Trevor Bauer

Let’s also not forget the original complaint included a claim that he choked her out and then anally raped her during their first sexual encounter (the second being about a month later). She later changed her story and claims she did not state that despite it being apart of the original complaint.
Well there wasn’t. I stated there was plenty else.

Finally got an actual effing text after 17 posts spanning 3 days - in a response to RT.

You got a document full of text with specific references of where to find them.
Let’s also not forget the original complaint included a claim that he choked her out and then anally raped her during their first sexual encounter (the second being about a month later). She later changed her story and claims she did not state that despite it being apart of the original complaint.
Look. I’ve never been of the opinion that this woman was incredibly believable.

I’m saying I would be doing a much better job of laying out the evidence I claim exonerates me.

Like paint by numbers, spoon fed.

Here’s the text.
Here’s the judge.
Here’s the attorney.

ALL in one place for the public to consume in one view.
Look. I’ve never been of the opinion that this woman was incredibly believable.

I’m saying I would be doing a much better job of laying out the evidence I claim exonerates me.

Like paint by numbers, spoon fed.

Here’s the text.
Here’s the judge.
Here’s the attorney.

ALL in one place for the public to consume in one view.

You realize his video had screenshots, right?
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Which is ridiculous if that’s what Trevor Bauer expects the general public to sift through.

Yeah, obviously he wouldn’t expect you to view the screenshots within the video itself. He assumed you watched that with your eyes closed
Yeah, obviously he wouldn’t expect you to view the screenshots within the video itself. He assumed you watched that with your eyes closed
His video….. Sheesh.

No one believes Trevor Bauer. Why would he (or you) assume anyone would believe his video?
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Lol. Nobody cares about his video. That’s a standalone.

You need all 3 pieces together in one place, in one view.


Lol okay buddy. I’m sorry he didn’t make you a one page pdf to confirm his story. I hope he does better in the future. Clearly the screenshots were not convincing to you regardless of the format. The video was not sufficient. The 40 pages was too long. Hopefully he achieves your Goldilocks zone in the future.
85 as a judge…

Defendant: “I plead guilty your honor.”

85: “I don't believe you.”
85 as a judge…

Defendant: “I plead guilty your honor.”

85: “I don't believe you.”

85: yeah, you did but it was 40 pages with specific references to the exact paragraph you plead guilty in and I deemed that to be too much.

Defendant: what about the video where I had screenshots of me pleading guolity

85: also not good enough
Lol okay buddy. I’m sorry he didn’t make you a one page pdf to confirm his story. I hope he does better in the future. Clearly the screenshots were not convincing to you regardless of the format. The video was not sufficient. The 40 pages was too long. Hopefully he achieves your Goldilocks zone in the future.
So Bauer’s stance is - “put all the pieces together yourself” ?

Well, no one’s ever accused him of being smart.
So Bauer’s stance is - “put all the pieces together yourself” ?

Well, no one’s ever accused him of being smart.

What pieces specifically do you not feel were put together? He showed the texts and videos. She admits they’re real. But you’re upset because you think he needed more collaborating documents?
What pieces specifically do you not feel were put together? He showed the texts and videos. She admits they’re real. But you’re upset because you think he needed more collaborating documents?
You think it’s too much to ask of Trevor Bauer.


In one place. In one view.

He might be innocent of sexual assault.

But he is 100% guilty of being a huge effing idiot if that video is the most effort he’s willing to put forward.
You think it’s too much to ask of Trevor Bauer.


In one place. In one view.

He might be innocent of sexual assault.

But he is 100% guilty of being a huge effing idiot if that video is the most effort he’s willing to put forward.
Ever consider he is not allowed to publish them??? He he held the courts dismissal for permission to even speak on the evidence.
Ever consider he is not allowed to publish them??? He he held the courts dismissal for permission to even speak on the evidence.
They appear to be in the public domain.

He needs to hire a professional artist, to paint a better picture.

