Transfer Portal is a disaster

It is relevant to the local economy where the games are held. It is necessary to pay for those that support the concessions, the parking, the security, etc. If attendance at games is not important, then just don't sell tickets to the public. Just let the TV crews in - no need for the band, the cheerleaders, parents or anyone to support the teams.

Or let the TV money pay some of that money to the local economy who provides the place where the teams play.
And will the large tv contracts continue with a stadium half full. It's the excitement of the game with the fans.
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The easiest way to fix (won’t be a complete fix) the transfer portal is for the NCAA to allow (not mandate) the collectives to sign multi year contracts. Player A signs chooses UT and signs an NIL deal with Spyre for 3 years he can still transfer at will but Spyre would continue to own his NIL so he couldn’t get paid by another collective. Now this wouldn’t affect the top players that could sign lucrative NIL deals outside of a collective but the reality is most players only NIL will come from the collective.
College football will survive due to the money flowing in, but it will just continue to look drastically different than what we have been used to seeing throughout the decades.
Josh Pate had a very good video about how worried the power people are about the whole situation. He said the money isn’t going to continue to come in because advertisers are not willing to sign contracts when the product has become so flawed. Listening to school presidents, athletic directors, tv networks and advertisers, he is convinced there are about to be some big changes and they will have lawyers galore to make sure the changes hold up in court. Should be an interesting few years ahead.
For those of you who think the TP and NIL is a great idea, let’s discuss how crappy it’s become in just 2.5 years. We have gone from players wanting some money shares for jersey sales and player cards signings for money to pay for play and basically uncontrolled free agency! Bowl season was laughable with players opting out during the game. Starting QBs for new years six games transferring out. Now Quinshon from Mississippi has left and he’s leaving what I feel a very real contender for the Natty next year.

If we don’t get some sort of overseeing body on this soon, college football will not survive!

College football will be just fine. Stop being dramatic.
And for decades and decades, players have been getting paid under the table so was that entitlement?

Successful teams have been cheating and paying players so obviously the scholarship wasn't reflecting the value the schools had for the players.

Now it's out in the open and people act like it's crazy that the scholarship doesn't reflect the value of the players to the team.

Seriously. That's been true for years. Are you just pissed because it's legal now?
I am just stating facts, not upset at all, you appear to be the one upset. I know cheating has been going on and it still is with nil, such as contacting players that are not in the portal. All I'm saying is that a scholarship with all the other benefits is very valuable. If you can't see the value of this, then you have a huge problem. Ask any student who graduates and has $100,000 or more of debt in student loans if it is of any value to have had that and no student loans. How much is enough for a student athlete to be paid?
I am just stating facts, not upset at all, you appear to be the one upset. I know cheating has been going on and it still is with nil, such as contacting players that are not in the portal. All I'm saying is that a scholarship with all the other benefits is very valuable. If you can't see the value of this, then you have a huge problem. Ask any student who graduates and has $100,000 or more of debt in student loans if it is of any value to have had that and no student loans. How much is enough for a student athlete to be paid?
I've never said it wasn't but it doesn't matter HOW valuable it is or has been, teams have still REGULARLY been supplementing the scholarship with money.

So whatever point you're trying to make about how valuable it is, it's obvious the value hasn't been enough to offset the value of the players we've paid and other teams have paid for generations.

That's just how it is. Yes, the scholarship is valuable but the player is more valuable. 🤷‍♂️
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It's more difficult for a fan to get as interested in a team when the team is changing so much year after year. There is more continuity with the pros. What really should happen is to cut the cord between the universities and the team, just as a matter of honesty. The teams could pay the universities for the use of the facilities if they want. Then we can all go cheer for Knoxville's minor league professional football franchise.
The easiest way to fix (won’t be a complete fix) the transfer portal is for the NCAA to allow (not mandate) the collectives to sign multi year contracts. Player A signs chooses UT and signs an NIL deal with Spyre for 3 years he can still transfer at will but Spyre would continue to own his NIL so he couldn’t get paid by another collective. Now this wouldn’t affect the top players that could sign lucrative NIL deals outside of a collective but the reality is most players only NIL will come from the collective.
Players can sign multiple NIL deals like Peyton makes commercials for everyone.

