Trevor Bauer

IDK what to believe because I haven't paid attention at all to this case but I think you're concluding way too much from this, but you want to believe him, right?

I'm not really a body language guy, but it's not very convincing when a dude closes his eyes the entire time he's saying that he never sexually assaulted anyone else. That was like a dozen syllables he closed his eyes to get through. Maybe he's just a nervous talker, IDK.
He presented digital messages (likely texts) saying that she was out to set him up. She also said that she wanted him to injure her buttocks and choke her. These aren't his words. They're hers
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He posted them in his video. I have not heard anyone dispute them
That’s not “posting them”. He should release them.

Were the texts collected/presented as evidence at any point? Saying that you “have not heard anyone dispute them” doesn’t tell us much.
That’s not “posting them”. He should release them.

Were the texts collected/presented as evidence at any point? Saying that you “have not heard anyone dispute them” doesn’t tell us much.
I read an article saying it was something garnered during discovery by his lawyers. For him to agree to drop his lawsuit he requested that he was allowed to publicly speak afterwards about evidence (the texts) that no one was allowed to discuss publicly during the trial. He didn't want it to be one of those instances where both parties agree to drop it but nobody can speak about the details.

I can't find the original article, but this was saying the same thing.

So you don't have to invest the five minutes it takes to watch it, Bauer claims he specifically refused to agree to any sort of gag order that would limit his ability to talk about the case. By way of full disclosure, it's important to point out that the video is heavily edited. And he doesn't offer up any context as to where the texts he shows came from. We're left to presume they're from Lindsey Hill and that they were given to his lawyers in the discovery phase of the lawsuits. The texts he shows seem to indicate:

--Hill describing Bauer as "Next victim. Star pitcher for the Dodgers."
--Hill asking a friend "What should I steal?" and getting the answer "Take his money."
--Another says "I'm going to his house Wednesday. I already have my hooks in," followed by what looks like a screengrab of their conversation and "You know how I roll."
--Then he claims that after the first time they ahem "met," her texts read, "Net worth is 51 mil." and "bitch, you better secure the bag."
--He asks how she planned to do that. And answers with texts that read, "need daddy to choke me out," and "Being an absolute WHORE to try and get in on his 51 million."

And after claiming that after the second time they met, Hill was texting former Padres pitcher Jacob Nix about her intentions and getting into the background of the court cases, Bauer drops the biggest bombshell, right around the 1:00 mark. It's video that appears to be the two of them laying in bed together. A video he says was "unlawfully concealed" from him and his legal team. One that he claims the metadata proves she took minutes before leaving his place. With her smirking at the camera and him sound asleep in a mask like Mr. Howell used to sleep in on Gilligan's Island:
Absolutely wild.

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If I had texts he claimed to have… I wouldn’t be simply “talking” about them on some Instagram live.
Where are these texts? Why haven’t they been published?

The girl admitted to them. She went on a “talk show”and admitted to them. It’s over he isn’t guilty and paid her nothing which is what this was all about.
The girl admitted to them. She went on a “talk show”and admitted to them. It’s over he isn’t guilty and paid her nothing which is what this was all about.
If I had these texts, and was fighting a new battle in the Court of Public Opinion, I would be getting them out for the Public to see.

Not simply “talking” about them.
If I had these texts, and was fighting a new battle in the Court of Public Opinion, I would be getting them out for the Public to see.

Not simply “talking” about them.

It seems like he did. Is there a specific text you’d like to see confirmed? There’s some of them that the judge specifically quotes.

There’s others her attorney admits to. Like that she called the encounters consensual.
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It seems like he did. Is there a specific text you’d like to see confirmed? There’s some of them that the judge specifically quotes.

There’s others her attorney admits to. Like that she called the encounters consensual.
Where are they posted? Where have they been published?

If there is a transcript of the judge reading them - I’d certainly want that published.
“Text A”
- here is the transcript where the Judge reads it.
- here is the link to her attorney admitting it’s hers.

I don’t know anything about this case.
I haven’t followed a bit of it.
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If I had these texts, and was fighting a new battle in the Court of Public Opinion, I would be getting them out for the Public to see.

Not simply “talking” about them.

Here’s a good starting point. It’s the allegations in the first link against her and then her attorney responding to each individually. Here’s a couple of interest

50. Both parties agree after their first sexual encounter she sent text about him being an amazing human to friends.

58. Both parties agree to this text exchange. Between encounters she messaged him about her desire to be choked unconscious during sex. It’s also the exchange involving “bring all the pain”. She also tells him she wants to be slapped in the face.