His is Hunter Biden level bad.
Where are these texts? I can’t get anyone to post one.
She’s saying the sex exceeded the scope of her consent. Other women have accused him of the same. The texts don’t show the whole picture, they’re just being presented as if they do. And misleadingly presented, at that.

She countersued him, after he sued her. IIRC, her case survived a motion for summary judgment, so did his. Neither of them wanted it in front of a jury. It wasn’t a slam dunk either way and we won’t get an unvarnished picture of what happened because neither of them wanted us to.

The Dodgers and MLB dumped his ass pretty quick after the allegations surfaced. An MLB arbitrator ruled against him. Neither organization seems that interested in him despite his increasingly Kaepernickian efforts.

All signs point to the conclusion that they’re probably both horrible people. The only interest for me is why there were so many very online right wingers lining up to take his next pounding.
She’s saying the sex exceeded the scope of her consent. Other women have accused him of the same. The texts don’t show the whole picture, they’re just being presented as if they do. And misleadingly presented, at that.

She countersued him, after he sued her. IIRC, her case survived a motion for summary judgment, so did his. Neither of them wanted it in front of a jury. It wasn’t a slam dunk either way and we won’t get an unvarnished picture of what happened because neither of them wanted us to.

The Dodgers and MLB dumped his ass pretty quick after the allegations surfaced. An MLB arbitrator ruled against him. Neither organization seems that interested in him despite his increasingly Kaepernickian efforts.

All signs point to the conclusion that they’re probably both horrible people. The only interest for me is why there were so many very online right wingers lining up to take his next pounding.

Things that aren’t in dispute here:

She consented to being slapped in the face, admits the messages are real, and even said the harder the better. But when it actually occurred at some point she was no longer comfortable and therefore used their established safe word.

She admits they had a safe word and when she used it he stopped.

The judges said the scope of her injuries are consistent with the sexual contact she consented to.

She then takes a video of herself winking for the camera in bed beside of him post sex and admits to sending the video

There’s literally nothing here.
She’s saying the sex exceeded the scope of her consent. Other women have accused him of the same. The texts don’t show the whole picture, they’re just being presented as if they do. And misleadingly presented, at that.

She countersued him, after he sued her. IIRC, her case survived a motion for summary judgment, so did his. Neither of them wanted it in front of a jury. It wasn’t a slam dunk either way and we won’t get an unvarnished picture of what happened because neither of them wanted us to.

The Dodgers and MLB dumped his ass pretty quick after the allegations surfaced. An MLB arbitrator ruled against him. Neither organization seems that interested in him despite his increasingly Kaepernickian efforts.

All signs point to the conclusion that they’re probably both horrible people. The only interest for me is why there were so many very online right wingers lining up to take his next pounding.
They both look slimy AF.
Things that aren’t in dispute here:

She consented to being slapped in the face, admits the messages are real, and even said the harder the better. But when it actually occurred at some point she was no longer comfortable and therefore used their established safe word.

She admits they had a safe word and when she used it he stopped.

The judges said the scope of her injuries are consistent with the sexual contact she consented to.

She then takes a video of herself winking for the camera in bed beside of him post sex and admits to sending the video

There’s literally nothing here.
Wrong and dumb. If there was “literally nothing here,” her claim wouldn’t have survived motion for summary judgment and he wouldn’t have settled his claim (for no money.)

He relinquished a chance at having an impartial judge decide the case based on all of the relevant evidence in favor of doing a media tour where he selectively present evidence to persuade stupid people that there was nothing there.
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Wrong and dumb. If there was “literally nothing here,” her claim wouldn’t have survived motion for summary judgment and he wouldn’t have settled his claim (for no money.)

He relinquished a chance at having an impartial judge decide the case based on all of the relevant evidence in favor of doing a media tour where he selectively present evidence to persuade stupid people that there was nothing there.

Didn’t she do more of the same? If it really happened why cave for insurance money?

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