Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

Hell, even the National weather service had it in for the guy. Their hurricane forecast didn't include parts of Alabama in 2019... so he pulled out a sharpie and went on a tirade. Nobody whines like Trump. NOBODY.

Denying the validity of the complaints is how you get 4 more years of trump or another trump like figure.
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The more you guys fail to see that the right wing complaints regarding media/social media are valid, the more Trump’s you’ll get in the future.

So far your (the left in general) response to trump has been to double down on all the things that made trump (suppression of right wing voices, media bias, “fact checkers”)
Trump's whining goes so much deeper than that.
Trump's whining goes so much deeper than that.

That’s fine. That doesn’t change the issues with media and social media. And continuing to deny their validity will only give you another trump.

Did you see the letter signed by left wing congressmen calling for fox to be removed from television? Or the segments cnn and msnbc have done promoting the same?

That’s not good for our society. I don’t like MSNBC, but I’d never argue they should be deplatformed. The left used to believe in more voices, not less
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If it was only Trump's constant complaining about one thing? Then fine... he has one issue, and can't get past it. However, it isn't just one thing that he whines about. It's 7 or 8 things. Trump has also whined about such silly things as :

(1) Being passed over for Time's "Person of the Year" in 2018... even though, he had already been named it in 2016.

(2) Not winning a Nobel Peace Prize.

(3) Reports that his 2017 Inauguration was not as heavily attended as Barack Obama's from 2009.

(4) Not winning the popular vote in the 2016 Presidential Election. A meaningless designation, but in his mind, evidently a big deal. Of course, he had to allege that it was just the result of massive voter fraud.

(5) Losing the 2016 Iowa Caucuses to Ted Cruz. He accused the Cruz Campaign of cheating, without ever explaining how they had cheated. He went on with that narrative for months... even after he had already won the Republican Party nomination.

(6) The bias of Google's algorithms... Does anyone even think Trump would be capable of comprehending the algorithm if someone was able to hold his attention long enough to explain it to him?

(7) His Twitter ban.

This isn't fighting back. This ^^^^ is called whining.
these are reaches especially #4 when the battle cry for the left in winning and losing is the popular vote. #7 should trouble everyone regardless of affiliation and #2 has been awarded in the past for far less.
The more you guys fail to see that the right wing complaints regarding media/social media are valid, the more Trump’s you’ll get in the future.

So far your (the left in general) response to trump has been to double down on all the things that made trump (suppression of right wing voices, media bias, “fact checkers”)

He didn't lose the election, he was the victim of election fraud.

The courts who heard the fraud claims were out to get him. (appointed more in four than obama in 8. Most of the judges who heard the cases were trump appointees)

The FBI is a corrupt democrat wing of government. (He appointed the last two heads of the FBI)

The attorney general was out to get him. (His appointment)

SCOTUS out to get him. (More in 4 than obama in 8)

etc etc etc

It is not just social media. It is the fact that Trump constantly plays victim and you guys take it as a sign of strength.
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He didn't lose the election, he was the victim of election fraud.

The courts who heard the fraud claims were out to get him. (appointed more in four than obama in 8. Most of the judges who heard the cases were trump appointees)

The FBI is a corrupt democrat wing of government. (He appointed the last two heads of the FBI)

The attorney general was out to get him. (His appointment)

SCOTUS out to get him. (More in 4 than obama in 8)

etc etc etc

It is not just social media. It is the fact that Trump constantly plays victim and you guys take it as a sign of strength.

These are all correct. What is comical is the incessant WHINING about Trump. From the MSM and well......
He didn't lose the election, he was the victim of election fraud.

The courts who heard the fraud claims were out to get him. (appointed more in four than obama in 8. Most of the judges who heard the cases were trump appointees)

The FBI is a corrupt democrat wing of government. (He appointed the last two heads of the FBI)

The attorney general was out to get him. (His appointment)

SCOTUS out to get him. (More in 4 than obama in 8)

etc etc etc

It is not just social media. It is the fact that Trump constantly plays victim and you guys take it as a sign of strength.

That’s fine. I’m not a fan of his either. But you can’t deny the validity of everything just because trump is attached to it. When selecting heads of corrupt agencies, you have to select them from those agencies. It would be hard to not suggest our previous fbi/cia directors were corrupt. When John Brennan was talking about how embarrassing it is to be a white male, I almost died laughing.

But you don’t beat trump by doubling down on the bias and being more authoritarian
Trump has argued that CNN should be. Not very consistent, is it?