66. Both parties agree they had sex, at some point she used the established safe word and he immediately stopped.

71. You’ll need to read for yourself, because I don’t understand millennial speak. But it seems she’s bragging about how good the D was in a tweet post sex. She admits to the tweet but denies it was post sex, but it was at about 2am.

75. Both parties agree she sent texts the next day after their last sexual encounter calling it consensual to friends.

76. Same as 75 but to someone else.
Where are they posted? Where have they been published?

If there is a transcript of the judge reading them - I’d certainly want that published.

See my post above. It’s her attorney specifically admitting to what seems like all of the texts (there may be a few I missed). I tried to list the specific ones I found most interesting. If there’s a specific text you’d still like to see confirmed after that, let me know and I’ll see what I can do
See my post above. It’s her attorney specifically admitting to what seems like all of the texts (there may be a few I missed). I tried to list the specific ones I found most interesting. If there’s a specific text you’d still like to see confirmed after that, let me know and I’ll see what I can do

He wants to see Trevor Bauer screenshots. The court can’t be trusted.
Who is this guy that people are beclowning themselves to defend him?

Ha: Exactly. This is how MAGA operate. They nose around everywhere trying to find one incident or two that might prove (to themselves, anyway)
that the broad patterns of behavior witnessed or pointed out by their political foes are not true. They point to a person in Utah who got a nosebleed after getting a Covid shot to show that the vaccine is dangerous when in fact 80 million people have been vaccinated with very few problems. They'll point to one misstatement or fib in the past by a Democrat to claim that the Democrat is no different from the malicious and compulsive liar that is d. trump. And so it goes. In this case the apparent goal is to suggest that sexually assault charges by women can't be trusted when everyone knows that this has been a major problem for decades--not to mention the fact that men kill women (wives, ex-wives, girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, strangers) in large numbers every year. And so we have a long thread about 1 case against a backdrop of hundreds, if not thousands of cases every year across the country.
Ha: Exactly. This is how MAGA operate. They nose around everywhere trying to find one incident or two that might prove (to themselves, anyway)
that the broad patterns of behavior witnessed or pointed out by their political foes are not true. They point to a person in Utah who got a nosebleed after getting a Covid shot to show that the vaccine is dangerous when in fact 80 million people have been vaccinated with very few problems. They'll point to one misstatement or fib in the past by a Democrat to claim that the Democrat is no different from the malicious and compulsive liar that is d. trump. And so it goes. In this case the apparent goal is to suggest that sexually assault charges by women can't be trusted when everyone knows that this has been a major problem for decades--not to mention the fact that men kill women (wives, ex-wives, girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, strangers) in large numbers every year. And so we have a long thread about 1 case against a backdrop of hundreds, if not thousands of cases every year across the country.

So your takeaway is muh Trump. I’m shocked.
Who is this guy that people are beclowning themselves to defend him?

One person in here falsely claimed he admitted that he punched her until she was unconscious. Something even the plaintiff is not claiming.

But, yes, clearly it’s the people defending him who are the clowns.
See my post above. It’s her attorney specifically admitting to what seems like all of the texts (there may be a few I missed). I tried to list the specific ones I found most interesting. If there’s a specific text you’d still like to see confirmed after that, let me know and I’ll see what I can do
I don’t know any of the specific texts.

What’s the most inflammatory one? Which one would he most want out there from a “see! look at this” perspective?

Is there one that most makes his case here in the court of public opinion?
I don’t know any of the specific texts.

What’s the most inflammatory one? Which one would he most want out there from a “see! look at this” perspective?

Is there one that most makes his case here in the court of public opinion?

He has a literal video at the beginning of this thread. I referenced several for you, including her calling the encounter “consensual”. At some point you’ve got to help yourself
He has a literal video at the beginning of this thread. I referenced several for you, including her calling the encounter “consensual”. At some point you’ve got to help yourself
Yea, he’s got a video. That’s not the published texts. That’s not convincing anyone.

He’s in the court of public opinion now.

It’s no longer her job to prove he’s guilty.
It’s his job to prove he’s innocent.

And if he’s got actual proof of his innocence, he’s doing a really shite job of presenting it to the public.
Yea, he’s got a video. That’s not the published texts. That’s not convincing anyone.

He’s in the court of public opinion now.

It’s no longer her job to prove he’s guilty.
It’s his job to prove he’s innocent.

And if he’s got actual proof of his innocence, he’s doing a really shite job of presenting it to the public.

You’ve got to be simply trolling at this point. I gave you direct links where she admits to the text being real. I even referenced specific sub paragraphs for you. But you’re too lazy to apparently watch the video to know what text you’d like to see confirmed or control f a document.

Once again, if there’s any specific text you want me to confirm for you, I will. But I’ve already specifically cited several including her calling the encounter consensual.

Wtf could you still want?
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