'24 Transfer Portal

You know you can improve speed and quickness through specialized training right? If Herring works this offseason he can make a huge leap there.

The second thing he can work on is his placement and discipline. If he makes even minor improvements in both categories it's a major change on the field. He's got 2-3 more years where he can develop these skills, his career is not inscribed in stone yet.

A lot of people on here wrote off Aaron Beasley after his sophomore season too. Herring will improve immensely just as Beasley did.

Also, NIL collectives can talk to players any time they want to. So they can essentially "recruit" on behalf of the school. I doubt it applies to Vandy very much though.
Does suck I won't get to see Leonard play next year when Duke comes to MTSU. Got excited when they reversed the order of the home and home and then Elko gets A&M job...
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