To everyone who thinks Bray is an NFL lock ...

Take away the leadership, and I'll ask you the same question. Name me a single NFL quarterback who lost every single big game they played in college. All I'm saying is he would probably be better suited for the NFL with at least one big win under his belt. I think he has NFL talent, but I don't think he's ready for the NFL right now.

keep spewing uneducated bs.
Like I keep saying crap falls from the top. I would like to see bray under a real coach then we could have a real discussion about brays abilities.

Guys he was coached by one of the worst coaches at UT ever

I agree with this. Bray has the physical abilities and can make the throws. He has raw ability that a good coach could develop. The biggest thing holding him back is his maturity and what's between his ears. IMO, Bray is a lot like Tony Romo. He can put up good numbers, but when the game is on the line, he makes poor decisions. He panics and doesn't use his brain. That can be coached out of him by the right coach. But someone is going to have to be patient and really work with him on decision making. Not only that, Tyler himself is going to have to grow up and want to change. He's not a kid anymore. You don't succeed in the NFL as a QB off of talent alone. You have to have a cool head on your shoulders. If he wants it, he can do it, he just has to start acting like a man and work his ass off for it.
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Our fans bloooooooooooooooooow. Simple as that. It's embarrassing. I get embarrassed reading these forums sometimes.

Our fans are no worse than anyone elses; look how Michigan fans treated Tom Brady:

When it comes to celebrities in the NFL, there's no one more popular than Tom Brady. He's the guy on the cover of every magazine, the guy who gets the most press, and the guy every fan most wants to be like.
But during most of his college career at Michigan, Brady was the guy most fans wanted out of the starting lineup for good... things got off to a rocky start as UM went on the road and lost their first game to Notre Dame. The following game at home against Syracuse was even worse as Orangemen star quarterback Donovan McNabb came to town and put on a show, sending Michigan to another loss and an 0-2 record.

Michigan was down 38-7 at one point in the game, and that's when the boos started and the fans started to chant Drew Henson's name. Henson was the freshman phenom and the hometown hero from nearby Brighton, Michigan, and most people thought it was only a matter of time before he took Brady's job.

Henson came in and led the team on 3 touchdown drives to make the score look more respectable, setting the stage for the rest of Brady's career. He would have to hold off Henson for his remaining two years, all while pretending not to hear the boos and constant criticism from fans.

Tom Brady's College Years at Michigan: How Adversity Made Him an NFL Superstar - Yahoo! Voices -
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He did put up gaudy stats, but in every single SEC game except Kentucky, I thought the opposing quarterback outplayed Bray, forgetting what either defense did, did the opposing qb outplay Bray? Florida - yes. Georgia - yes. Miss St - yes. Bama - yes. South Carolina - yes. Missouri - yes. Vanderbilt - yes.

He put up great stats, but on each given Saturday, the opposing quarterback rose to the occasion and played better head-to-head in all those games. I don't think that is an NFL-ready resume. I think we should have beaten MSU, South Carolina, Missouri, and Vandy. If Tyler Bray outplays the opposing quarterback in each of those games, then despite our defense, we win at least 2 of those games. I do think he has the ability to outplay them all, but that's not what happened? Until he's outplaying inferior competition head-to-head in college, it may be a reach to outplay a pro. Murray is really the only quarterback listed above anywhere near Bray in natural ability, but they all outplayed him.

What other qbs did against our terrible defense has no bearing on brays NFL potential. For example, do you really think Aaron Murray outplayed bray this year? He game managed while their freshman rb duo eviscerated our shoddy d and Murray picked apart our awful secondary. Bray had to throw the ball 40+ times against a very good d, a d light years ahead of our own. He turned the ball over but look how much had to be put on his shoulders. These qbs you mention didn't outplay bray, our defense made every qb look like world beaters.
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Our fans bloooooooooooooooooow. Simple as that. It's embarrassing. I get embarrassed reading these forums sometimes.

Everyone was pretty hard on Arian Foster while he was here, too, especially after that Penn State fumble. What was he, the second all time leading rusher at Tennessee? I forget if that's right, but I know he did something statistically significant.

And now that he's an NFL star, you see everyone shouting about VFLs and Go Vols and what a great representative of the university he is. 3-4 years ago you only would've heard that from a few of us.

I unconditionally root for every former Vol not named Jabari Greer.

