Trump’s destruction of America continues post presidency

Will this ever end? Just how much damage did he actually do? Will we ever recover?
These are the questions we as Americans need to ask.

Last night, because of Donald Trump, the national treasure that is Will Smith slapped Chris Rock on stage in front of everyone. As CNN analyst Asha Rangappa rightly points out, this is Trumps fault!

Oh how long until America recovers. When will we get back to normal? When I ask!!!

CNN analyst blames Trump for aftermath of Will Smith-Chris Rock Oscars incident
Trump Twitter: Will Smith slap Chris Rock.
Biden Twitter: I just slapped all Americans in the face.
Without Obama we never elect Trump. So, this Rock slap by Smith goes back to the OG presidential meme...

Thanks, Obama.

PS. Can we call Will Smith "Paper" now since he beat Rock?
Go easy on Will, he's a little upset that he hasn't been as successful lately and just wanted to leave some Fresh Prints......
Will Smith needs to be slapped for the wild wild west song and movie. Pepperjax never fully recovered from that nightmare.
Being a fan of the TV show, I watched the movie and I don’t remember being disappointed. As for the song, I rarely pay much attention to sound tracks other than the ones from AC/DC.
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Will Smith needs to be slapped for the wild wild west song and movie. Pepperjax never fully recovered from that nightmare.

Do not remember the song, but have tried a number of times to watch the movie and have never been able to do it in one sitting. Not sure I've even been able to watch as much as half. Not because of Will Smith, I've enjoyed some of his movies. The movie was just a mess, plus I grew up with Robert Conrad as James West. It would kind of be like Jack Black starring in a remake of "The Rifleman."
Do not remember the song, but have tried a number of times to watch the movie and have never been able to do it in one sitting. Not sure I've even been able to watch as much as half. Not because of Will Smith, I've enjoyed some of his movies. The movie was just a mess, plus I grew up with Robert Conrad as James West. It would kind of be like Jack Black starring in a remake of "The Rifleman."
Can anyone say horrendously despicable human?????

Trump brazenly asks Putin to release dirt about Biden's family

In a new interview published Tuesday, former President Donald Trump called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to release any damaging information he has about the Biden family, in a brazen request for domestic political assistance from America's top adversary.
It's the latest example of Trump's willingness to solicit and embrace domestic political help from foreign powers -- even from Putin, who is currently overseeing a bloody war against Ukraine.
In an interview with JustTheNews, Trump pushed an unproven claim about Hunter Biden's business dealings in Russia, and asked Putin to release any information that he might have about the situation. It's not clear that any material exists, or if the Kremlin has access to it.
"I would think Putin would know the answer to that," Trump said, referring to Hunter Biden's potential dealings in Russia. "I think he should release it. I think we should know that answer."
Can anyone say horrendously despicable human?????

Trump brazenly asks Putin to release dirt about Biden's family

In a new interview published Tuesday, former President Donald Trump called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to release any damaging information he has about the Biden family, in a brazen request for domestic political assistance from America's top adversary.
It's the latest example of Trump's willingness to solicit and embrace domestic political help from foreign powers -- even from Putin, who is currently overseeing a bloody war against Ukraine.
In an interview with JustTheNews, Trump pushed an unproven claim about Hunter Biden's business dealings in Russia, and asked Putin to release any information that he might have about the situation. It's not clear that any material exists, or if the Kremlin has access to it.
"I would think Putin would know the answer to that," Trump said, referring to Hunter Biden's potential dealings in Russia. "I think he should release it. I think we should know that answer."
I know, right? It’s not like he hired an ex British Spy to produce a fictitious “dossier” about a political opponent to try to overturn an election or anything like that 🙄
I know, right? It’s not like he hired an ex British Spy to produce a fictitious “dossier” about a political opponent to try to overturn an election or anything like that 🙄
How absurd - we all know who tried to overturn an election.
Even when you attempt to defend Trump you inadvertently condemn him.
It must be exhausting.
How absurd - we all know who tried to overturn an election.
Even when you attempt to defend Trump you inadvertently condemn him.
It must be exhausting.
Yeah, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton tried to overturn elections. Oh and Stacey Abrams.
How many people did Trump spy on and what servers you his opponents did he hack illegally looking for dirt?
Riddle me this please.
Admit the Truth and you will be free. The establishment could not STAND IT that the American people actually elected Donald Trump as President in 2016 over the entitled Hillary Clinton. And they proceeded to break laws, cheat, spy, and yes CONSPIRE to deprive the American people of their choice. Yes Trump is a jerk; but he was the jerk WE chose and the establishment had no right WHATSOEVER to try and undo that.
Yeah, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton tried to overturn elections. Oh and Stacey Abrams.
How many people did Trump spy on and what servers you his opponents did he hack illegally looking for dirt?
Riddle me this please.
Admit the Truth and you will be free. The establishment could not STAND IT that the American people actually elected Donald Trump as President in 2016 over the entitled Hillary Clinton. And they proceeded to break laws, cheat, spy, and yes CONSPIRE to deprive the American people of their choice. Yes Trump is a jerk; but he was the jerk WE chose and the establishment had no right WHATSOEVER to try and undo that.
I know right! -2.9 million more Americans to be exact.
Yeah, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton tried to overturn elections. Oh and Stacey Abrams.
How many people did Trump spy on and what servers you his opponents did he hack illegally looking for dirt?
Riddle me this please.
Admit the Truth and you will be free. The establishment could not STAND IT that the American people actually elected Donald Trump as President in 2016 over the entitled Hillary Clinton. And they proceeded to break laws, cheat, spy, and yes CONSPIRE to deprive the American people of their choice. Yes Trump is a jerk; but he was the jerk WE chose and the establishment had no right WHATSOEVER to try and undo that.
The American people did not elect Trump. The electoral college elected Trump. The American people elected Clinton.
You can love the electoral system but what comes with that is the loss of the ability to say "the American people".
The establishment not only had the right to do what they did, they had the obligation and the duty.
The American people did not elect Trump. The electoral college elected Trump. The American people elected Clinton.
You can love the electoral system but what comes with that is the loss of the ability to say "the American people".
The establishment not only had the right to do what they did, they had the obligation and the duty.
You are spreading disinformation dude. The American People have ONE prescribed method of selecting a President and it is the same one followed to elect every President since Washington (except Gerald Ford). The American People (or as the Construction says “We the people”) have NEVER had direct democracy. The Electoral College is as much as expression of the American People as the process of electing representatives to pass legislation. Quite trying to destroy our democracy.
And you claim to be a TEACHER????

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