TN #3 on Rivals, Negavols on Suicide Watch!

At the risk of being labeled a "negavol," I'd like to point out that we have the 2nd most commitments in the nation... So at this point, our #3 ranking shouldn't be a surprise.

Still, I'm pleased with the recruiting so far. Hope it translates onto the field.

Watch all of our commits' highlights and you'll see that they wouldn't have been allowed to commit unless they were legit players. Treyvon Paulk is a 3* but is the #4 APB and is shifty as hell and has great vision. And groaning about 3* OL is useless. They haven't even been to camps yet. Enjoy the ride and I dare you to get bored watching any commits highlights
Butch gets "it" and Thig gon Thig

Take a flying leap negavols (heard there was a little room on the bama bandwagon) or find your orange jock strap and pull it up and join the rest of us as this program comes back from the depths!! Your choice:rtfm:
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Butch Jones seems like a genuine, what-you-see-is-what-you-get, positive, decent human being first and foremost. He also has a successful track record as a young head coach. I can see why parents and recruits are drawn to him. After years in the wilderness, the program finally is in good hands.

We will struggle this season, but I expect that we will see an entirely different product and mindset when these kids take the field.

I would not be one bit surprised if Butch wins a national title somewhere, someday. I just hope it is at UT.
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Gotta give Dooley and his assistants credit for Hunter, Da'Rick, and CP. The guy is an honorable man and could recruit - Remember how Stone changed his mind about UT after Kiffen left and Dooley arrived and how he pulled Hunter & Da'Rick in at the end? In order to win big quickly, his coaches focused on recruits nationally, which is tough to do when your team has been irrelevant for a few years. There also wasn't as much in-state talent as there is this year.

Other than the Cinci and LSU game, I don't remember being too impressed with the in-game coaching of the previous staff but I still pulled for my team and its coaches. I supported Dooley but I'm really glad to have CBJ on board. I hope they do name a street after him!

Btw, if you still want to know where the nega-Vols are, just check out GoVolsXtra. Actually, I think it's just one negative teenager using various alias names...
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There were several when he missed on some of the big names that had had relationships over 18 months long with other programs and he was expected to get them in a month.

Im saying this guy is already ten times the coach drool face was and he hasn't even stepped onto a field yet.

I remember a few, a very few but as I said they were Dooley lovers holding out as long as they could.

And yes he is a MUCH better coach than Dooley. Dooley is without question the worst head coach UT has ever had. I was cussed, suspended off the board and jumped on for 3 years because I pointed it out. So I was one of those "negavols".
Posted via VolNation Mobile
The secret to surviving as a UT fan is to never get too high or too low.

Have you learned nothing since you've been on this site? That's the definition of Volnation...blow things way out of proportion one way or the other.

Some person is already stating that Hurd will be better than Adrian Peterson while others say we'll be lucky to beat WKU. It's all about extremes.
This thread reeks of people wanting to start something when there's nothing there. CBJ has done just about everything perfect and has received a tremendous amount of fan support.
Looks like the OP and a few others on here just wanna start an argument. IMO we've had plenty of that so why in the hell do you wanna start more?
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CBJ is doing GREAT so far, but let's not get crazy.nam Gruden would have put UT on top of recruiting immediately just b/c of his e and TV personna

That is not a given that JG would have UT on top in recruiting. I wouldn't trade Butch for Gruden!!! Go Vols!
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Gotta give Dooley and his assistants credit for Hunter, Da'Rick, and CP. The guy is an honorable man and could recruit - Remember how Stone changed his mind about UT after Kiffen left and Dooley arrived and how he pulled Hunter & Da'Rick in at the end? In order to win big quickly, his coaches focused on recruits nationally, which is tough to do when your team has been irrelevant for a few years. There also wasn't as much in-state talent as there is this year.

Other than the Cinci and LSU game, I don't remember being too impressed with the in-game coaching of the previous staff but I still pulled for my team and its coaches. I supported Dooley but I'm really glad to have CBJ on board. I hope they do name a street after him!

Btw, if you still want to know where the nega-Vols are, just check out GoVolsXtra. Actually, I think it's just one negative teenager using various alias names...

Again, IIRC the only one of those three you mentioned who was actually brought on by Dooley was CP. I thought the other guys were Kiffin-gets that were miraculously retained by Dooley
Nb4 OregonVol says the bald BigEast white guys can't recruit in the SEC again.

Show me where I said that the first time. You may have rejoined and changed your name after Dooley was fired, but I stand by my previous posts.