And on Tyler, he'll make it in the NFL. Not as a backup either, as a starter. Well, if a good organization drafts him, and not the Chiefs or something. Because he'll have actual good coaching in the NFL. He was pretty solid without it here at Tennessee, but NFL coaches are professionals at developing players. They turn raw talent into success. It's their jobs. Just watch, he'll prove all you fraud Vols fans wrong, and I'm going to love it.

What's your beef with Jabari?
Bray ain't my boy or anything but I'm not so naive that I think our losing is all his fault. Closing in on a decade of bad football and everyone wants to find someone to blame. Its human nature and understandable. Did bray single handedly win any big games? No. Were there several games we should've been blown out and were only in the game BC of bray and the offense? Absolutely. I don't think he is ready for the NFL either but to say he will never make it is a little extreme.

I've never said he will never make it. All I've said all along is he is not a lock. Based on his past performance, I do not see him as a lock in the NFL. I hope I'm wrong. I'm rooting for him, but I think coming out now could turn out to be a big mistake.
Completely agree, although if I were in CP's shoes, I would go. I think Bray and Hunter could do nothing but improve their stock with another year. I think someone will take a chance on CP early in the draft because his upside is so high.

Hunter, maybe. Bray wouldn't even see the field if he were to come back because he has no place in Jones' spread option offense. Can you honestly imagine Bray trying to play in the offense? He certainly could benefit from another year in college, but there simply won't be a place for him on the field next year, so he may as well just leave and make the best of his opportunity in the NFL.
What other qbs did against our terrible defense has no bearing on brays NFL potential. For example, do you really think Aaron Murray outplayed bray this year? He game managed while their freshman rb duo eviscerated our shoddy d and Murray picked apart our awful secondary. Bray had to throw the ball 40+ times against a very good d, a d light years ahead of our own. He turned the ball over but look how much had to be put on his shoulders. These qbs you mention didn't outplay bray, our defense made every qb look like world beaters.

Yes, I thought Murray outplayed him. I really hope you're right. I hope losing every single big game he ever played does not affect his NFL potential. I just can't think of another instance where that has been the case.
I've never said he will never make it. All I've said all along is he is not a lock. Based on his past performance, I do not see him as a lock in the NFL. I hope I'm wrong. I'm rooting for him, but I think coming out now could turn out to be a big mistake.

Who can call anyone a "lock" really though? Guys like leinhart and jamarcus Russell were supposed to be locks but what did they do? Guys like demarcus ware or Alfred Morris were very unheralded and look at them. Bray isn't a lock but I think he has a good chance to be successful.

SN: this may be a dumb, but I know that the general consensus and rumors are bray and cp are declaring, but I have still yet to see a public declaration from either. Whats the hold up on making it official. I've heard zip out of bray. Cp hasn't said anything official but tweets out pictures from NFL games and is buying family members expensive Xmas gifts so it stands to reason dude already has an advance or is getting some sort of perks already.
Honestly, I don't think another year of college helps Bray. It's not because I want him to go, but another year as the BMOC just inflates his ego and encourages him to continue acting like a juvenile. Whether he played or not, he most likely wouldn't mesh well with the new staff simply because he knows it's his last year. Tyler needs the smack in the face the NFL will give him. He'll be forced to grow up if he wants a career in the NFL. As others have stated, he's not a lock to last in the NFL. He's not ready to come in as a starter, and teams will as soon dump a back up QB then stick by him when he does something dumb off-field. Throwing beer bottles at cars would get him cut.

Add in NFL coaching, and it just makes sense IMO for Tyler to go pro. He needs the coaching he hasn't received here. Fans want to talk about his screw ups, but UT screwed him as well. In his three years here, he never received the coaching he deserved. The program is supposed to develop players for the NFL. Bray has not received that development.

With coaching and maturity, I do believe Bray could succeed in the NFL. He just has to be willing to put in the work. And that's the big question, is he willing to go the extra mile for a career in the NFL? We'll see.
Then lead the team down the field against South Carolina and win the game. Is it the defense's fault he fumbled the game away? I'm not saying he doesn't have a ton of talent ... he does. But it takes more than talent. It takes a leader. It takes someone with the moral fiber to take the podium after a tough loss and answers questions? Was that the defense's fault too? You say someone who lacks these attributes is ready for the NFL, I say they are not. I think history would back me more than it backs you. List for me a single quarterback in the NFL who lost every single big game he played in college.