It's a non-starter legally to force a person to "sign with one company" for NIL.
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For those of you who think the TP and NIL is a great idea, let’s discuss how crappy it’s become in just 2.5 years. We have gone from players wanting some money shares for jersey sales and player cards signings for money to pay for play and basically uncontrolled free agency! Bowl season was laughable with players opting out during the game. Starting QBs for new years six games transferring out. Now Quinshon from Mississippi has left and he’s leaving what I feel a very real contender for the Natty next year.

If we don’t get some sort of overseeing body on this soon, college football will not survive!

I have sad news for us all, it’s not going to change anytime soon. To many people getting to much money without having very many restrictions put on them. The players are now in the “Cat Bird Seat”, it used to be the coaches. The Supreme Court gave a positive ruling on this and it will run wild for the foreseeable future. I already get upset w/NIL & Transfer, after the new conferences start next year, I will be a 67-year old mess, lolololo
So what happens when the athletes become employees, a salary cap is implemented, and players go on strike for more benefits / money.
Is it going to change the way fans look at college sports. I seem to remember pro sports fans got mad at the greed but it only lasted a few seasons.
Good points, and the primary reason the major players don’t want the students to be employees. Strikes are also a possibility anytime there is wage/benefits being negotiated. If folks think NIL handled completely by a third party is a mess, try adding a unionized work force.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in anti-trust cases, if the court rules for the plaintiff, isn't the award 3 times the amount asked for? Are the athletes suing asking a $ amount? I don't remember seeing one.
What I gleaned (didn’t read the entire brief) they are wanting back pay retroactive to the date the court ruled players could be compensated. Their complaint is that they want to be paid by the school for their services back to the date of the first suit. They are asking the court to abolish the rule that states athletes are not paid employees, ie, play for play.

On this point I believe the NCAA has a better case because they are not in the business of professional sports. They are educators. Where would it end. Would science majors be Next to insist their research should pay. I can’t imagine the courts confirming something that could see no end of a convoluted system that would open a Pandora’s Box of legal nightmares. And you are correct that antitrust winners may have the damages tripled.
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If contracts are in the future, could schools implement non-compete clauses and keep players from transferring to this school or conference? I have it my job, just wondering if it could be legal for something like this. I recognize the NFL has no such clauses but they can also trade, cut, release or relegate players to different players, squads, etc
Schools could implement non-competes, but they won’t and here is why. If a kid’s a huge stud, then he’ll go to the school that doesn’t put that load on him. There’s always going to be someone who can pay more and be financially able to eat any loss incurred by a kid who wants to transfer.

In time, the portal will divide more top talent amongst the top 20 or so programs because kids are going to take their talents to the highest bidder and no school is going to be able to corner the market on all of the top talent. We would not have Nico without NIL and the 5* OL from LSU would not have visited us today without NIL. It’s eventually going to spread more top talent amongst the top 20. The 12 team playoff will also make those top 20 programs more attractive to those top transfers because not only can they go where they get paid but the opportunity for exposure has tripled.
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For those of you who think the TP and NIL is a great idea, let’s discuss how crappy it’s become in just 2.5 years. We have gone from players wanting some money shares for jersey sales and player cards signings for money to pay for play and basically uncontrolled free agency! Bowl season was laughable with players opting out during the game. Starting QBs for new years six games transferring out. Now Quinshon from Mississippi has left and he’s leaving what I feel a very real contender for the Natty next year.

If we don’t get some sort of overseeing body on this soon, college football will not survive!