I don't really understand morons on here who feel like there is some sort of battle going on here between fans who want UT to succeed and fans who want them to fail. I assume everyone on here wants success. Why on earth would you follow a team like this through years of awfulness otherwise? The difference is, some of us see failure (and there's been plenty of it to see these past three years) and call it failure and others have to make excuses for every single thing a coach does (as if coaches were some kind of pope who must never be questioned) until we're getting whipped by Vandy. Some of you seem to think being a fan means that you have to engage in blissful ignorance on a daily basis.

It's funny too that so many on here proclaiming victory and holding up Butch Jones as some kind of messiah because he's gotten some good commitments, are the same who were on here after signing day, saying how we can't judge anything until he coaches his first game.

I hope this momentum holds. I hope Butch Jones has tremendous success here. I'm really excited for signing day 2014. If nothing else, I'm hoping we go a whole signing day without a "3 stars is just as good 5 stars" or "What do the recruiting experts know?" thread. It's a dream of mine.
Show me where I said that the first time. You may have rejoined and changed your name after Dooley was fired, but I stand by my previous posts.

I don't really understand morons on here who feel like there is some sort of battle going on here between fans who want UT to succeed and fans who want them to fail. I assume everyone on here wants success. Why on earth would you follow a team like this through years of awfulness otherwise? The difference is, some of us see failure (and there's been plenty of it to see these past three years) and call it failure and others have to make excuses for every single thing a coach does (as if coaches were some kind of pope who must never be questioned) until we're getting whipped by Vandy. Some of you seem to think being a fan means that you have to engage in blissful ignorance on a daily basis.

It's funny too that so many on here proclaiming victory and holding up Butch Jones as some kind of messiah because he's gotten some good commitments, are the same who were on here after signing day, saying how we can't judge anything until he coaches his first game.

I hope this momentum holds. I hope Butch Jones has tremendous success here. I'm really excited for signing day 2014. If nothing else, I'm hoping we go a whole signing day without a "3 stars is just as good 5 stars" or "What do the recruiting experts know?" thread. It's a dream of mine.

Very solid post. What's funny also is some of thes "real fans" are the same who bashed the hell out of those of us calling for Dooley to be terminated.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Show me where I said that the first time. You may have rejoined and changed your name after Dooley was fired, but I stand by my previous posts.

I don't really understand morons on here who feel like there is some sort of battle going on here between fans who want UT to succeed and fans who want them to fail. I assume everyone on here wants success. Why on earth would you follow a team like this through years of awfulness otherwise? The difference is, some of us see failure (and there's been plenty of it to see these past three years) and call it failure and others have to make excuses for every single thing a coach does (as if coaches were some kind of pope who must never be questioned) until we're getting whipped by Vandy. Some of you seem to think being a fan means that you have to engage in blissful ignorance on a daily basis.

It's funny too that so many on here proclaiming victory and holding up Butch Jones as some kind of messiah because he's gotten some good commitments, are the same who were on here after signing day, saying how we can't judge anything until he coaches his first game.

I hope this momentum holds. I hope Butch Jones has tremendous success here. I'm really excited for signing day 2014. If nothing else, I'm hoping we go a whole signing day without a "3 stars is just as good 5 stars" or "What do the recruiting experts know?" thread. It's a dream of mine.

You forgot the ever popular, "We didn't really want/need him anyway" after a recruit chooses another school over UT.
Very solid post. What's funny also is some of thes "real fans" are the same who bashed the hell out of those of us calling for Dooley to be terminated.
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yep i guess that is why i'm a negavol. dooley sucked and if honestly you didn't see it you knew nothing at all about football. did not know what to think of the jones hire, but i'll admit the guy brings great energy and some damn fine recruiting to knoxville. i'm very happy with the hire so far. hopefully he is just as good on the field as off. if so sign him to a lifetime contract as far as i'm concerned and lets start getting us some SEC titles.
I was cussed, suspended off the board and jumped on for 3 years because I pointed it out. So I was one of those "negavols".
Posted via VolNation Mobile

that's not true at all. Quit acting like a martyr
that's not true at all. Quit acting like a martyr

Really? Haha I'm far from acting like a martyr. But I was definitely suspended from the board twice actually. I had post after post deleted for responding in kind to others and their posts were not. That is a FACT.
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Really? Haha I'm far from acting like a martyr. But I was definitely suspended from the board twice actually. I had post after post deleted for responding in kind to others and their posts were not. That is a FACT.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

you were suspended for a violation of the board rules against name-calling. You were also given every opportunity to correct that before a suspension was imposed. It had zero to do with your views about Dooley. That is a FACT.
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