Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

With one of the protesters murdered with no repercussions. Protesters didn't kill or harm anyone. Didn't steal any private property or destroy any businesses. Didn't burn anything.
She had a criminal history and was breaking the law. The cop had every right to shoot her…
That's a really stupid comment and baseless post. Just dumb. I mean look at the redwood in your eye, or more fittingly up your butt.
Wow. You really put me in my place, with such a mature and substantive post.

The Republican Party, in its current configuration, meets the textbook definition of a cult. The GOP is no longer policy-driven. Take a look at Rep. Liz Cheney. Her voting record is as straight down the Republican Party line as it gets. So why has she fallen out of favor within the party? Because she doesn't pass the litmus test. True membership to "the club" is no longer earned from votes on policy. Republican Party membership is now defined by the demonstration of blind devotion to, and unconditional loyalty for one man - Donald Trump. You are considered a "RINO" if you object to Trump, regardless of how you vote.

CULT : a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader.
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Wow. You really put me in my place, with such a mature and substantive post.

The Republican Party, in its current configuration, meets the textbook definition of a cult. The GOP is no longer policy-driven. Take a look at Rep. Liz Cheney. Her voting record is as straight down the Republican Party line as it gets. So why has she fallen out of favor within the party? Because she doesn't pass the litmus test. True membership to "the club" is no longer earned from votes on policy. Republican Party membership is now defined by the demonstration of blind devotion to, and unconditional loyalty for one man - Donald Trump. You are considered a "RINO" if you object to Trump, regardless of how you vote.

CULT : a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader.

Cool..Now do ur side.
Didn't Democrats impeach Trump because they couldn't accept an election result? It was Russian interference...
He was impeached twice...

In December of 2019, because he withheld Congressionally-authorized military aid to the Ukraine, so he could use it as leverage against President Zelensky's willingness to perform a campaign favor for him, by making an appearance on CNN and announcing an investigation into the Bidens.

In January of 2021, because he incited a riot at the United States Capital with lies concerning an election that he had just lost.
How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist government?
Please try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding, instead of misunderstanding and reacting. I cited a Republican policy to overthrow our Constitution by overthrowing a lost election. Thanks. BTW, diverting attention away from my post by talking about a Democratic policy that's a topic for another thread is a worn out evasion tactic. If you want to post about another topic, you should goto the thread for that topic.
She had a criminal history and was breaking the law. The cop had every right to shoot her…
She was an unknown unlike many of those considered executed by the left. She did not attack the officer. He committed 1st degree murder.
Again it's amazing the amount of support you guys give the "peaceful protesters." Either destroying property is wrong or it's right. Be consistent.

The January 6 rioters entered the Capitol for the purpose of stopping the Electoral College Vote count, that is to stop the peaceful and lawful transfer of power under our Constitution. Yes, they destroyed property. Yes they assaulted and battered the Capitol Police. Their goal was to overthrow the Election by stopping the vote count.
She was an unknown unlike many of those considered executed by the left. She did not attack the officer. He committed 1st degree murder.
Hmmm.... This is either hyperbole, or ignorance of what actually constitutes 1st degree murder.

In most states, 1st degree murder is defined as an unlawful killing which was both willful and premeditated. The officer was faced with the task of having to repel an unprecedented act of aggression from within the United States Capital Building. It's tough to see how he could have planned that shooting ahead of time.
With one of the protesters murdered with no repercussions. Protesters didn't kill or harm anyone. Didn't steal any private property or destroy any businesses. Didn't burn anything.
None of this is true. Protestors did harm some of the officers. There is video of protestors spraying chemical irritants at officers and striking them with flag poles. There are examples of punches being thrown and landing against officers. There was substantial property damage sustained both inside and outside of the Capital. There was private property stolen, including Nancy Pelosi's laptop which was later recovered from the car of one of the rioters. You are wrong all over the place.
If that was a real right wing attempt to overthrow there would have been more violence. There wouldn't have been as many Dems with gun charges as repubs. The left can't spend all that effort demonizing the right's love of guns and then claim a violent insurrection occured without any. One of those narratives has to be false
I wouldn't say they were trying to "overthrow" anything.... but they clearly were trying to disrupt the formal procedure of certification, because Trump in all of his ignorance, had led them to believe the false premise that it was still possible for him to retain the presidency on 1/6/21.
Could you please link this particular policy? And if it was just a proposed policy, that should be public record as well. I would love to read it.

Well, policy might be poor word usage. Trump's purpose for inciting his supporters at the January 6 rally was to overthrow the Election by disrupting the Congress and stopping the Constitutionally mandated Electoral College Vote count, that is to stop a peaceful and lawful transfer of power. Most of his Party supported him in that effort, so how are Republicans better than a criminal racket determined to govern by fascism?
Fascism, by definition, requires a strong central government. Every prominent Republican I am aware of supports devolving Federal Power down to the States and curtailing the reach of Washington. If Republicans truly desire a fascist state, they must be the stupidest fascists in history to purposely seek to hobble the one thing they need to impose their authoritarian vision.
Fascism CANNOT exist in a healthy functioning Federal System. Period.
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None of this is true. Protestors did harm some of the officers. There is video of protestors spraying chemical irritants at officers and striking them with flag poles. There are examples of punches being thrown and landing against officers. There was substantial property damage sustained both inside and outside of the Capital. There was private property stolen, including Nancy Pelosi's laptop which was later recovered from the car of one of the rioters. You are wrong all over the place.
Like I told PJ.....OK. You would never have supported indiscriminate murder of any of the BLM protesters. So your faux outrage over this "protest" is unwarranted. I was squelched, it wasn't a serious attempt at a coup. It was was less harmful to the nation than even one of the BLM riots.
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