TN #3 on Rivals, Negavols on Suicide Watch!

IMO Buch is a good coach, he will get us to 8-9 wins a year. I don't expect him to ever win a SEC championship or National title in his career. Just my opinion, but I hope he proves me wrong.

One thing is for sure, he is better then Dooley or Kiffin.
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I'm beginning to feel like we can take the number one spot. We have a lot of players out there we are in on and this is gonna be a huge class maybe 30 so hopefully our next 18 will be as good as our first twelve.
IMO Buch is a good coach, he will get us to 8-9 wins a year. I don't expect him to ever win a SEC championship or National title in his career. Just my opinion, but I hope he proves me wrong.

One thing is for sure, he is better then Dooley or Kiffin.

If CBJ keeps recruiting like this, he will win a NC easily.

Alabama and USCjr are going to have a few rough years after their coaches retire, Richt can't keep his players out of prison, Les Miles is simply crazy, and I'm still not sold on Muschamp.

I really like our chances.
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Jones is doing far better in recruiting than I expected. However, it's worth throwing out the same counterpoint here as was always used to defend Dooley's pathetic recruiting because these things work both ways. It's May and signing day is nine months away. A LOT can change between now and then, and I have no idea how the upcoming season is going to affect this class. I think most realistic people realize we're likely to struggle this fall, and are just hopeful that recruits can see that Jones has very little talent to work with and will overlook the lack of on-field success for at least this one season.
If CBJ keeps recruiting like this, he will win a NC easily.

Alabama and USCjr are going to have a few rough years after their coaches retire, Richt can't keep his players out of prison, Les Miles is simply crazy, and I'm still not sold on Muschamp.

I really like our chances.

This is just silly. NOBODY wins a national championship easily.
If CBJ keeps recruiting like this, he will win a NC easily.

Alabama and USCjr are going to have a few rough years after their coaches retire, Richt can't keep his players out of prison, Les Miles is simply crazy, and I'm still not sold on Muschamp.

I really like our chances.

Easily? :ermm:

In case you didn't notice, UT plays: UF, Bama, UGA, & USC every year. Nothing will come easy.
Easily? :ermm:

In case you didn't notice, UT plays: UF, Bama, UGA, & USC every year. Nothing will come easy.

How many years do you think Spurrier and Saban have left?

Before Spurrier USC was a joke. They will be a joke again soon.

Alabama will dropoff after Saban as well.

UGA always under achieves.

And I'm still not sold on Muschamp. We'll we how he does this year.
How many years do you think Spurrier and Saban have left?

Before Spurrier USC was a joke. They will be a joke again soon.

Alabama will dropoff after Saban as well.

UGA always under achieves.

And I'm still not sold on Muschamp. We'll we how he does this year.

In a business where recruiting is driven by on-field success as much as anything else, Saban will leave enough talent for the next guy that Alabama isn't going to fall off the face of the earth. They may not continue at a NC every year sort of level, but barring the hiring of an imbecile as their next coach, they should remain amongst the elite in the SEC.

The perception that UGA always underachieves is widespread, but is also flat out wrong. They were one play away from playing for the NC last season, and have consistently been a top 15 program over the past 10 years. The only expectations they aren't meeting are the ones that are wildly out of control.
How many years do you think Spurrier and Saban have left?

Before Spurrier USC was a joke. They will be a joke again soon.

Alabama will dropoff after Saban as well.

UGA always under achieves.

And I'm still not sold on Muschamp. We'll we how he does this year.

You never know, Alabama or SC could hire another great coach

It's a crapshoot.
I want to see the attitudes and patience when we lose 5-6 times next year. Will be interesting.

I like Butch though.
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I want to see the attitudes and patience when we lose 5-6 times next year. Will be interesting.

I like Butch though.

Vandy, Kentucky, Western Kentucky, Austin Peat, South Alabama...that's five.

Then a win over Missiouri or Auburn puts us up to 6.

I expect 6-8 wins in year 1. With a potential 7-9 when you count the bowl game.
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Vandy, Kentucky, Western Kentucky, Austin Peat, South Alabama...that's five.

Then a win over Missiouri or Auburn puts us up to 6.

I expect 6-8 wins in year 1. With a potential 7-9 when you count the bowl game.

