that gruden wouldn't know how, but it does help that Butch has been a head coach and knows the recruiting game, as oppose to a coach that hasn't been involved with college football since the early 90's.

I don't disagree with your post. I was replying to someone else who said that Gruden wouldn't have had this good of a START in recruiting. I agree that CBJ will be better recruiter at UT over the long run b/c of the reasons you state. My point was simply that a rock star like Gruden would have made an ever bigger splash early on b/c of the name recognition and NFL resume.
Please, The negavols are what helped get this exciting new coach that is recruiting all these fine players....FACT :yes:

Exactly. The negavols were associated with not liking Dufus. So not sure how that is nega.

This is great though. It is funny that the one thing positive people said about Dooley is that he recruited well, given the situation.

That was always such crap, those people never understood what a great college football destination UT is.
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Exactly. The negavols were associated with not liking Dufus. So not sure how that is nega.

This is great though. It is funny that the one thing positive people said about Dooley is that he recruited well, given the situation.

That was always such crap, those people never understood what a great college football destination UT is.

It is a great destination, but these recruits weren't even paying attention to football the last time UT was really good, which makes the job BJ has done so far all the more amazing.
Please, The negavols are what helped get this exciting new coach that is recruiting all these fine players....FACT :yes:

Where are they? I guess some just like the chance to gripe and don't care about being around to participate in the rah rah. What ever floats your boat.
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It is a great destination, but these recruits weren't even paying attention to football the last time UT was really good, which makes the job BJ has done so far all the more amazing.

Butch is doing a good job.

My point was more for the people that said Dooley was recruiting well given the situation. That was always horseshat.

Given the situation? The situation is this, if college football programs were hotels, then UT is a five star hotel. Record irrelevant, as Butch is proving.
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Butch is doing a good job.

My point was more for the people that said Dooley was recruiting well given the situation. That was always horseshat.

Given the situation? The situation is this, if college football programs were hotels, then UT is a five star hotel. Record irrelevant, as Butch is proving.

The fact that kids even wanted to play for Dooley amazes me. What on earth did he sell about himself that enticed guys like Hunter, J. James to play for him? Adds to your point that on some level, the school sells itself.
USC coming in at a solid #31. Haha. Plus all the drama theyve had going on! I'm sure lil kiffie didn't want to creat all these's just what he had to do to get USC back in the spotlight. Sound familiar?
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I remember several people bashing Butch's 13 class, which he put together in a little over a month. Those same people also said we're doomed that this guy couldn't get it done in the SEC.
I know he still has not coached a game in the SEC but if he is half as good of a coach as he is a recruiter then we will be ok.
Hell Dooley almost won three more SEC games last year that would have saved his ass, so if Butch can do as good coaching than he recruits over Dooley I would say we're in pretty damn good shape! GBO!
The fact that kids even wanted to play for Dooley amazes me. What on earth did he sell about himself that enticed guys like Hunter, J. James to play for him? Adds to your point that on some level, the school sells itself.

I thought hunter, bray and just about any junior worth a damn (aside from CP) were Kiffin-gets that Dooley miraculously retained.
Here ya go up to #3 with Mr. Brown!!! :rock::rock:

Yahoo Sports: 2014 Team Recruiting Rankings

Come in from the Ledge Negavols!! :):)

Weren't people on this site making fun of Vanderbilt for their early recruiting at this time last year? For the record, I am very impressed with Jones, his recruiting so far, and his general attitude. But these guys haven't signed yet and he hasn't coached a game yet. Many people won't be won over until after the bowl game and a finalized top ten class.
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We're they? Maybe I've got my years mixed up.

Pretty sure. That being said, he still didn't recruit that bad if you look back on our past rankings. He definitely didn't coach anyone up or coach a game worth a flip tho lol. That speaks for itself!
I was skeptical of the hire at first, but how in the world can there be any negavols at this point in time with what he has done so far. If there is any, then they need to go and find another team.. this staff so far is and has done an amazing job so far.. brick by brick **tches..
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Doesn't count until they sign on the dotted line. Over/under on commits decommiting: 5. I kid, I kid. GBO
The fact that kids even wanted to play for Dooley amazes me. What on earth did he sell about himself that enticed guys like Hunter, J. James to play for him? Adds to your point that on some level, the school sells itself.

I wonder too. Dunno how a kid like Hunter sees Dooley and thinks, yes, that's the guy I want to play for.
Where are they? I guess some just like the chance to gripe and don't care about being around to participate in the rah rah. What ever floats your boat.

Some of us are still here Volly :) :) ....JK

I still hold out to see how he coaches against SEC teams,.... but it is difficult to argue with this (Very Early) recruiting success
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