Why does no one blame Richardson for not even attempting to block Clowney on that play? That was not Bray's fault, that was Richardson's fault. If you noticed Bray WAS leading the team down the field before Richardson decided not to block one of the best DE's in the nation whom he was dominating all game long.
He did put up gaudy stats, but in every single SEC game except Kentucky, I thought the opposing quarterback outplayed Bray. Forgetting what either defense did, did the opposing qb outplay Bray? Florida - yes. Georgia - yes. Miss St - yes. Bama - yes. South Carolina - yes. Missouri - yes. Vanderbilt - yes.

He put up great stats, but on each given Saturday, the opposing quarterback rose to the occasion and played better head-to-head in all those games. I don't think that is an NFL-ready resume. I think we should have beaten MSU, South Carolina, Missouri, and Vandy. If Tyler Bray outplays the opposing quarterback in each of those games, then despite our defense, we win at least 2 of those games. I do think he has the ability to outplay them all, but that's not what happened? Until he's outplaying inferior competition head-to-head in college, it may be a reach to outplay a pro. Murray is really the only quarterback listed above anywhere near Bray in natural ability, but they all outplayed him.

Seriously? Are you serious? What kind of logic is that? Tyler Bray won't be good in the nfl because our defense made every opposing qb look like Joe Montana.

It makes no sense. At all.
Bray is ranked #30 QB in the country by efficiency rating , just behind such stars as Rakeem Cato of Marshall and Kawuan Jakes of Western Kentucky. His rating is 146.3, well behind the 173.1 rating of A.J. McCarron of Alabama.
Why trash Bray? He played for the most inept head coach in the country. I will always be loyal to the players. The coaches are hired guns but the players will always be Vols. I hope Bray has a ton of success and believe he is one of the more talented QB's we have had at Tennessee. He can make all of the throws and at 6'6" is a prototypical NFL QB.
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Watch that goofball playing QB for Mississippi State today and remember that he outplayed Bray head-to-head, along with virtually every other quarterback in the SEC. Playing at the next level is about rising to the occasion, both in training camp and then on Sundays. Yes, Bray put up some great numbers and has a ton of natural ability, but when did he ever rise to the occasion and do something great at UT? Forget the lousy coaching ... when did Tyler Bray strap the team on his back and refuse to lose in a big spot? Maybe I'm wrong and he can simply turn on that intangible attribute at the next level, but I just don't see it.

What does Tyler Wilson's performance today have to do with whether or not Bray will be successful in the NFL? Nothing.

I don't know that Bray will light it up at the next level, even though I think he has the most arm talent out of anyone in this years draft (he's got amazing accuracy on the long ball and can put it on a rope when throwing in the short to mid-range) if he would just dedicate himself and become a student of the game I think he could be a successful NFL QB.
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So Bray got to play against our god awful defense? If not, I don't see how anyone can say that anyone outplayed Bray, head to head.
Watch that goofball playing QB for Mississippi State today and remember that he outplayed Bray head-to-head, along with virtually every other quarterback in the SEC. Playing at the next level is about rising to the occasion, both in training camp and then on Sundays. Yes, Bray put up some great numbers and has a ton of natural ability, but when did he ever rise to the occasion and do something great at UT? Forget the lousy coaching ... when did Tyler Bray strap the team on his back and refuse to lose in a big spot? Maybe I'm wrong and he can simply turn on that intangible attribute at the next level, but I just don't see it.

gotta love the numbnutz that trash our players,hey i here ur mommy calling time for dinner
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Im done........

I am so sick of people riping Fulmer, our past and current player's, there is no other team in the SEC or country that is worse then Tennessee fans...

I go on Bamas,Georgia,Ole Miss,Miss. State, Arky board and they have nothing but love for there players and coaches.

Heck Even USC boards still support there players and team and COACH..

Im done, I cant be apart of a fanbase like this....

Half of our post are riping players and former coaches....

Im done with this site and 90% of pos fans that post on this site

Apparently you haven't read SI's message board about the Sun Bowl. Lots of hate on the players and especially Kiffy.
As for ripping players - when you don't give your all for Tennessee, you ain't gettin she-it in return.
What's your beef with Jabari?

Never acts proud to be a Vol. On Sunday Night Football, I don't think I've ever seen him say 'University of Tennessee'. He always says his high school.

He doesn't take pride in the fact that he donned the orange, so I can't root for him.

It also doesn't help that I'm a Vikings fan, and his Saints beat us in heartbreaking fashion. But that's a very small part of it.
To say he wont make a roster is careless. Plenty of teams would love to have a player with Brays skill set as a backup. I guarantee at least half the offenses coaches in the league believe that they can "fix" him.

Love the Avi.......only Bray can fix Bray......he's got the talent but it takes more than talent in the nfl

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