Can you provide me a source on that? I wouldn’t be shocked, if he did. He runs his mouth a lot. But you have to be able to see the difference between that and an organized effort to deplatform fox.
That’s fine. I’m not a fan of his either. But you can’t deny the validity of everything just because trump is attached to it. When selecting heads of corrupt agencies, you have to select them from those agencies. It would be hard to not suggest our previous fbi/cia directors were corrupt. When John Brennan was talking about how embarrassing it is to be a white male, I almost died laughing.

But you don’t beat trump by doubling down on the bias and being more authoritarian

Election fraud. Simply no evidence of it. He began screeching about it with no evidence. Millions and millions collected by him to challenge the elections and almost none of it was spent. He got the benefit of having conservative justices hear his cases.

FBI director is not picked out from the ranks of the FBI. This one Trump chose is an attorney that worked extensively with Bush II administration, went into private practice during the Obama years and then back for this. This man was interviewed and handpicked by Trump to be a loyal lap dog.

AG - Same as above. He was a loyal lap dog until he had the temerity to disagree with Trump.

You cannot simply accept the bs trump spews as truth.
Election fraud. Simply no evidence of it. He began screeching about it with no evidence. Millions and millions collected by him to challenge the elections and almost none of it was spent. He got the benefit of having conservative justices hear his cases.

FBI director is not picked out from the ranks of the FBI. This one Trump chose is an attorney that worked extensively with Bush II administration, went into private practice during the Obama years and then back for this. This man was interviewed and handpicked by Trump to be a loyal lap dog.

AG - Same as above. He was a loyal lap dog until he had the temerity to disagree with Trump.

You cannot simply accept the bs trump spews as truth.

This is how you embolden them is when you intentionally misstate things. You and I both know every election has some baseline level of fraud. I don’t believe he lost because of fraud, but when you say “there was no fraud” (which the media does) people are smart enough to know you’re lying to them.

Conservative justices should be hearing all cases because they’re the only ones who actually do their job.

I’ve never defended his attacks on the AG. Both AGs under him did great jobs. The fbi and the cia on the other hand, proved themselves to be left wing partisan hacks over and over. So much so that of them frequents cnn and msnbc to talk about how shameful it is to be a white man
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This is how you embolden them is when you intentionally misstate things. You and I both know every election has some baseline level of fraud. I don’t believe he lost because of fraud, but when you say “there was no fraud” (which the media does) people are smart enough to know you’re lying to them.

Conservative justices should be hearing all cases because they’re the only ones who actually do their job.

I’ve never defended his attacks on the AG. Both AGs under him did great jobs. The fbi and the cia on the other hand, proved themselves to be left wing partisan hacks over and over. So much so that of them frequents cnn and msnbc to talk about how shameful it is to be a white man

Not even close to accurate. Both sides bring bias to the bench that shouldn't be there. They both contort the law to get to the conclusion they want at times.
Not even close to accurate. Both sides bring bias to the bench that shouldn't be there. They both contort the law to get to the conclusion they want at times.

Your “moderate” judges seem to be overwhelmingly those assigned by the right
Not even close to accurate. Both sides bring bias to the bench that shouldn't be there. They both contort the law to get to the conclusion they want at times.

Correct and one of the numerous reasons we need to eliminate lifetime appointments.
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Correct and one of the numerous reasons we need to eliminate lifetime appointments.

I’m still seeing it as the right electing judges and the left electing activists. But elaborate on the benefit of ending lifetime appointments? What’s the advantage and how would it work
Correct and one of the numerous reasons we need to eliminate lifetime appointments.

Agreed. Furthermore, activism on the bench (in either direction) is the most alarming trend I am seeing right now. Several democrats I speak with regularly agree as well. This isn’t a partisan issue. This has to stop.
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I’m still seeing it as the right electing judges and the left electing activists. But elaborate on the benefit of ending lifetime appointments? What’s the advantage and how would it work

Federal judges become insulated from normal people especially at the higher courts. They don't see or feel the effects of their decisions. All too often they forget what their job is and allow their hubris and self importance influence their decisions, plus they are accountable to no one when they do get it wrong. How can the 6th and 9th circuits get it wrong so often without any repercussions?

How I would set it up would be 10 year terms, staggered so that no POTUS with an 8 year term could appoint more than 1/4 or 1/3 of the vacancies. Still debating on whether to have an up or out clause, making it 10 years max a justice could sit on the same court.
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I’m still seeing it as the right electing judges and the left electing activists. But elaborate on the benefit of ending lifetime appointments? What’s the advantage and how would it work

Both are activists, you just like the results on one side.

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