These three are the only freebies. I think our O-line should be good enough that by November we can just hand the ball off 50 times and beat Kentucky. Honestly I think Vandy is going to be us again. We might split Auburn and Mizzou, or we might lose them both, I don't really know. Auburn has recruited much better than us in recent years and Mizzou is on the road. I think 5 wins is the ceiling with 4-8 being very much in play. Our defense is just too awful and we lost all the playmakers from the offense, and that makes for a long season when you play SEC competition on a weekly basis.
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Here ya go up to #3 with Mr. Brown!!! :rock::rock:

Yahoo Sports: 2014 Team Recruiting Rankings

Come in from the Ledge Negavols!! :):)

Are you kidding ?!!! This is what I've been waiting for !!! This is the kind of dynamic personality coach and recruiting that we have been needing for a looooong time, even before we ran off the Philapotamus !!! I've been one of the biggest so called negavols, but there is absolutely nothing to be negative about with Butch thus far. He has done just about everything right to this point. I just hope he can maintain the momentum and continue bringing in the stud OL and DL, because that's how you win in the SEC.
Gotta give Dooley and his assistants credit for Hunter, Da'Rick, and CP. The guy is an honorable man and could recruit - Remember how Stone changed his mind about UT after Kiffen left and Dooley arrived and how he pulled Hunter & Da'Rick in at the end? In order to win big quickly, his coaches focused on recruits nationally, which is tough to do when your team has been irrelevant for a few years. There also wasn't as much in-state talent as there is this year.

Other than the Cinci and LSU game, I don't remember being too impressed with the in-game coaching of the previous staff but I still pulled for my team and its coaches. I supported Dooley but I'm really glad to have CBJ on board. I hope they do name a street after him!

Btw, if you still want to know where the nega-Vols are, just check out GoVolsXtra. Actually, I think it's just one negative teenager using various alias names...
Hunter, Da'Rick and Ambles were on the way. Dooley gets credit for CP and Stone. Stone basically replaced Chaz Green.
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How many years do you think Spurrier and Saban have left?

And how many NC's did UT win prior to Spurrier at SC and Saban at Bama?

Before Spurrier USC was a joke. They will be a joke again soon.

So you think they'll go back to the level they were? I don't.

Alabama will dropoff after Saban as well.

He's not the only Bama coach to beat UT. They'll continue to be competitive.

UGA always under achieves.

They were driving against Bama last year for a shot against ND. Even though you say they underachieve Richt's record against UT is 8-4.

And I'm still not sold on Muschamp. We'll we how he does this year.

He's 2-0 against UT. They'll always be competitive.

The point is you can only have 1 loss (max)...I know LSU in '07, but UT faces very good teams each year. Nothing comes easy as far as a NC goes.
Alabama wanted to hire Rich Rod over Saban. I have no faith in either institution.

Well, you keep losing faith while both teams are beating UT on the field.

So, what's your take on UT? If you have no faith in Bama or SC, you can't have any for UT.
The point is you can only have 1 loss (max)...I know LSU in '07, but UT faces very good teams each year. Nothing comes easy as far as a NC goes.

3 of Richts wins were over Dooley, which I don't count. So that makes him 5-3.
The point is you can only have 1 loss (max)...I know LSU in '07, but UT faces very good teams each year. Nothing comes easy as far as a NC goes.

You must HATE UT. How else can you explain being logical?
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What's really funny about this thread is that some of the people calling out the "negavols" were the same ones who defended Dooley until the end and acted like children once UT finally canned his sorry butt.
And what's even funnier is that there's been very, very little complaints about Jones and what little there was came primarily from Dooley defenders. Haha
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What's really funny about this thread is that some of the people calling out the "negavols" were the same ones who defended Dooley until the end and acted like children once UT finally canned his sorry butt.
And what's even funnier is that there's been very, very little complaints about Jones and what little there was came primarily from Dooley defenders. Haha
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Let it go. First, I don't recall many, if any posters, defending Dooley till the end. One comes to mind out of 1000's. Most moved on when the mizzou game happened and it was obvious he was gone. He was not gone prior to that game.
And the complaints about Jones were from the grudenites and had nothing to do with Dooley. You hold onto the past like noone I have seen on here. Fulmer is gone. Dooley is gone. So stop acting like a ***** and move on.
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You forgot the ever popular, "We didn't really want/need him anyway" after a recruit chooses another school over UT.

That's why we have historians like remind us of such important tidbits
Posted via VolNation Mobile
What's really funny about this thread is that some of the people calling out the "negavols" were the same ones who defended Dooley until the end and acted like children once UT finally canned his sorry butt.
And what's even funnier is that there's been very, very little complaints about Jones and what little there was came primarily from Dooley defenders. Haha
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Yeah...who needs Hee Haw?
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