Lane Kiffin is raiding the transfer portal.
It's a complete mess---rampant commercialism, greed and chaos. Ask the coaches how they like it. They've got to restock their rosters, if they can, constantly. Players leaving in large numbers, some as rising seniors for no good reason save for maybe--maybe--getting sucker money from another school. Widespread tampering. Widespread opt-outs that have turned bowl games into a genuine joke---many of the best players not playing. Appeals to fans and boosters to contribute money to NIL collectives so that your school can out-bribe other schools for high-school prospects who may not even pan out. It's all gotten crass--the athletic version of the Kardashians. No recognition of the free college education they're all getting--a benefit every regular college student would kill for. 18-20 team "conferences" soon, spread all over the country: they aren't conferences at all--just a huge collection of TV-money-grubbers. College football is now some, ridiculous bastardized form of pro football--there's no "college" in it anymore. The sport has no leadership--it's just anything goes now, and every man for himself.
Of course the coaches dont like it. That doesnt mean it's the wrong thing to do. The ones who have stockpiled talent with under the table money hate it the most.

And if you had an opportunity to make an extra $60k as a 22 year old, you wouldnt have done it?
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All part of this "woke" culture. It is here to stay, for better or worse
There is nothing less American than telling a young man or woman that they don’t deserve, nor are allowed to make money off their own name.

To tell someone you don’t deserve money because we give you free room, board, and education… well you can figure out how that sounds without me telling you.

The reason all this is happening is because the NCAA was greedy.

The fact is players have been getting paid since the beginning of college football being profitable and the only difference is now things are much more out in the open.

Players are American citizens and they deserve the right to go look for whatever situation makes them the most money.

If that’s being woke, wanting to hold your god given American rights and not have them infringed upon, then it’s pretty sad what you’d prefer things to be.
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The schools solved the academic equation by funneling sports revenue into a plethora of tutoring, mentoring, etc programs and such. The guys stay academically eligible and many ARE aware they're getting a great chance to learn and be helped academically if they have deficits. Some don't and let tutors drag them to eligibility.

It's not in the school's recruiting interest to be known as "tough on you in the classroom" like Vandy or an ivy League school.

The NCAA is in no position to tighten academics and I can assure you that the SEC and B1G have zero interest in losing recruits because of academics unless they're Vandy or Northwestern.
You have expounded on just what I am saying! Tighten up the higher education side of what a "student athlete" is supposedly there for and you can get back to being a school with "amateur" sports programs. I know it would take an overall effort, not just a school or two, but all schools. Which is never likely to happen. I just hate to see the school system being a minor league for a very rich and getting richer pro sports system. Hell, why do you think there are so many foreigners coming here to play sports? It's damn sure not for the education!
And what will that do but cause massive tuition increases to the majority 95% plus of the students that are simply trying to earn a degree to make it in life.
Athletics aren’t funded my the university, it’s a separate treasury that is self funded. Your tax dollars and student tuition is not touched 1 bit by the athletic department,
Josh Pate had a very good video about how worried the power people are about the whole situation. He said the money isn’t going to continue to come in because advertisers are not willing to sign contracts when the product has become so flawed. Listening to school presidents, athletic directors, tv networks and advertisers, he is convinced there are about to be some big changes and they will have lawyers galore to make sure the changes hold up in court. Should be an interesting few years ahead.

I agree. It is not an endless supply of money. Folks also forget that for many schools it is the money from the headline sports, like football and basketball that allow the universities to field other sporting teams. What is everyone willing to give up? Baseball? Softball? Track? Golf? Soccer (which is a sport that is growing in popularity)? Hockey? Swimming? etc. Women sports to field the men's teams?

Then there is the problem with the ever increasing costs for the public to even be able to view the events online. Many of us should remember how the ESPN plug was pulled right before a major game due to a dispute over money and the costs that folks pay to view the shows.

There will come a time when the money supply will be an issue.
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At some point the universities will be able to only field sports that make a profit, greatly reducing the number of scholarships available to athletes. Many who use this avenue to obtain an education will then no longer be able to do so.
Athletics aren’t funded my the university, it’s a separate treasury that is self funded. Your tax dollars and student tuition is not touched 1 bit by the athletic department,

Tuition must be paid by the athletes that are on scholarship. Books, room and board must be accounted for. I suspect that many of the athletes also go through the financial aid process to obtain other forms of aid that is available to them as a student. The universities would be crazy to not allow that to happen as the non-athlete is allowed to obtain that aid on top of any scholarship money they may receive.

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