Trump’s destruction of America continues post presidency

This sounds like the definition of treason: it was justifiable to attempt to subvert the constitutionally prescribed method of electing the President?
No. That's what Trump attempted in 2020. That is treasonus.
A legitimate impeachment of Trump was obligation and duty.
And Rome rotted from within with corruption, just as we're doing now. It's hardly a model to follow. Probably not a good idea to model a modern government off of an ancient civilization.
Can you name a modern system of government that ISNT basically a rebranded tweak of something tried by an ancient civilization? There are only so many ways to govern a civilization and they have all been tried and found wanting. The Republic still has the best track record though. And yes, Rome eventually rotted but it gave the Western world an amazingly long period of reasonably stable government. There is a good reason the Founders looked to Rome as they contemplated the Constitution for our then infant nation.
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In fact tho wouldn't candidates just have to focus on say California, New York, and very few other cities. Not even other states.
Not at all. As it is now, candidates ignore every state that's not purple. Repubus. completely ignore states they cannot win and dems do the same. If every vote counted, that wouldn't be the case. A repub would much rather lose CA 10 million to 8 million than 11 million to 7 million. As it is now, they couldn't care. Dems would rather lose OK 3 million to 2.5 million than 4 million to 2 million. As it is now, it doesn't matter how bad they lose.
It also encourages people to vote in the states that are not contested. With the electoral system, if your state is obviously red or blue, it sort of takes away some of the relevance of you voting.
I like democracy. America should get one.
We have a representative democracy. Would you prefer a unitary republic? Standard laws everywhere? Maybe state governors appointed by the President or Politburo?
Do you know why we have our current system and how it protects the smaller states? Would you call it a sham if Clinton won with a minority of the popular vote?
The American people did not elect Trump. The electoral college elected Trump. The American people elected Clinton.
You can love the electoral system but what comes with that is the loss of the ability to say "the American people".
The establishment not only had the right to do what they did, they had the obligation and the duty.

No. That's what Trump attempted in 2020. That is treasonus.
A legitimate impeachment of Trump was obligation and duty.

Wait! What? Your original statement had nothing to do with impeachment. It was strictly about popular vote vs. the Electoral College in 2016. And now you're bringing up impeachment proceedings?

You jump jacks worse than a bad 8-track tape player. It is, to be frank, what I find so dishonest about your arguments.
Wait! What? Your original statement had nothing to do with impeachment. It was strictly about popular vote vs. the Electoral College in 2016. And now you're bringing up impeachment proceedings?

You jump jacks worse than a bad 8-track tape player. It is, to be frank, what I find so dishonest about your arguments.
Someone mentioned something about trying to overturn Trump's election. I assumed that included the impeachments.
Try to keep up.
It protects minority interests against dictates of the majority, which is a very good thing.
We obviously disagree.
The high density areas of low density states still dictate as much as high population states would dictate low population states.
Interesting to think how mob rule would deal with issues like transgenderism, pedophilia, racial concerns...all minorities by representation. Would those be snuffed out or encouraged like they are now?

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